mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 08:44:40 +01:00
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
This commit is contained in:
24 changed files with 0 additions and 6106 deletions
@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- name: AeroFS
url: https://www.aerofs.com/
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
img: aerofs.png
doc: https://www.aerofs.com/blog/two-factor-authentication-for-hybrid-and-private-cloud-md/
- name: Apple iCloud
url: https://www.icloud.com
img: icloud.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
text: "See https://support.apple.com/HT202656 for a list of supported SMS carriers."
doc: https://support.apple.com/HT204152
- name: Backblaze
url: https://www.backblaze.com
img: backblaze.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://www.backblaze.com/blog/two-factor-verification-for-backblaze/
- name: Bitcasa
url: https://www.bitcasa.com/
twitter: Bitcasa
img: bitcasa.png
tfa: No
- name: Box
url: https://app.box.com/
img: box.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://support.box.com/hc/en-us/articles/200526658-Can-I-enable-2-step-verification-for-my-account-
- name: CloudApp
url: https://www.getcloudapp.com/
twitter: cloudapp
img: cloudapp.png
tfa: No
facebook: getcloudapp
- name: CrashPlan
url: https://www.crashplan.com
twitter: crashplan
img: crashplan.png
tfa: No
facebook: CrashPlan
- name: Dropbox
url: https://www.dropbox.com
img: dropbox.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.dropbox.com/help/363/en
- name: Evernote
url: https://evernote.com
img: evernote.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2013/10/04/two-step-verification-available-to-all-users/
- name: FileThis
url: https://filethis.com
twitter: FileThisCompany
img: filethis.png
tfa: No
facebook: FileThis
- name: Frostbox
url: http://frostbox.com
img: frostbox.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://app.frostbox.com/main.php?action=2fa
- name: Google Drive
url: https://drive.google.com
img: drive.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: hubiC
url: https://hubic.com/
twitter: hubic
img: hubic.png
tfa: No
- name: IDrive
url: https://www.idrive.com
twitter: IDriveBackup
img: idrive.png
tfa: No
facebook: IDriveBackup
- name: JustCloud
url: https://www.justcloud.com
twitter: justcloudcom
img: justcloud.png
tfa: No
facebook: JustCloudStorage
- name: Mega
url: https://mega.co.nz/
twitter: MEGAprivacy
img: mega.png
tfa: No
- name: OneDrive
url: https://onedrive.live.com
img: onedrive.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/two-step-verification-faq
- name: Pogoplug
url: https://pogoplug.com/
twitter: pogoplug
img: pogoplug.png
tfa: No
status: https://twitter.com/pogoplug/status/486192568745476096
- name: QNAP
url: https://www.qnap.com
img: qnap.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.qnap.com/i/useng/tutorial/con_show.php?op=showone&cid=151
- name: SmartBox
url: https://www.panterranetworks.com/smartbox/smartbox_overview.php
img: smartbox.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.panterranetworks.com/smartbox/sb_features/sbf_security.php
- name: SpiderOak
url: https://spideroak.com
twitter: spideroak
img: spideroak.png
tfa: No
facebook: SpiderOak
- name: SugarSync
twitter: SugarSync
url: https://www.sugarsync.com/
img: sugarsync.png
tfa: No
facebook: SugarSync
- name: Sync
url: https://sync.com
img: sync.png
software: Yes
email: Yes
tfa: Yes
doc: https://www.sync.com/help/how-do-i-setup-two-factor-authentication/
- name: Synology
url: https://www.synology.com/
img: synology.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://originwww.synology.com/en-us/knowledgebase/tutorials/615#t5
- name: ThisData
url: https://thisdata.com
img: thisdata.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://thisdata.com/blog/how-to-enable-two-factor-authentication/
- name: Tresorit
url: https://tresorit.com/
img: tresorit.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://support.tresorit.com/entries/104192996-How-to-set-up-two-step-verification
- name: XXL Cloud
url: https://xxlcloud.com
twitter: xxlcloud
img: xxlcloud.png
tfa: No
status: https://xxlcloud.com/en/blog/2factorauthentication
facebook: xxlcloud
- name: Yandex.Disk
url: https://disk.yandex.com
img: yandexdisk.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
text: "SMS-capable phone required for initial setup."
