{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:

with lib;


  # Samples taken from the ne manual.
  keybindings = ''
    SEQ  "\x1b[1;5D"  14A
    KEY  14A          HELP

  menus = ''
    MENU "File"
    ITEM "Open...     ^O" Open
    ITEM "Close         " Close
    ITEM "DoIt          " Macro DoIt

  virtualExtensions = ''
    sh   1  ^#!\s*/.*\b(bash|sh|ksh|zsh)\s*
    csh  1  ^#!\s*/.*\b(csh|tcsh)\s*
    pl   1  ^#!\s*/.*\bperl\b
    py   1  ^#!\s*/.*\bpython[0-9]*\s*
    rb   1  ^#!\s*/.*\bruby\s*
    xml  1  ^<\?xml

  automaticPreferences = {
    nix = ''
      TAB 0
      TS 2
    js = ''
      TS 4

  checkFile = filename: contents: ''
    assertFileExists home-files/.ne/${filename}
    assertFileContent home-files/.ne/${filename} ${
      builtins.toFile "checkFile" contents

in {
  config = {
    programs.ne = {
      enable = true;
      inherit keybindings;
      inherit menus;
      inherit virtualExtensions;
      inherit automaticPreferences;

    nixpkgs.overlays =
      [ (self: super: { ne = pkgs.writeScriptBin "dummy-ne" ""; }) ];

    nmt = {
      description = "Check that configuration files are correctly written";
      script = concatStringsSep "\n" [
        (checkFile ".keys" keybindings)
        (checkFile ".extensions" virtualExtensions)
        (checkFile ".menus" menus)

        # Generates a check command for each entry in automaticPreferences.
        (concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList
          (extension: contents: checkFile "${extension}#ap" contents)