Wael M. Nasreddine 2093cf425f
tmux: general improvements and added options
See  for discussion.
2019-02-13 22:14:30 +01:00

52 lines
1.1 KiB

# ============================================= #
# Start with defaults from the Sensible plugin #
# --------------------------------------------- #
run-shell @tmuxplugin_sensible_rtp@
# ============================================= #
set -g default-terminal "screen"
set -g base-index 0
setw -g pane-base-index 0
bind v split-window -h
bind s split-window -v
set -g status-keys emacs
set -g mode-keys emacs
setw -g aggressive-resize on
setw -g clock-mode-style 24
set -s escape-time 500
set -g history-limit 2000
# ============================================= #
# Load plugins with Home Manager #
# --------------------------------------------- #
# tmuxplugin-logging
# ---------------------
run-shell @tmuxplugin_logging@/share/tmux-plugins/logging/logging.tmux
# tmuxplugin-prefix-highlight
# ---------------------
run-shell @tmuxplugin_prefix_highlight@/share/tmux-plugins/prefix-highlight/prefix_highlight.tmux
# tmuxplugin-fzf-tmux-url
# ---------------------
run-shell @tmuxplugin_fzf_tmux_url@/share/tmux-plugins/fzf-tmux-url/fzf-url.tmux
# ============================================= #