doc: https://yandex.com/support/passport/authorization/twofa.xml
- name: Zetta.net
url: http://zetta.net/
img: zetta.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.zetta.net/blog/set-zetta-net-two-factor-authentication/
@ -1,741 +0,0 @@
- name: Actors Federal Credit Union
url: https://www.actorsfcu.com/
twitter: ActorsFCU
facebook: ActorsFCU
img: actorsfcu.png
tfa: No
- name: Alliant Credit Union
url: https://www.alliantcreditunion.org/
twitter: AlliantCU
facebook: alliantcreditunion
img: alliantcreditunion.png
tfa: No
- name: Ally Bank
url: http://www.ally.com/
img: allybank.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
doc: http://www.ally.com/messages/sms/index.html
- name: Altra Federal Credit Union
url: https://www.altra.org/
twitter: AltraCU
facebook: altra.org
img: altrafcu.png
tfa: No
- name: America First Credit Union
url: https://www.americafirst.com/
twitter: AFCU
facebook: americafirstfb
img: americafirstcu.png
tfa: No
- name: American Express
url: https://www.americanexpress.com/
twitter: AmericanExpress
facebook: AmericanExpressUS
img: americanexpress.png
tfa: No
- name: America’s Christian Credit Union
url: https://www.americaschristiancu.com
img: accu.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://www.americaschristiancu.com/business/services/online-banking-bill-pay.html
- name: Andrews Federal Credit Union
url: https://www.andrewsfcu.org/
twitter: AndrewsFederal
facebook: AndrewsFederal
img: andrewsfederalcu.png
tfa: No
- name: Australia and New Zealand Banking Group
url: https://www.anz.com/personal/
twitter: ANZ_AU
facebook: ANZAustralia
img: anz.png
tfa: No
- name: Banca Mediolanum
url: https://www.bmedonline.it
img: mediolanum.png
tfa: No
twitter: BancaMediolanum
facebook: BancaMediolanum
lang: it
- name: Bank Central Asia (BCA)
url: http://www.bca.co.id/en/individual/individual.jsp
img: bankcentralasia.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.bca.co.id/en/individual/produk_dan_layanan/e-banking/klikbca/klikbca-keybca/klikbca-keybca.jsp
- name: Bank of America
url: https://www.bankofamerica.com/
img: bankofamerica.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.bankofamerica.com/privacy/online-mobile-banking-privacy/safepass.go
- name: Bank of China (Hong Kong)
url: http://www.bochk.com
img: BOCHK.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.bochk.com/en/security/2factorauthentication.html
- name: Barclays UK
url: http://www.barclays.co.uk/
img: barclays.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://ask.barclays.co.uk/help/security/protection
- name: Barclays US
url: https://www.banking.barclaysus.com/index.html
img: barclays.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
email: Yes
- name: BMO Bank of Montreal
url: https://www.bmo.com/
twitter: BMO
img: bmo.png
tfa: No
- name: BMO Harris Bank
url: https://www.bmoharris.com/
twitter: BMOHarrisBank
facebook: BMOHarrisBank
img: bmo.png
tfa: No
- name: Boeing Employee Credit Union
url: https://www.becu.org/
twitter: BECU
facebook: becu
img: becu.png
tfa: No
- name: BofI Federal Bank
url: https://www.bofifederalbank.com/
twitter: BofIFederalBank
facebook: BofiFederalBank
email_address: customerservice@bofifederalbank.com
img: bofifederalbank.png
tfa: No
- name: Capital One
url: https://www.capitalone.com/
twitter: CapitalOne
facebook: capitalone
img: capitalone.png
tfa: No
- name: Capital One 360
url: https://home.capitalone360.com/
twitter: CapitalOne360
facebook: CapitalOne360
img: capitalone360.png
tfa: No
- name: CDC Federal Credit Union
url: https://www.cdcfcu.com
twitter: CDCCreditUnion
facebook: CDCFederalCreditUnion
img: cdcfcu.png
tfa: No
- name: Chase
url: https://www.chase.com/
img: chase.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
email: Yes
doc: /notes/chase/
- name: CIBC
url: https://www.cibc.ca
twitter: cibc
facebook: CIBC
img: cibc.png
tfa: No
- name: Citibank
url: https://online.citi.com/
twitter: Citibank
facebook: citibank
img: citibank.png
tfa: No
- name: Citibank Australia
url: https://www.citibank.com.au/
img: citibank.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://www.citibank.com.au/otp/
- name: Citizens Bank
url: https://www.citizensbank.com
twitter: citizensbank
facebook: citizensbank
img: citizensbank.png
tfa: No
- name: comdirect
url: https://www.comdirect.de/
twitter: comdirect
facebook: comdirect
img: comdirect.png
tfa: No
lang: de
- name: Commonwealth Bank of Australia
url: https://www.commbank.com.au/
img: commbank.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://www.commbank.com.au/security-privacy/netcode.html
- name: Credit Union Australia
url: https://www.cua.com.au/
img: cua.png
tfa: No
twitter: cua_connect
facebook: CUA
