home-manager: add init
command to main tool
The init command is essentially the old install script but integrated into the home-manager tool. This simplifies things slightly since we can use the existing code infrastructure. The init command is Nix flake aware in the sense that, if we detect that the user's Nix setup supports flakes, then we also create an initial `flake.nix` file. Finally, we update the installation instructions for the Nix flakes standalone setup to use the new init command. Zsh completion update provided by Anund <anundm@gmail.com>.
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 460 additions and 205 deletions
@ -17,6 +17,10 @@
<arg choice="plain">
init <arg>--switch</arg> <arg><replaceable>dir</replaceable></arg>
<arg choice="plain">
@ -218,6 +222,35 @@
<option>init</option> [<option>--switch</option>] [<replaceable>dir</replaceable>]
Generates an initial <filename>home.nix</filename> file for the
current user. If Nix flakes are enabled, then this command also
generates a <filename>flake.nix</filename> file.
If a path <replaceable>dir</replaceable> is given then the
configuration will be generated in that directory. Otherwise, the
configuration will be generated in
<filename>~/.config/home-manager</filename>. The output directory will
be created if it does not exist.
If the <option>--switch</option> option is given, then the generated
configuration is activated.
Note, this command will not overwrite any existing files. It is
therefore safe to initialize a configuration, edit it, and then re-run
the <option>init</option> command with <option>--switch</option>
enabled to activate the configuration.
@ -70,6 +70,71 @@ writing a Home Manager configuration.
=== Standalone setup
The installation procedure for the standalone version of Home Manager
is currently different for the unstable and stable branch.
Therefore, if you are tracking the Nixpkgs or NixOS unstable please go to
and if you track Nixpkgs or NixOS version 22.11 please go to
==== Unstable Version
To prepare an initial Home Manager configuration for your logged in user,
you can run the Home Manager `init` command directly from its flake.
For example, to generate and activate a basic configuration run the command
$ nix run home-manager/master -- init --switch
This will generate a `flake.nix` and a `home.nix` file in
`~/.config/home-manager`, creating the directory if it does not exist.
If you omit the `--switch` option then the activation will not happen.
This is useful if you want to inspect and edit the configuration before activating it.
$ nix run home-manager/master -- init
$ # Edit files in ~/.config/home-manager
$ nix run home-manager/master -- init --switch
After the initial activation has completed successfully then building
and activating your flake-based configuration is as simple as
$ home-manager switch
It is possible to override the default configuration directory, if you want.
For example,
$ nix run home-manager/master -- init --switch ~/hmconf
$ # And after the initial activation.
$ home-manager switch --flake ~/hmconf
The flake inputs are not automatically updated by Home Manager.
You need to use the standard `nix flake update` command for that.
If you only want to update a single flake input,
then the command `nix flake lock --update-input <input>` can be used.
You can also pass flake-related options
such as `--recreate-lock-file` or `--update-input <input>`
to `home-manager` when building or switching,
and these options will be forwarded to `nix build`.
See the {nixos-wiki-flakes}[NixOS Wiki page] for details.
==== Version 22.11
1. Set up a flake with a `flake.nix` as follows:
@ -79,9 +144,9 @@ writing a Home Manager configuration.
inputs = {
# Specify the source of Home Manager and Nixpkgs.
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-22.11";
home-manager = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager/release-22.11";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
@ -109,16 +174,10 @@ writing a Home Manager configuration.
* The above example tracks the master branch of Home Manager
and nixos-unstable branch of Nixpkgs.
If you would like to use the `release-22.11` branch,
change the `home-manager` input url to `github:nix-community/home-manager/release-22.11`
and `nixpkgs` url to `github:NixOS/nixpkgs/nixos-22.11`.
* The Home Manager library is exported by the flake under
* The Home Manager library is exported by the flake under `lib.hm`.
* You can use the above `flake.nix` as a template in `~/.config/home-manager` by
$ nix flake new ~/.config/home-manager -t github:nix-community/home-manager
@ -30,6 +30,14 @@ The old location will continue to work but using it will trigger a warning messa
We changed the default configuration location to avoid confusion about
which files belong to Home Manager and which belong to Nixpkgs.
