# Ranger udisk menu This script draws menu to mount and unmount partitions using udisksctl and ncurses ![Screenshot](screenshot.png) # Requirements - python3 - udisks2 (for udisksctl) - lsblk # How to install Firstly you need to clone this repo to ranger config directory ```Bash cd ~/.config/ranger git clone https://github.com/SL-RU/ranger_udisk_menu ``` Then you need to add to `~/.config/ranger/commands.py` line: ```Python3 from ranger_udisk_menu.mounter import mount ``` Thats all # How to use Enter in ranger `:mount`, than will be shown menu. In this menu you can press: - `j` or `arrow down` or `Ctrl+n` to move selection down - `k` or `arrow up` or `Ctrl+p` to move selection up - `Ctrl+g` or `Esc` or `q` to quit - `g` or `r` to refresh all partitions and drives - `m` to mount selected partition - `u` to unmount selected partition - `e` to unmount all partitions of selected partition's drive - `ENTER` to open selected mountpoint in current tab