- name: Desjardins
url: https://www.desjardins.com/
twitter: mvtdesjardins
facebook: desjardins
img: desjardins.png
tfa: No
lang: fr
- name: Deutsche Kreditbank (DKB)
url: https://www.dkb.de/
img: dkb.png
tfa: No
facebook: Deutsche.Kreditbank
lang: de
- name: Digital Federal Credit Union
url: https://www.dcu.org
img: dcu.png
tfa: Yes
phone: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://www.dcu.org/online-banking/online-banking-enhancements.html
- name: Discover
url: https://www.discover.com/
img: discover.png
tfa: no
twitter: Discover
facebook: discover
- name: DNB
url: https://www.dnb.no/
img: dnb.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.dnb.no/privat/kundeservice/innlogging-nettbank.html
- name: everbank.com
url: https://everbank.com
img: everbank.png
tfa: Yes
phone: Yes
sms: Yes
- name: Fairwinds
url: https://www.fairwinds.org
img: fairwinds.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: "https://www.fairwinds.org/inside/privacy/security_we.asp#multifactor-auth"
- name: Fifth Third Bank
url: https://www.53.com/
twitter: fifththird
facebook: FifthThirdBank
img: fifththird.png
tfa: No
- name: Final
url: https://getfinal.com/
img: final.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
- name: First Direct
url: http://www1.firstdirect.com/
img: firstdirect.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www1.firstdirect.com/1/2/securekey/
- name: First Republic Bank
url: https://www.firstrepublic.com/
img: first-republic.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://www.firstrepublic.com/resource/banking-online-faqs#su10
- name: First Tech Federal Credit Union
url: https://www.firsttechfed.com/
img: firsttechfcu.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.firsttechfed.com/OnlineServices/bankonlinesecurely/SecurityKey
- name: GE Capital Bank
url: https://www.gecapitalbank.com
twitter: GECapital
facebook: GECapitalOfficial
img: GECapitalBank.png
tfa: No
- name: Halifax
url: https://www.halifax.co.uk
twitter: AskHalifaxBank
facebook: halifax
img: halifax.png
tfa: No
- name: Handelsbanken
url: https://www.handelsbanken.se/
img: handelsbanken.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.handelsbanken.se/shb/INeT/ICentSv.nsf/Default/qAE99695C4C1D033DC12579120036EB43?Opendocument
- name: HSBC
url: https://www.hsbc.com
img: hsbc.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.hsbc.co.uk/1/2/customer-support/online-banking-security/secure-key
- name: Huntington National Bank
url: https://www.huntington.com
twitter: Huntington_Bank
facebook: HuntingtonBank
img: huntingtonnationalbank.png
tfa: No
- name: ING (Luxembourg)
url: https://www.ing.lu
img: ing.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.ing.lu/web/ING/EN/Personal/Customerservices/FAQ/MYING_FAQ_EN
- name: Intesa Sanpaolo
url: https://www.intesasanpaolo.com
img: intesasanpaolo.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.intesasanpaolo.com/servizi-multicanale/sicurezza.jsp
- name: LendingClub
url: https://www.lendingclub.com/
twitter: lendingclub
facebook: LendingClubTeam
img: lendingclub.png
tfa: No
- name: Lloyds Bank
url: https://www.lloydsbank.com/
twitter: AskLloydsBank
facebook: lloydsbank
img: lloydsbank.png
tfa: No
- name: MandT Bank
url: https://www.mtb.com/
img: mtbank.png
tfa: No
twitter: MandT_Help
facebook: MandTBank
- name: MBNA Canada
url: https://www.mbna.ca
img: mbnacanada.png
tfa: No
twitter: mbna_canada
facebook: MBNACanada
- name: Meridian Credit Union
url: https://www.meridiancu.ca
img: meridian.png
twitter: meridiancu
facebook: MeridianCreditUnion
tfa: No
- name: N26
url: https://n26.com
img: n26.png
twitter: n26
facebook: N26
tfa: No
- name: Nationwide Building Society
url: http://www.nationwide.co.uk/
img: nationwide.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.nationwide.co.uk/support/security-centre/internet-banking-security/card-reader-and-security-questions
- name: Natwest UK
url: https://www.natwest.com/personal.ashx
img: natwest.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.natwest.com/personal/online-banking/g1/banking-safely-online/card-reader.ashx
- name: Navy Federal Credit Union
url: https://www.navyfederal.org/
img: navyfederal.png
tfa: No
twitter: NavyFederal
facebook: NavyFederal
- name: Nordea Sverige
url: https://www.nordea.se/
img: nordea.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.nordea.se/privat/vardagstjanster/internet-mobil-telefon/bank-id.html
- name: Nordnet
url: https://www.nordnet.fi/
img: nordnet.png
tfa: No
twitter: nordnetFI
- name: Northeast Credit Union
url: https://necu.org
img: necu.png
tfa: No
twitter: NortheastCU
facebook: northeastcu
- name: Pacific Continental
url: https://www.therightbank.com/
