{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

with lib;


  cfg = config.home;

  dag = config.lib.dag;

  languageSubModule = types.submodule {
    options = {
      base = mkOption {
        default = null;
        type = types.nullOr types.str;
        description = ''
          The language to use unless overridden by a more specific option.

      address = mkOption {
        default = null;
        type = types.nullOr types.str;
        description = ''
          The language to use for addresses.

      monetary = mkOption {
        default = null;
        type = types.nullOr types.str;
        description = ''
          The language to use for formatting currencies and money amounts.

      paper = mkOption {
        default = null;
        type = types.nullOr types.str;
        description = ''
          The language to use for paper sizes.

      time = mkOption {
        default = null;
        type = types.nullOr types.str;
        description = ''
          The language to use for formatting times.

  keyboardSubModule = types.submodule {
    options = {
      layout = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        default = "us";
        description = ''
          Keyboard layout.

      model = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        default = "pc104";
        example = "presario";
        description = ''
          Keyboard model.

      options = mkOption {
        type = types.listOf types.str;
        default = [];
        example = ["grp:caps_toggle" "grp_led:scroll"];
        description = ''
          X keyboard options; layout switching goes here.

      variant = mkOption {
        type = types.str;
        default = "";
        example = "colemak";
        description = ''
          X keyboard variant.


  meta.maintainers = [ maintainers.rycee ];

  imports = [
    (mkRemovedOptionModule [ "home" "sessionVariableSetter" ] ''
      Session variables are now always set through the shell. This is
      done automatically if the shell configuration is managed by Home
      Manager. If not, then you must source the


      file yourself.

  options = {
    home.username = mkOption {
      type = types.str;
      defaultText = "$USER";
      description = "The user's username.";

    home.homeDirectory = mkOption {
      type = types.path;
      defaultText = "$HOME";
      description = "The user's home directory.";

    home.profileDirectory = mkOption {
      type = types.path;
      defaultText = "~/.nix-profile";
      internal = true;
      readOnly = true;
      description = ''
        The profile directory where Home Manager generations are

    home.language = mkOption {
      type = languageSubModule;
      default = {};
      description = "Language configuration.";

    home.keyboard = mkOption {
      type = keyboardSubModule;
      default = {};
      description = "Keyboard configuration.";

    home.sessionVariables = mkOption {
      default = {};
      type = types.attrs;
      example = { EDITOR = "emacs"; GS_OPTIONS = "-sPAPERSIZE=a4"; };
      description = ''
        Environment variables to always set at login.
        The values may refer to other environment variables using
        POSIX.2 style variable references. For example, a variable
        <varname>parameter</varname> may be referenced as
        <code>$parameter</code> or <code>''${parameter}</code>. A
        default value <literal>foo</literal> may be given as per
        <code>''${parameter:-foo}</code> and, similarly, an alternate
        value <literal>bar</literal> can be given as per
        Note, these variables may be set in any order so no session
        variable may have a runtime dependency on another session
        variable. In particular code like
        <programlisting language="nix">
          home.sessionVariables = {
            FOO = "Hello";
            BAR = "$FOO World!";
        may not work as expected. If you need to reference another
        session variable, then do so inside Nix instead. The above
        example then becomes
        <programlisting language="nix">
          home.sessionVariables = {
            FOO = "Hello";
            BAR = "''${config.home.sessionVariables.FOO} World!";

    home.packages = mkOption {
      type = types.listOf types.package;
      default = [];
      description = "The set of packages to appear in the user environment.";

    home.extraOutputsToInstall = mkOption {
      type = types.listOf types.str;
      default = [];
      example = [ "doc" "info" "devdoc" ];
      description = ''
        List of additional package outputs of the packages
        <varname>home.packages</varname> that should be installed into
        the user environment.

    home.path = mkOption {
      internal = true;
      description = "The derivation installing the user packages.";

    home.emptyActivationPath = mkOption {
      internal = true;
      default = false;
      type = types.bool;
      description = ''
        Whether the activation script should start with an empty
        <envvar>PATH</envvar> variable. When <literal>false</literal>
        then the user's <envvar>PATH</envvar> will be used.

    home.activation = mkOption {
      internal = true;
      default = {};
      type = types.attrs;
      description = ''
        Activation scripts for the home environment.
        Any script should respect the <varname>DRY_RUN</varname>
        variable, if it is set then no actual action should be taken.
        The variable <varname>DRY_RUN_CMD</varname> is set to
        <code>echo</code> if dry run is enabled. Thus, many cases you
        can use the idiom <code>$DRY_RUN_CMD rm -rf /</code>.

