{ pkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {} }:


  lib = import ../modules/lib/stdlib-extended.nix pkgs.lib;

  nmt = pkgs.fetchFromGitLab {
    owner = "rycee";
    repo = "nmt";
    rev = "8e130d655ec396ce165763c95bbf4ac429810ca8";
    sha256 = "1jbljr06kg1ycdn24hj8xap16axq11rhb6hm4949fz48n57pwwps";

  modules = import ../modules/modules.nix {
    inherit lib pkgs;
    check = false;
  } ++ [
      # Fix impurities. Without these some of the user's environment
      # will leak into the tests through `builtins.getEnv`.
      xdg.enable = true;
      home.username = "hm-user";
      home.homeDirectory = "/home/hm-user";

      # Avoid including documentation since this will cause
      # unnecessary rebuilds of the tests.
      manual.manpages.enable = false;


import nmt {
  inherit lib pkgs modules;
  testedAttrPath = [ "home" "activationPackage" ];
  tests = builtins.foldl' (a: b: a // (import b)) { } ([
  ] ++ lib.optionals pkgs.stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux [
    ./meta # Suffices to run on one platform.