img: pcb.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://www.therightbank.com/sites/www.therightbank.com/files/files/online-services-instructions.pdf
- name: Partners Federal Credit Union
url: https://partnersfcu.org/
img: partners.png
tfa: No
- name: Patelco Credit Union
url: https://www.patelco.org/
img: patelco.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://www.patelco.org/Privacy-Security/Protection
- name: PenFed
url: https://www.penfed.org/
twitter: PenFed
facebook: PenFed
img: penfed.png
tfa: No
- name: PNC Bank
url: https://www.pnc.com/
twitter: pncnews
facebook: pncbank
img: pncbank.png
tfa: No
- name: Postbank
url: https://www.postbank.de/
twitter: postbank
facebook: postbank
img: postbank.png
tfa: No
lang: de
- name: Raiffeisen Bank CZ
url: http://www.rb.cz/
img: raiffeisenbank_cz.png
doc: http://www.rb.cz/firemni-finance/podnikatele-a-male-firmy/prime-bankovnictvi/sluzby-pro-firemni-ucty/bezpecnost-internetoveho-bankovnictvi/
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
- name: RBC Royal Bank
url: http://www.rbcroyalbank.com
twitter: RBC_Canada
facebook: rbc
img: rbc.png
tfa: No
- name: Regions Bank
url: https://www.regions.com
twitter: askRegions
facebook: RegionsBank
img: RegionsBank.png
tfa: No
- name: San Diego County Credit Union
url: https://www.sdccu.com
twitter: sdccu
facebook: SDCCU
img: sdccu.png
tfa: No
- name: San Francisco Fire Credit Union
url: https://www.sffirecu.org
twitter: SFFireCU
facebook: sffirecu
img: sffirecu.png
tfa: No
status: https://twitter.com/sffirecu/status/577532435228991488
- name: Santa Clara County Federal Credit Union
url: https://www.sccfcu.org/
twitter: SCCFCU
facebook: SCCFCU
img: sccfcu.png
tfa: No
- name: SchoolsFirst FCU
url: https://www.schoolsfirstfcu.org/
twitter: SchoolsFirstFCU
facebook: SchoolsFirstFCU
img: schoolsfirst.png
tfa: No
- name: Scotiabank
url: http://www.scotiabank.com
img: scotiabank.png
tfa: No
twitter: ScotiabankHelps
facebook: scotiabank
- name: SEB
url: http://www.seb.se/pow/default.asp
img: seb.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.seb.se/pow/wcp/index.asp?ss=/pow/wcp/templates/sebcollection.cfmc.asp%3FDUID%3DDUID_623697DCF55C4576C1256DEF00637BE3
- name: Service Credit Union
url: https://www.servicecu.org/
img: service_cu.png
tfa: No
facebook: ServiceCreditUnion
- name: Simple
url: https://www.simple.com/
twitter: simple
facebook: simple
img: simple.png
tfa: No
- name: Sparkasse
url: https://www.sparkasse.de/
twitter: sparkasse
facebook: sparkasse
email_address: sparkasse@sparkassen-finanzportal.de
img: sparkasse.png
tfa: No
lang: de
- name: State Bank of India
url: https://www.onlinesbi.com/
img: sbi.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.onlinesbi.com/sbijava/mobile/sbsecure_otp_app_faq.html
- name: SunTrust
url: https://www.suntrust.com/
twitter: SunTrust
facebook: suntrust
img: suntrust.png
tfa: No
- name: Swedbank
url: https://www.swedbank.se/
img: swedbank.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://hjalp.swedbank.se/logga-in/index.htm
- name: Tangerine
url: https://www.tangerine.ca/
twitter: tangerinebank
facebook: TangerineBank
img: tangerine.png
tfa: No
url: https://www.targobank.de/
img: targobank.png
tfa: No
twitter: TARGOBANK
facebook: targobank
lang: de
- name: TBC Bank
url: http://www.tbcbank.ge
img: tbcbank.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://old.tbcbank.ge/en/private/banking/tbc_digipass/
- name: TD Bank
url: https://www.tdbank.com
twitter: TDBank_US
facebook: TDBank
img: tdbank.png
tfa: No
- name: TD Canada Trust
url: https://www.tdcanadatrust.com
twitter: TD_Canada
img: tdbank.png
tfa: No
- name: Triodos Bank Deutschland
url: https://www.triodos.de
twitter: triodosde
facebook: triodos.de
img: triodosbank.png
tfa: No
lang: de
- name: TSB Bank
url: http://www.tsb.co.uk
twitter: TSB
facebook: TSBbankUK
img: tsb.png
tfa: No
- name: Umpqua Bank
url: https://www.umpquabank.com/
twitter: askumpquabank
facebook: umpquabank
img: umpqua.png
tfa: No
- name: Union Bank
url: https://www.unionbank.com/
twitter: UnionBank
facebook: UnionBank
img: unionbank.png
tfa: No
- name: US Bank
url: https://www.usbank.com/
twitter: usbank
facebook: usbank
img: usbank.png
tfa: No
- name: USAA
url: https://www.usaa.com/
img: usaa.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.usaa.com/inet/pages/security_token_logon_options
- name: UW Credit Union
url: https://www.uwcu.org/
img: uwcu.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://www.uwcu.org/OnlineBanking/OnlineSecurity/VerifyU.aspx
- name: VyStar Credit Union
url: https://vystarcu.org/
twitter: OfficialVyStar
facebook: VyStarCU
img: vystar.png
tfa: No
- name: Wells Fargo
url: https://www.wellsfargo.com/
