diff --git a/modules/xresources.nix b/modules/xresources.nix
index 86084380..634314f3 100644
--- a/modules/xresources.nix
+++ b/modules/xresources.nix
@@ -28,17 +28,40 @@ in
"Emacs*toolBar" = 0;
description = ''
- X server resources that should be set. If null
- then this feature is disabled and no
+ X server resources that should be set.
+ If this and all other xresources options are
+ null
, then this feature is disabled and no
+ ~/.Xresources link is produced.
+ '';
+ };
+ xresources.extraConfig = mkOption {
+ type = types.lines;
+ default = "";
+ example = literalExample ''
+ builtins.readFile (
+ pkgs.fetchFromGitHub {
+ owner = "solarized";
+ repo = "xresources";
+ rev = "025ceddbddf55f2eb4ab40b05889148aab9699fc";
+ sha256 = "0lxv37gmh38y9d3l8nbnsm1mskcv10g3i83j0kac0a2qmypv1k9f";
+ } + "/Xresources.dark"
+ )
+ '';
+ description = ''
+ Additional X server resources contents.
+ If this and all other xresources options are
+ null
, then this feature is disabled and no
~/.Xresources link is produced.
- config = mkIf (cfg.properties != null) {
+ config = mkIf (cfg.properties != null || cfg.extraConfig != "") {
home.file.".Xresources".text =
- concatStringsSep "\n" (
- mapAttrsToList formatLine cfg.properties
+ concatStringsSep "\n" ([]
+ ++ (optional (cfg.extraConfig != "") cfg.extraConfig)
+ ++ (optionals (cfg.properties != null) (mapAttrsToList formatLine cfg.properties))
) + "\n";