* The `home-manager` tool now offers an `init` command.
This command can be used to generate an initial Home Manager configuration,
and optionally also activate it.
The recommended installation method for a standalone Home Manager setup
with Nix flakes uses this new command.
The standard installation method remains the same but uses the new command internally.
See <<sec-flakes-standalone-unstable>> for more.
=== State Version Changes
@ -45,5 +53,5 @@ These changes are only active if the `home.stateVersion` option is set to "23.05
- <<opt-wayland.windowManager.sway.config.floating.titlebar>>
now default to `true` which is consistent with the default values
for those options used by `i3` and `sway`.
now default to `true` which is consistent with the default values for
those options used by `i3` and `sway`.
@ -276,19 +276,26 @@ _home-manager_xdg-get-cache-home () {
_hm_subcommands=( "help" "edit" "option" "build" "init" "instantiate" "switch" "generations" "remove-generations" "expire-generations" "packages" "news" "uninstall" )
declare -ra _hm_subcommands
# Finds the active sub-command, if any.
_home-manager_subcommand() {
local subcommand='' i=
for ((i = 1; i < ${#COMP_WORDS[@]}; i++)); do
local word="${COMP_WORDS[i]}"
if [[ " ${_hm_subcommands[*]} " == *" ${word} "* ]]; then
echo "$subcommand"
# shellcheck disable=SC2207
_home-manager_completions ()
local Subcommands
Subcommands=( "help" "edit" "option" "build" "instantiate" "switch" "generations" "remove-generations" "expire-generations" "packages" "news" "uninstall" )
# ^ « home-manager »'s subcommands.
local Options
Options=( "-f" "--file" "-b" "-A" "-I" "-h" "--help" "-n" "--dry-run" "-v" \
"--verbose" "--cores" "--debug" "--impure" "--keep-failed" \
@ -322,39 +329,53 @@ _home-manager_completions ()
# PreviousWord="-f"
# CurrentWord="./"
local CurrentCommand
case "$PreviousWord" in
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -A file -- "$CurrentWord") )
case "$CurrentCommand" in
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "--switch" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -A directory -- "$CurrentWord") )
# shellcheck disable=SC2119
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$(_home-manager_list-nix-attributes)" -- "$CurrentWord") )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$(_home-manager_list-generation-identifiers)" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
case "$PreviousWord" in
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "${Subcommands[*]}" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "${Options[*]}" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -A file -- "$CurrentWord") )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -A directory -- "$CurrentWord") )
# shellcheck disable=SC2119
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "$(_home-manager_list-nix-attributes)" -- "$CurrentWord") )
if [[ ! $CurrentCommand ]]; then
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "${_hm_subcommands[*]}" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
COMPREPLY+=( $( compgen -W "${Options[*]}" -- "$CurrentWord" ) )
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ case "$state" in
'edit[edit]' \
'option[inspect option]' \
'build[build]' \
'init[init]' \
'switch[switch]' \
'generations[list generations]' \
'remove-generations[remove generations]' \
@ -69,6 +70,11 @@ case "$state" in
'--experimental-features[set experimental Nix features]:VALUE:()' \
'--extra-experimental-features:[append to experimental Nix features]:VALUE:()'
_arguments \
'--switch[switch]' \
':PATH:_files -/'