img: wellsfargo.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.wellsfargo.com/privacy-security/advanced-access
- name: Wescom Credit Union
url: https://www.wescom.org/
twitter: Liz_Wescom
facebook: WescomCreditUnion
img: wescom.png
tfa: No
- name: Zag Bank
url: https://www.zagbank.ca/
twitter: zagbank
facebook: zagbank
img: zagbank.png
tfa: No
- name: ZenBanx
url: https://zenbanx.ca/
twitter: ZenBanx
facebook: Zenbanx
img: zenbanx.png
tfa: No
- name: Zurich Cantonal Bank (ZKB)
url: https://www.zkb.ch/
img: zkb.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.zkb.ch/de/pr/pk/efinance/ebanking/login-verfahren.html
@ -1,204 +0,0 @@
- name: Amazon Web Services
url: https://aws.amazon.com
img: aws.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://aws.amazon.com/iam/details/mfa/
- name: appFog
url: https://www.appfog.com/
twitter: appfog
img: appfog.png
tfa: No
- name: Brightbox
url: https://www.brightbox.com/
twitter: brightbox
facebook: brightbox
email_address: support@brightbox.com
img: brightbox.png
tfa: No
- name: Cloud 66
url: https://www.cloud66.com
img: cloud66.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://blog.cloud66.com/two-factor-authentication-for-your-accounts/
- name: cloud.ca
url: https://cloud.ca
img: cloudca.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://cloud.ca/two-factor-authentication-is-now-available-on-cloud-ca/
- name: Datapipe
url: https://www.datapipe.com/
img: datapipe.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.datapipe.com/security_compliance/managed_security/two_factor_authentication/
- name: DigitalOcean
url: https://www.digitalocean.com/
img: digitalocean.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
text: "SMS-capable phone required."
doc: https://www.digitalocean.com/company/blog/introducing-two-factor-authentication/
- name: EngineYard
url: https://www.engineyard.com
img: engineyard.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://blog.engineyard.com/2015/engine-yards-two-factor-authentication
- name: fortrabbit
url: https://www.fortrabbit.com/
img: fortrabbit.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.fortrabbit.com/security#toc-two-factor-authentication
- name: Google Cloud Platform
url: https://cloud.google.com
img: googlecloud.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
phone: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: Heroku
url: https://www.heroku.com/
img: heroku.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/two-factor-authentication
- name: Hyper.sh
url: https://www.hyper.sh
img: hypersh.png
tfa: No
twitter: hyper_sh
email_address: contact@hyper.sh
- name: IBM BlueMix
url: https://bluemix.net
img: ibmbluemix.png
tfa: No
twitter: IBMBluemix
facebook: ibmbluemix
- name: Joyent
url: https://www.joyent.com/
img: joyent.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/getting-started/2fa
- name: LeaseWeb
url: https://www.leaseweb.com/
img: leaseweb.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://kb.leaseweb.com/display/KB/Two+factor+authentication%3A+Cyber+Security
- name: Linode
url: https://www.linode.com/
img: linode.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.linode.com/docs/security/linode-manager-security-controls
- name: Microsoft Azure
url: https://azure.microsoft.com/
img: microsoftazure.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/multi-factor-authentication/
- name: OpenShift
url: https://www.openshift.com/
twitter: openshift
facebook: openshift
img: openshift.png
tfa: No
- name: Packet
url: https://www.packet.net/
img: packet.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://www.packet.net/help/kb/account-management-and-billing/how-do-i-enable-two-factor-authentication-/
- name: Rackspace
url: https://www.rackspace.com/
img: rackspace.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.rackspace.com/how-to/multi-factor-authentication-from-the-cloud-control-panel/
- name: RightScale
url: https://www.rightscale.com/
img: rightscale.png
tfa: No
twitter: RightScale
facebook: RightScale
- name: Scaleway
url: https://www.scaleway.com
twitter: scaleway
facebook: scaleway
img: scaleway.png
tfa: No
- name: Scalr
url: https://www.scalr.com
img: scalr.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://scalr-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/display/docs/Two-Factor+Authentication
- name: SingleHop
url: https://www.singlehop.com
img: singlehop.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://library.singlehop.com/assets_project_development/Two_Factor_Instructions.pdf
- name: Tilaa
url: https://www.tilaa.com
img: tilaa.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
text: "SMS-capable phone required."
