56 lines
1.7 KiB
56 lines
1.7 KiB
{ lib, utils, ... }:
with lib;
with builtins;
with utils;
grid = map stringToCharacters (readLines ./input);
rotMat = [ [ 0 1 ] [ (-1) 0 ] ];
state = let
r = findFirst (pipe' [ (elemAt grid) (elem "^") ]) 0 (listRange grid);
c = let row = elemAt grid r;
in findFirst (pipe' [ (elemAt row) (eq "^") ]) 0 (listRange row);
in rec {
pos = [ r c ];
direction = [ (-1) 0 ];
path = [ pos ];
cyclic = false;
turns = { }; # only turns are relevant to check cycles
constructPath = state: extraObstruction:
isBlocked = pos: (matIndex pos grid) == "#" || pos == extraObstruction;
# batch pathing via "ray cast" to reduce required recursion depth to something the interpretter likes
pathAddition =
raycastUntil (pos: !inRangeMatrix pos grid || isBlocked pos)
state.direction state.pos;
pos = last pathAddition;
turnEntry = "${toString pos} ${toString state.direction}";
in if (inRangeMatrix (vecSum pos state.direction) grid)
&& !state.cyclic then
(constructPath {
direction = matVecMul rotMat state.direction;
inherit pos;
path = state.path ++ pathAddition;
cyclic = state.cyclic
|| (hasAttr turnEntry state.turns); # logarithmic lookup
turns = state.turns // { "${turnEntry}" = null; };
} extraObstruction)
else {
inherit pos;
inherit (state) direction cyclic turns;
path = state.path ++ pathAddition;
uniquePositions = unique (constructPath state null).path;
obstructionCandidates = remove state.pos uniquePositions;
in {
part1 = length uniquePositions;
part2 = count (candidate: (constructPath state candidate).cyclic)