@ -50,6 +50,15 @@ function setWorkDir() {
# Checks whether the 'flakes' and 'nix-command' Nix options are enabled.
function hasFlakeSupport() {
type -p nix > /dev/null \
&& nix show-config \
| grep experimental-features \
| grep flakes \
| grep -q nix-command
# Attempts to set the HOME_MANAGER_CONFIG global variable.
# If no configuration file can be found then this function will print
@ -207,6 +216,174 @@ function doInspectOption() {
function doInit() {
# The directory where we should place the initial configuration.
local confDir
# Whether we should immediate activate the configuration.
local switch
# Whether we should create a flake file.
local withFlake
if hasFlakeSupport; then
while (( $# > 0 )); do
local opt="$1"
case $opt in
unset withFlake
_iError "%s: unknown option '%s'" "$0" "$opt" >&2
exit 1
if [[ -v confDir ]]; then
_i "Run '%s --help' for usage help" "$0" >&2
exit 1
if [[ ! -v confDir ]]; then
if [[ ! -e $confDir ]]; then
mkdir -p "$confDir"
if [[ ! -d $confDir ]]; then
_iError "%s: unknown option '%s'" "$0" "$opt" >&2
exit 1
local confFile="$confDir/home.nix"
local flakeFile="$confDir/flake.nix"
if [[ -e $confFile ]]; then
_i 'The file %s already exists, leaving it unchanged...' "$confFile"
_i 'Creating %s...' "$confFile"
local nl=$'\n'
local xdgVars=""
if [[ -v XDG_CACHE_HOME && $XDG_CACHE_HOME != "$HOME/.cache" ]]; then
xdgVars="$xdgVars xdg.cacheHome = \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME\";$nl"
if [[ -v XDG_CONFIG_HOME && $XDG_CONFIG_HOME != "$HOME/.config" ]]; then
xdgVars="$xdgVars xdg.configHome = \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\";$nl"
if [[ -v XDG_DATA_HOME && $XDG_DATA_HOME != "$HOME/.local/share" ]]; then
xdgVars="$xdgVars xdg.dataHome = \"$XDG_DATA_HOME\";$nl"
if [[ -v XDG_STATE_HOME && $XDG_STATE_HOME != "$HOME/.local/state" ]]; then
xdgVars="$xdgVars xdg.stateHome = \"$XDG_STATE_HOME\";$nl"
mkdir -p "$confDir"
cat > "$confFile" <<EOF
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
# Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the
# paths it should manage.
home.username = "$USER";
home.homeDirectory = "$HOME";
# This value determines the Home Manager release that your
# configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage
# when a new Home Manager release introduces backwards
# incompatible changes.
# You can update Home Manager without changing this value. See
# the Home Manager release notes for a list of state version
# changes in each release.
home.stateVersion = "22.11";
# Let Home Manager install and manage itself.
programs.home-manager.enable = true;
if [[ ! -v withFlake ]]; then
if [[ -e $flakeFile ]]; then
_i 'The file %s already exists, leaving it unchanged...' "$flakeFile"
_i 'Creating %s...' "$flakeFile"
local nixSystem
nixSystem=$(nix eval --expr builtins.currentSystem --raw --impure)
mkdir -p "$confDir"
cat > "$flakeFile" <<EOF
description = "Home Manager configuration of $USER";
inputs = {
# Specify the source of Home Manager and Nixpkgs.
nixpkgs.url = "github:nixos/nixpkgs/nixos-unstable";
home-manager = {
url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";
inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs";
outputs = { nixpkgs, home-manager, ... }:
system = "$nixSystem";
pkgs = nixpkgs.legacyPackages.\${system};
in {
homeConfigurations.$USER = home-manager.lib.homeManagerConfiguration {
inherit pkgs;
# Specify your home configuration modules here, for example,
# the path to your home.nix.
modules = [ ./home.nix ];
# Optionally use extraSpecialArgs
# to pass through arguments to home.nix
if [[ -v switch ]]; then
_i "Creating initial Home Manager generation..."
if doSwitch; then
# translators: The "%s" specifier will be replaced by a file path.
_i $'All done! The home-manager tool should now be installed and you can edit\n\n %s\n\nto configure Home Manager. Run \'man home-configuration.nix\' to\nsee all available options.' \
exit 0
# translators: The "%s" specifier will be replaced by a URL.
_i $'Uh oh, the installation failed! Please create an issue at\n\n %s\n\nif the error seems to be the fault of Home Manager.' \
exit 1
function doInstantiate() {
if [[ -v FLAKE_CONFIG_URI ]]; then
@ -569,6 +746,7 @@ function doHelp() {
echo " expression in the configuration file."
echo " -I PATH Add a path to the Nix expression search path."
echo " --flake flake-uri Use Home Manager configuration at flake-uri"
echo " Default is '~/.config/home-manager'."
echo " -b EXT Move existing files to new path rather than fail."