doc: http://blog.tilaa.com/post/128110588046/two-factor-authentication-and-session-management
- name: Userify
url: https://userify.com
img: userify.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://userify.com/docs/multifactor-authentication/
- name: Vultr
url: https://www.vultr.com
img: vultr.png
tfa: yes
software: yes
hardware: yes
doc: https://www.vultr.com/docs/using-two-factor-authentication-to-login-to-vultr-control-panel
@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
- name: Basecamp
url: https://basecamp.com/
img: basecamp.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://basecamp.com/help/guides/you/phone-verification
- name: Campfire
url: https://campfirenow.com/
img: campfire.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://help.37signals.com/sign-in/questions/460-how-do-i-set-up-and-use-phone-verification-for-logging-in
- name: Carbon Black Community Exchange
url: https://community.carbonblack.com/
img: carbonblack.png
tfa: No
twitter: CarbonBlack_Inc
facebook: carbonblackinc
- name: Customer.io
url: https://customer.io
img: customerio.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://customer.io/docs/two-factor-auth.html
- name: Discord
url: https://discordapp.com/
img: discord.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/219576828
- name: Disqus
url: https://disqus.com
twitter: disqus
facebook: disqus
img: disqus.png
tfa: No
- name: Doodle
url: http://www.doodle.com
img: doodle.png
twitter: doodletweet
tfa: No
- name: Fleep
url: https://fleep.io
twitter: fleepio
facebook: fleepio
img: fleep.png
tfa: No
- name: Flowdock
url: https://www.flowdock.com
twitter: flowdock
facebook: flowdock
img: flowdock.png
tfa: No
- name: Front App
url: https://frontapp.com
img: front_app.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://faq.frontapp.com/11695-security/how-to-activate-2fa
- name: Grape
url: https://chatgrape.com/
img: grape.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://chatgrape.com/doc/deployment/2fa.html
- name: HipChat
url: https://www.hipchat.com
twitter: HipChat
facebook: HipChat
img: hipchat.png
tfa: No
- name: MailChimp
url: https://mailchimp.com/
img: mailchimp.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://kb.mailchimp.com/accounts/login/set-up-two-factor-authentication-with-sms
- name: Mailgun
url: http://mailgun.com
twitter: Mail_Gun
facebook: mailgun
img: mailgun.png
tfa: No
- name: Maxemail
url: https://maxemail.emailcenteruk.com/
img: maxemail.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.emailcenteruk.com/software/security-collaboration-2/
- name: Peerio
url: https://peerio.com
img: peerio.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://peerio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/202933829-How-do-I-setup-two-factor-authentication-
- name: Ryver
url: https://ryver.com/
img: ryver.png
twitter: ryverapp
facebook: RyverApp
tfa: No
- name: Salesforce
url: http://www.salesforce.com
img: salesforce.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://help.salesforce.com/HTViewHelpDoc?id=security_require_two_factor_authentication.htm
- name: SendGrid
url: https://sendgrid.com/
img: sendgrid.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://sendgrid.com/docs/User_Guide/Settings/two_factor_authentication.html
- name: Sendloop
url: https://app.sendloop.com
img: sendloop.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://app.sendloop.com/help/article/account-003/how-can-i-make-my-account-more-secure
- name: Skype (via Microsoft Account)
url: https://www.skype.com
img: skype.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/windows/two-step-verification-faq
text: "Two-factor authentication is available only when logging in using a Microsoft account. If you have setup your account using a Skype password, 2FA through Microsoft is essentially useless."
- name: Slack
url: https://slack.com/
img: slack.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://slack.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204509068-Enabling-two-factor-authentication
- name: SocketLabs
url: https://socketlabs.com/
img: socketlabs.png
sms: Yes
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.socketlabs.com/kb/145
- name: SparkPost
url: https://sparkpost.com/
img: sparkpost.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.sparkpost.com/customer/portal/articles/1948449
- name: Stackfield
url: https://www.stackfield.com/
img: stackfield.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://en.stackfield.help/article/92-activating-deactivating-the-two-factor-authentication
- name: Telegram
url: https://telegram.org/
img: telegram.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://telegram.org/blog/sessions-and-2-step-verification
- name: ToutApp
url: https://www1.toutapp.com/
twitter: toutapp
facebook: toutapp
img: toutapp.png
tfa: No
- name: WhatsApp
url: https://www.whatsapp.com/
twitter: whatsapp
facebook: WhatsApp
img: whatsapp.png
tfa: No
- name: Yammer
url: https://www.yammer.com
twitter: yammer
facebook: Yammer
img: yammer.png
tfa: No
@ -1,263 +0,0 @@
- name: BitBay
url: https://bitbay.net/
img: bitbay.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KFvoNHgl9Pw
- name: Bitcoin-Central
url: https://bitcoin-central.net
img: bitcoincentral.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://bitcoin-central.net/page/profile/security
- name: Bitcoin.de
url: https://bitcoin.de
img: bitcoinde.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.bitcoin.de/de/faq/was-ist-die-2-step-verification-2-faktor-authentifizierung/46.html
- name: Bitcoins Norway
url: https://bitcoinsnorway.com
img: bitcoinsnorway.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: BitGo
url: https://www.bitgo.com
img: bitgo.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://bitgo.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/201009049-Two-Factor-Authentication-Help-Page
- name: Bitlish
url: https://bitlish.com
img: bitlish.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://bitlish.com/how#mfa
- name: Bitpay
url: https://bitpay.com
img: bitpay.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://bitpay.com/two-factor
- name: Bitreserve
url: https://bitreserve.org
img: bitreserve.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.bitreserve.org/hc/en-us/articles/202409609-How-does-phone-number-verification-work-
- name: Bitstamp
url: https://bitstamp.net
img: bitstamp.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.bitstamp.net/s/documents/bitstamp_2_factor_authentication_guide.pdf