    home.activationPackage = mkOption {
      internal = true;
      type = types.package;
      description = "The package containing the complete activation script.";

    home.extraBuilderCommands = mkOption {
      type = types.lines;
      default = "";
      internal = true;
      description = ''
        Extra commands to run in the Home Manager generation builder.

    home.extraProfileCommands = mkOption {
      type = types.lines;
      default = "";
      internal = true;
      description = ''
        Extra commands to run in the Home Manager profile builder.

  config = {
    assertions = [
        assertion = config.home.username != "";
        message = "Username could not be determined";
        assertion = config.home.homeDirectory != "";
        message = "Home directory could not be determined";

    home.username = mkDefault (builtins.getEnv "USER");
    home.homeDirectory = mkDefault (builtins.getEnv "HOME");

    home.profileDirectory =
      if config.submoduleSupport.enable
        && config.submoduleSupport.externalPackageInstall
      then config.home.path
      else cfg.homeDirectory + "/.nix-profile";

    home.sessionVariables =
        maybeSet = n: v: optionalAttrs (v != null) { ${n} = v; };
        (maybeSet "LANG" cfg.language.base)
        (maybeSet "LC_ADDRESS" cfg.language.address)
        (maybeSet "LC_MONETARY" cfg.language.monetary)
        (maybeSet "LC_PAPER" cfg.language.paper)
        (maybeSet "LC_TIME" cfg.language.time);

    home.packages = [
      # Provide a file holding all session variables.
        pkgs.writeTextFile {
          name = "hm-session-vars.sh";
          destination = "/etc/profile.d/hm-session-vars.sh";
          text = ''
            # Only source this once.
            if [ -n "$__HM_SESS_VARS_SOURCED" ]; then return; fi
            export __HM_SESS_VARS_SOURCED=1

            ${config.lib.shell.exportAll cfg.sessionVariables}

    # A dummy entry acting as a boundary between the activation
    # script's "check" and the "write" phases.
    home.activation.writeBoundary = dag.entryAnywhere "";

    # Install packages to the user environment.
    # Note, sometimes our target may not allow modification of the Nix
    # store and then we cannot rely on `nix-env -i`. This is the case,
    # for example, if we are running as a NixOS module and building a
    # virtual machine. Then we must instead rely on an external
    # mechanism for installing packages, which in NixOS is provided by
    # the `users.users.<name?>.packages` option. The activation
    # command is still needed since some modules need to run their
    # activation commands after the packages are guaranteed to be
    # installed.
    # In case the user has moved from a user-install of Home Manager
    # to a submodule managed one we attempt to uninstall the
    # `home-manager-path` package if it is installed.
    home.activation.installPackages = dag.entryAfter ["writeBoundary"] (
      if config.submoduleSupport.externalPackageInstall
          if nix-env -q | grep '^home-manager-path$'; then
            $DRY_RUN_CMD nix-env -e home-manager-path
          $DRY_RUN_CMD nix-env -i ${cfg.path}

    home.activationPackage =
        mkCmd = res: ''
            noteEcho Activating ${res.name}
        sortedCommands = dag.topoSort cfg.activation;
        activationCmds =
          if sortedCommands ? result then
            concatStringsSep "\n" (map mkCmd sortedCommands.result)
            abort ("Dependency cycle in activation script: "
              + builtins.toJSON sortedCommands);

        # Programs that always should be available on the activation
        # script's PATH.
        activationBinPaths = lib.makeBinPath [
          pkgs.diffutils        # For `cmp` and `diff`.
          pkgs.ncurses          # For `tput`.
        + optionalString (!cfg.emptyActivationPath) "\${PATH:+:}$PATH";

        activationScript = pkgs.writeScript "activation-script" ''

          set -eu
          set -o pipefail

          cd $HOME

          export PATH="${activationBinPaths}"

          . ${./lib-bash/color-echo.sh}

          ${builtins.readFile ./lib-bash/activation-init.sh}

            preferLocalBuild = true;
            allowSubstitutes = false;
            mkdir -p $out

            cp ${activationScript} $out/activate

            substituteInPlace $out/activate \
              --subst-var-by GENERATION_DIR $out

            ln -s ${config.home-files} $out/home-files
            ln -s ${cfg.path} $out/home-path


    home.path = pkgs.buildEnv {
      name = "home-manager-path";

      paths = cfg.packages;
      inherit (cfg) extraOutputsToInstall;

      postBuild = cfg.extraProfileCommands;

      meta = {
        description = "Environment of packages installed through home-manager";