{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.programs.vim; defaultPlugins = [ pkgs.vimPlugins.vim-sensible ]; knownSettings = { background = types.enum [ "dark" "light" ]; backupdir = types.listOf types.str; copyindent = types.bool; directory = types.listOf types.str; expandtab = types.bool; hidden = types.bool; history = types.int; ignorecase = types.bool; modeline = types.bool; mouse = types.enum [ "n" "v" "i" "c" "h" "a" "r" ]; mousefocus = types.bool; mousehide = types.bool; mousemodel = types.enum [ "extend" "popup" "popup_setpos" ]; number = types.bool; relativenumber = types.bool; shiftwidth = types.int; smartcase = types.bool; tabstop = types.int; undodir = types.listOf types.str; undofile = types.bool; }; vimSettingsType = types.submodule { options = let opt = name: type: mkOption { type = types.nullOr type; default = null; visible = false; }; in mapAttrs opt knownSettings; }; setExpr = name: value: let v = if isBool value then (if value then "" else "no") + name else "${name}=${ if isList value then concatStringsSep "," value else toString value }"; in optionalString (value != null) ("set " + v); plugins = let vpkgs = pkgs.vimPlugins; getPkg = p: if isDerivation p then [ p ] else optional (isString p && hasAttr p vpkgs) vpkgs.${p}; in concatMap getPkg cfg.plugins; in { options = { programs.vim = { enable = mkEnableOption "Vim"; plugins = mkOption { type = with types; listOf (either str package); default = defaultPlugins; example = literalExpression "[ pkgs.vimPlugins.YankRing ]"; description = '' List of vim plugins to install. To get a list of supported plugins run: <command>nix-env -f '<nixpkgs>' -qaP -A vimPlugins</command>. </para><para> Note: String values are deprecated, please use actual packages. ''; }; settings = mkOption { type = vimSettingsType; default = { }; example = literalExpression '' { expandtab = true; history = 1000; background = "dark"; } ''; description = '' At attribute set of Vim settings. The attribute names and corresponding values must be among the following supported options. <informaltable frame="none"><tgroup cols="1"><tbody> ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (n: v: '' <row> <entry><varname>${n}</varname></entry> <entry>${v.description}</entry> </row> '') knownSettings)} </tbody></tgroup></informaltable> See the Vim documentation for detailed descriptions of these options. Note, use <varname>extraConfig</varname> to manually set any options not listed above. ''; }; extraConfig = mkOption { type = types.lines; default = ""; example = '' set nocompatible set nobackup ''; description = "Custom .vimrc lines"; }; package = mkOption { type = types.package; description = "Resulting customized vim package"; readOnly = true; }; packageConfigurable = mkOption { type = types.package; description = "Configurable vim package"; default = pkgs.vim_configurable; defaultText = "pkgs.vim_configurable"; }; }; }; config = (let customRC = '' ${concatStringsSep "\n" (remove "" (mapAttrsToList setExpr (builtins.intersectAttrs knownSettings cfg.settings)))} ${cfg.extraConfig} ''; vim = cfg.packageConfigurable.customize { name = "vim"; vimrcConfig = { inherit customRC; packages.home-manager.start = plugins; }; }; in mkIf cfg.enable { assertions = let packagesNotFound = filter (p: isString p && (!hasAttr p pkgs.vimPlugins)) cfg.plugins; in [{ assertion = packagesNotFound == [ ]; message = "Following VIM plugin not found in pkgs.vimPlugins: ${ concatMapStringsSep ", " (p: ''"${p}"'') packagesNotFound }"; }]; warnings = let stringPlugins = filter isString cfg.plugins; in optional (stringPlugins != [ ]) '' Specifying VIM plugins using strings is deprecated, found ${ concatMapStringsSep ", " (p: ''"${p}"'') stringPlugins } as strings. ''; home.packages = [ cfg.package ]; programs.vim = { package = vim; plugins = defaultPlugins; }; }); }