- name: Blockchain
url: https://blockchain.info/
img: blockchain.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://blockchain.info/wallet/support-pages
- name: BTC-E
url: https://btc-e.com
img: btc-e.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.btc-e.com/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/97/25/how-do-i-set-2-factor-authentication-to-my-btc-e-account
- name: BTCJam
url: https://btcjam.com/
img: btcjam.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://help.btcjam.com/customer/portal/articles/1987686
- name: CampBX
url: https://campbx.com/
img: campbx.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://campbx.com/faq.php#security-compliance
- name: CEX.IO
url: https://cex.io/
img: cex.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://cex.io/guide#4
- name: ChangeTip
url: https://www.changetip.com/
img: changetip.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://blog.changetip.com/changetip-adds-two-factor-authentication-2fa-security/
- name: Circle
url: https://circle.com
img: circle.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.circle.com/hc/en-us/articles/204624600-What-is-two-factor-authentication-2FA-
- name: CleverCoin
url: https://clevercoin.com
img: clevercoin.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: Coin Cafe
url: https://coincafe.com
img: coincafe.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://blog.coincafe.com/2016/01/08/2fa/
- name: Coinapult
url: https://coinapult.com
img: coinapult.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://coinapult.com/faq
- name: Coinbase
url: https://www.coinbase.com/
img: coinbase.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://support.coinbase.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1658338-how-do-i-set-up-2-factor-authentication-with-authy-
- name: Coinfloor
url: https://www.coinfloor.co.uk/
img: coinfloor.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.coinfloor.co.uk/security
- name: Coinify (Merchants)
url: https://coinify.com/merchants
img: coinify.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
text: "While Coinify has aquired BIPS to allow for trading, only merchant accounts support TFA at this time. Trading is done through a separate account. Hardware support is limited to a print-out character matrix."
- name: Coinjar
url: https://coinjar.com
img: coinjar.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://support.coinjar.com/kb/using-coinjar/keeping-your-coinjar-secure-with-multi-factor-authentication
- name: Coinkite
url: https://coinkite.com
img: coinkite.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://coinkite.com/settings/pws
- name: Coins.ph
url: https://coins.ph/
img: coinsph.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://coinsph.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/sections/200557900-Two-factor-authentication
- name: Coinsetter
url: https://www.coinsetter.com
img: coinsetter.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.coinsetter.com/my/security
- name: Cryptsy
url: https://cryptsy.com/
img: cryptsy.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.cryptsy.com/pages/security
- name: Eclipse Mining Consortium
url: https://eclipsemc.com
img: eclipsemc.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://eclipsemc.com/single-news.php?id=20
- name: Justcoin Exchange
url: https://justcoin.com/
img: justcoinexchange.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://twitter.com/jstcoin/status/445900548743897088
- name: Kraken
url: https://www.kraken.com/
img: kraken.png
doc: https://www.kraken.com/security/practices#two-factor-authentication
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: LocalBitcoins
url: https://localbitcoins.com/
img: localbitcoins.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://localbitcoins.blogspot.com.au/2013/05/using-two-factor-authentication-on.html
- name: Uphold
url: https://uphold.com/
img: uphold.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.uphold.com/hc/en-us/articles/206119683-How-does-phone-number-verification-work-
- name: WeMineLTC.com
url: https://www.wemineltc.com
img: wemineltc.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://twitter.com/jstcoin/status/445900548743897088
- name: Xapo
url: https://xapo.com
img: xapo.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.xapo.com/how-do-i-enable-second-factor-authentication/view=faq
@ -1,398 +0,0 @@
- name: Aha!
url: https://www.aha.io/
img: aha.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://support.aha.io/hc/en-us/articles/202000957-Add-two-factor-authentication-2FA-
- name: Airbrake
url: https://airbrake.io
twitter: airbrake
facebook: airbrake.io
img: airbrake.png
tfa: No
- name: Algolia
url: https://algolia.com
img: algolia.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.algolia.com/doc/security/best-security-practices#two-factor-authentication
- name: AppVeyor
url: https://www.appveyor.com
img: appveyor.png
tfa: No
twitter: appveyor
email_address: team@appveyor.com
- name: aTech Media
url: https://atechmedia.com
img: atechmedia.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://atechmedia.com/blog/general/launches/two-factor-authentication
- name: Balsamiq
url: https://balsamiq.com
twitter: balsamiq
facebook: BalsamiqMockups
img: balsamiq.png
tfa: No
- name: Bitbucket
url: https://bitbucket.org
img: bitbucket.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://confluence.atlassian.com/x/425QLg
- name: Bugsnag
url: https://bugsnag.com
img: bugsnag.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://bugsnag.com/blog/two-factor-authentication
- name: Cedexis
url: http://www.cedexis.com/
img: cedexis.png
tfa: No
twitter: Cedexis
facebook: Cedexis
- name: Cloud9
url: https://c9.io
twitter: Cloud9IDE
img: cloud9.png
tfa: No
text: "TFA available by signing up using GitHub"
- name: CM Telecom
url: https://www.cmtelecom.com/
img: cmtelecom.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.onlinesmsgateway.com/en/accounts-and-payments/how-do-i-enable-two-factor-authentication
- name: Code Climate
url: https://codeclimate.com
img: codeclimate.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://docs.codeclimate.com/docs/enabling-two-factor-authentication
- name: Codeanywhere
url: https://codeanywhere.com
img: codeanywhere.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://blog.codeanywhere.com/codeanywhere-now-offers-two-factor-authentication/
text: "Only available on paid accounts at $7/10 per month (annual/monthly) or more."
