Home Manager using Nix ====================== This project provides a basic system for managing a user environment using the [Nix][] package manager together with the Nix libraries found in [Nixpkgs][]. Before attempting to use Home Manager please read the warning below. Words of warning ---------------- This project is in early development! I personally use it to manage several user configurations but it may fail catastrophically for you. So beware! To configure programs and services the Home Manager must write various things to your home directory and possibly overwrite files you have previously created. For example, if you use Home Manager to install and configure Git then your `~/.gitconfig` will be replaced by a link to a configuration generated by Home Manager: ``` $ ls -gG ~/.gitconfig lrwxrwxrwx 1 73 Jan 8 21:59 /home/rycee/.gitconfig -> /nix/store/pk7g12816avnxyhnkbdhqhnlzrw7fsga-home-manager-files/.gitconfig ``` So, if you already have a wonderful, painstakingly created `~/.gitconfig` it will be gone. Home Manager will _not_ attempt to backup the previous `~/.gitconfig` file. Further, Home Manager has only ever been used on [NixOS][] version 16.09 (the stable version), it may or may not work on other Linux distributions and NixOS versions. Finally, the `home-manager` tool does not support rollbacks at the moment so if your home directory gets messed up you'll have to fix it yourself. Now when your expectations have been built up and you are eager to try all this out you can go ahead and read the rest of this text. Installation ------------ Currently the easiest way to install Home Manager is as follows: 1. Make sure you have a working Nix installation. 2. Clone the Home Manager repository into the `~/.nixpkgs` directory: ``` $ git clone https://github.com/rycee/home-manager ~/.nixpkgs/home-manager ``` 3. Add Home Manager to your user's Nixpkgs, for example by adding it to the `packageOverrides` section in your `~/.nixpkgs/config.nix` file: ```nix { packageOverrides = pkgs: rec { home-manager = import ./home-manager { inherit pkgs; }; }; } ``` 4. Install the `home-manager` package: ``` $ nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -iA home-manager installing ‘home-manager’ ``` Usage ----- The `home-manager` package installs a tool that is conveniently called `home-manager`. This tool can apply configurations to your home directory, list user packages installed by the tool, and list the configuration generations. As an example, let us set up a very simple configuration that installs the htop and fortune packages, installs Emacs with a few extra packages enabled, installs Firefox with Adobe Flash enabled, and enables the user gpg-agent service. First create a file `~/.nixpkgs/home.nix` containing ```nix { pkgs }: { home.packages = [ pkgs.htop pkgs.fortune ]; programs.emacs = { enable = true; extraPackages = epkgs: [ epkgs.nix-mode epkgs.magit ]; }; programs.firefox = { enable = true; enableAdobeFlash = true; }; services.gpg-agent = { enable = true; defaultCacheTtl = 1800; enableSshSupport = true; }; } ``` To activate this configuration you can then run ``` $ home-manager switch ``` or if you are not feeling so lucky, ``` $ home-manager build ``` which will create a `result` link to a directory containing an activation script and the generated home directory files. [Nix]: https://nixos.org/nix/ [NixOS]: https://nixos.org/ [Nixpkgs]: https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/