{ pkgs, config, lib, ... }: { networking = { nameservers = lib.mkForce [ "" "::1" ]; # nameservers = lib.mkForce [ "" "[::1]:8053" ]; dhcpcd.extraConfig = "nohook resolv.conf"; # dhcp networkmanager.dns = "none"; # nm resolvconf.useLocalResolver = true; # resoved }; services.tor = { enable = true; client.enable = true; torsocks = { enable = true; allowInbound = false; }; settings.SafeSocks = true; settings.TestSocks = true; }; services.dnscrypt-proxy2 = { enable = true; settings = { ipv6_servers = config.networking.enableIPv6; ipv4_servers = true; require_dnssec = true; dnscrypt_servers = true; doh_servers = true; odoh_servers = false; require_nolog = true; require_nofilter = true; listen_addresses = [ "" "[::1]:53" ]; proxy = "socks5://${config.services.tor.torsocks.server}"; force_tcp = true; sources.public-resolvers = let serverList = pkgs.fetchurl { # fetching during build prevents issues e.g. when the certificate can't be validated if the clock is wrong url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers/master/v3/public-resolvers.md"; hash = "sha256-2Pjs37mMolfWaaTf2c+tTbc1mzjCncK9qLyyZJn0LgA="; }; in { urls = [ "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers/master/v3/public-resolvers.md" "https://download.dnscrypt.info/resolvers-list/v3/public-resolvers.md" ]; cache_file = serverList; minisign_key = "RWQf6LRCGA9i53mlYecO4IzT51TGPpvWucNSCh1CBM0QTaLn73Y7GFO3"; }; # You can choose a specific set of servers from https://github.com/DNSCrypt/dnscrypt-resolvers/blob/master/v3/public-resolvers.md # server_names = [ ... ]; }; }; systemd.services.dnscrypt-proxy2.serviceConfig = { StateDirectory = "dnscrypt-proxy"; }; }