* Add flake.lock and clean up flake.nix Add a lockfile to work around https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/6541 (and because it's a good idea anyway). Also use flake-utils, and restrict ourselves to the five platforms supported by nixpkgs. Otherwise, the IFD for nmd fails on weird platforms. This fixes `nix flake check`. Remove the redundant `apps` output, see https://github.com/nix-community/home-manager/pull/2442#issuecomment-1133670487 * nixos,nix-darwin: factor out into a common module * nixos,nix-darwin: make `home-managers.users` shallowly visible Make sure the option is included in the NixOS/nix-darwin manual (but the HM submodule options aren't). Also add a static description to the HM submodule type so that we don't need to evaluate the submodules just to build the option manual. This makes nixos-search able to index the home-manager flake. Also clean up some TODOs. * flake: add nmd and nmt This avoids having to use `pkgs.fetchFromGitLab` in an IFD, which causes issues when indexing packages with nixos-search because `pkgs` is instantiated with every platform.
94 lines
2.3 KiB
94 lines
2.3 KiB
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