echo " -v Verbose output"
echo " -n Do a dry run, only prints what actions would be taken"
@ -604,6 +782,13 @@ function doHelp() {
echo " build Build configuration into result directory"
echo " init [--switch] [DIR]"
echo " Initializes a configuration in the given directory. If the directory"
echo " does not exist, then it will be created. The default directory is"
echo " '~/.config/home-manager'."
echo " --switch Immediately activate the generated configuration."
echo " instantiate Instantiate the configuration and print the resulting derivation"
echo " switch Build and activate configuration"
@ -640,7 +825,7 @@ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case $opt in
@ -716,7 +901,7 @@ while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
case $COMMAND in
@ -741,6 +926,9 @@ case $COMMAND in
doInit "${COMMAND_ARGS[@]}"
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{ home-manager, gettext, runCommand, ncurses }:
{ home-manager, runCommand }:
@ -9,75 +9,10 @@ let
in runCommand "home-manager-install" {
propagatedBuildInputs = [ home-manager gettext ncurses ];
propagatedBuildInputs = [ home-manager ];
preferLocalBuild = true;
shellHookOnly = true;
shellHook = ''
if [[ ! -e $confFile ]]; then
_i "Creating initial Home Manager configuration..."
if [[ -v XDG_CACHE_HOME && $XDG_CACHE_HOME != "$HOME/.cache" ]]; then
xdgVars="$xdgVars xdg.cacheHome = \"$XDG_CACHE_HOME\";$nl"
if [[ -v XDG_CONFIG_HOME && $XDG_CONFIG_HOME != "$HOME/.config" ]]; then
xdgVars="$xdgVars xdg.configHome = \"$XDG_CONFIG_HOME\";$nl"
if [[ -v XDG_DATA_HOME && $XDG_DATA_HOME != "$HOME/.local/share" ]]; then
xdgVars="$xdgVars xdg.dataHome = \"$XDG_DATA_HOME\";$nl"
if [[ -v XDG_STATE_HOME && $XDG_STATE_HOME != "$HOME/.local/state" ]]; then
xdgVars="$xdgVars xdg.stateHome = \"$XDG_STATE_HOME\";$nl"
mkdir -p "$(dirname "$confFile")"
cat > $confFile <<EOF
{ config, pkgs, ... }:
# Home Manager needs a bit of information about you and the
# paths it should manage.
home.username = "$USER";
home.homeDirectory = "$HOME";
# This value determines the Home Manager release that your
# configuration is compatible with. This helps avoid breakage
# when a new Home Manager release introduces backwards
# incompatible changes.
# You can update Home Manager without changing this value. See
# the Home Manager release notes for a list of state version
# changes in each release.
home.stateVersion = "22.11";
# Let Home Manager install and manage itself.
programs.home-manager.enable = true;
_i "Creating initial Home Manager generation..."
if home-manager switch ; then
# translators: The "%s" specifier will be replaced by a file path.
_i $'All done! The home-manager tool should now be installed and you can edit\n\n %s\n\nto configure Home Manager. Run \'man home-configuration.nix\' to\nsee all available options.' \
exit 0
# translators: The "%s" specifier will be replaced by a URL.
_i $'Uh oh, the installation failed! Please create an issue at\n\n %s\n\nif the error seems to be the fault of Home Manager.' \
exit 1
shellHook = "exec ${home-manager}/bin/home-manager init --switch --no-flake";
} ''
_iError 'This derivation is not buildable, please run it using nix-shell.'
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Home Manager\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/issues\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-14 23:10+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-15 20:11+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
@ -18,128 +18,50 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=INTEGER; plural=EXPRESSION;\n"
#: home-manager/home-manager:62
#: home-manager/home-manager:71
msgid "No configuration file found at %s"
msgstr ""
#. translators: The first '%s' specifier will be replaced by either
#. 'home.nix' or 'flake.nix'.
