Matthieu Coudron 2a4ab0d891
programs.neovim: fix tests + swap extraConfig and pluginconfig (#2053)
makes more sense to have extraConfig afterwards in case use want to override config
2021-05-31 19:32:21 +02:00

13 lines
378 B

" configuration generated by NIX
set nocompatible
set packpath^=/nix/store/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-vim-pack-dir
set runtimepath^=/nix/store/eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-vim-pack-dir
" vim-commentary {{{
" This should be present too
autocmd FileType c setlocal commentstring=//\ %s
autocmd FileType c setlocal comments=://
" }}}
" This should be present in vimrc