#: home-manager/home-manager:79 home-manager/home-manager:83
#: home-manager/home-manager:138
#: home-manager/home-manager:88 home-manager/home-manager:92
#: home-manager/home-manager:147
msgid ""
"Keeping your Home Manager %s in %s is deprecated,\n"
"please move it to %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:90
#: home-manager/home-manager:99
msgid "No configuration file found. Please create one at %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:174
#: home-manager/home-manager:183
msgid "Can't inspect options of a flake configuration"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:213
msgid "Can't instantiate a flake configuration"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:286
msgid ""
"There is %d unread and relevant news item.\n"
"Read it by running the command \"%s news\"."
msgid_plural ""
"There are %d unread and relevant news items.\n"
"Read them by running the command \"%s news\"."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:300
msgid "Unknown \"news.display\" setting \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:307
#, sh-format
msgid "Please set the $EDITOR environment variable"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:322
msgid "Cannot run build in read-only directory"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:406
msgid "No generation with ID %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:408
msgid "Cannot remove the current generation %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:410
msgid "Removing generation %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:429
msgid "No generations to expire"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:440
msgid "No home-manager packages seem to be installed."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:497
msgid "Unknown argument %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:513
msgid "This will remove Home Manager from your system."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:516
msgid "This is a dry run, nothing will actually be uninstalled."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:520
msgid "Really uninstall Home Manager?"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:526
msgid "Switching to empty Home Manager configuration..."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:553
msgid "Yay!"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:558
msgid "Home Manager is uninstalled but your home.nix is left untouched."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:723
#: home-manager/home-manager:245 home-manager/home-manager:268
#: home-manager/home-manager:907
msgid "%s: unknown option '%s'"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:724
#: home-manager/home-manager:250 home-manager/home-manager:908
msgid "Run '%s --help' for usage help"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:758
msgid "expire-generations expects one argument, got %d."
#: home-manager/home-manager:276 home-manager/home-manager:326
msgid "The file %s already exists, leaving it unchanged..."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:780
msgid "Unknown command: %s"
#: home-manager/home-manager:278 home-manager/home-manager:328
msgid "Creating %s..."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/install.nix:22
msgid "Creating initial Home Manager configuration..."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/install.nix:66
#: home-manager/home-manager:370
msgid "Creating initial Home Manager generation..."
msgstr ""
#. translators: The "%s" specifier will be replaced by a file path.
#: home-manager/install.nix:71
#: home-manager/home-manager:375
msgid ""
"All done! The home-manager tool should now be installed and you can edit\n"
@ -150,7 +72,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
#. translators: The "%s" specifier will be replaced by a URL.
#: home-manager/install.nix:76
#: home-manager/home-manager:380
msgid ""
"Uh oh, the installation failed! Please create an issue at\n"
@ -159,6 +81,89 @@ msgid ""
"if the error seems to be the fault of Home Manager."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/install.nix:83
#: home-manager/home-manager:390
msgid "Can't instantiate a flake configuration"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:463
msgid ""
"There is %d unread and relevant news item.\n"
"Read it by running the command \"%s news\"."
msgid_plural ""
"There are %d unread and relevant news items.\n"
"Read them by running the command \"%s news\"."
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:477
msgid "Unknown \"news.display\" setting \"%s\"."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:484
#, sh-format
msgid "Please set the $EDITOR environment variable"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:499
msgid "Cannot run build in read-only directory"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:583
msgid "No generation with ID %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:585
msgid "Cannot remove the current generation %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:587
msgid "Removing generation %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:606
msgid "No generations to expire"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:617
msgid "No home-manager packages seem to be installed."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:674
msgid "Unknown argument %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:690
msgid "This will remove Home Manager from your system."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:693
msgid "This is a dry run, nothing will actually be uninstalled."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:697
msgid "Really uninstall Home Manager?"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:703
msgid "Switching to empty Home Manager configuration..."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:730
msgid "Yay!"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:735
msgid "Home Manager is uninstalled but your home.nix is left untouched."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:945
msgid "expire-generations expects one argument, got %d."
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/home-manager:967
msgid "Unknown command: %s"
msgstr ""
#: home-manager/install.nix:18
msgid "This derivation is not buildable, please run it using nix-shell."
msgstr ""
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Home Manager Modules\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/issues\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-14 23:10+0100\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2023-03-15 20:11+0100\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
"Last-Translator: FULL NAME <EMAIL@ADDRESS>\n"
"Language-Team: LANGUAGE <LL@li.org>\n"
Add table
Reference in a new issue