- name: Codeship
url: https://codeship.com/
twitter: codeship
facebook: codeship
img: codeship.png
tfa: No
- name: Compose.io
url: https://www.compose.io/
img: composeio.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://docs.compose.io/security/compose-two-factor-authentication.html
- name: Deploybot
url: http://deploybot.com/
twitter: deploybothq
img: deploybot.png
tfa: No
- name: Docker
url: https://www.docker.com/
twitter: docker
facebook: docker.run
img: docker.png
tfa: No
- name: Esri
url: https://www.esri.com
img: esri.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://doc.arcgis.com/en/arcgis-online/reference/multifactor.htm
- name: 'FogBugz & Kiln'
url: https://www.fogcreek.com/fogbugz
img: fogbugz.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://help.fogcreek.com/10892/two-factor-authentication
- name: GitHub
url: https://github.com
img: github.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.github.com/articles/about-two-factor-authentication
- name: GitLab
url: https://gitlab.com
img: gitlab.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://doc.gitlab.com/ee/profile/two_factor_authentication.html
- name: Hashicorp Atlas
url: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/
img: hashicorp-atlas.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://atlas.hashicorp.com/help/user-accounts/authentication#two-factor-authentication
- name: Infobip
url: http://www.infobip.com/
img: infobip.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: http://www.infobip.com/messaging/enterprise/2_factor_authentication/
- name: JetBrains
url: https://jetbrains.com
img: jetbrains.png
tfa: No
twitter: jetbrains
facebook: JetBrains
- name: Jidoteki
url: https://jidoteki.com
img: jidoteki.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: 'https://jidoteki.com/documentation#authentication'
- name: Koding
url: https://koding.com
img: koding.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://learn.koding.com/guides/2-factor-auth/
- name: Launchpad
url: https://launchpad.net
img: launchpad.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSO/FAQs/2FA
- name: Looker
url: http://looker.com/
img: looker.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.looker.com/docs/admin/security/two-factor-authentication
- name: Mapbox
url: https://www.mapbox.com
img: mapbox.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.mapbox.com/help/two-step-verification/
- name: MongoDB Cloud Manager
url: https://cloud.mongodb.com
img: mongodbmms.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://docs.cloud.mongodb.com/core/two-factor-authentication/
- name: New Relic
url: https://newrelic.com
twitter: newrelic
facebook: NewRelic
img: newrelic.png
tfa: No
- name: Nexmo
url: https://www.nexmo.com/
img: nexmo.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
- name: Papertrail
url: https://papertrailapp.com/
twitter: papertrailapp
img: papertrail.png
tfa: No
- name: Phacility
url: https://phacility.com/
img: phacility.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: Pivotal Tracker
url: https://www.pivotaltracker.com
twitter: pivotaltracker
facebook: pivotaltracker
img: pivotaltracker.png
tfa: No
- name: Plivo
url: https://www.plivo.com
twitter: plivo
facebook: Plivo
img: plivo.png
tfa: No
- name: PyPI
url: https://pypi.python.org/
twitter: pypi
img: pypi.png
tfa: No
- name: PythonAnywhere
url: https://www.pythonanywhere.com
img: pythonanywhere.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: RBCommons
url: https://rbcommons.com
img: rbcommons.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://support.beanbaginc.com/support/solutions/articles/3000006998-enabling-two-factor-authentication
- name: Rollbar
url: https://rollbar.com/
img: rollbar.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://rollbar.com/docs/two-factor-authentication/
- name: RubyGems.org
url: https://rubygems.org
img: rubygems.png
tfa: No
twitter: rubygems
email_address: security@rubygems.org
- name: Sauce Labs
url: https://saucelabs.com
img: saucelabs.png
tfa: No
twitter: saucelabs
facebook: saucelabs
email_address: support@saucelabs.com
- name: Semaphore
url: https://semaphoreci.com
img: semaphore.png
tfa: Yes
doc: https://semaphoreci.com/docs/two-step-verification.html
software: Yes
- name: Sentry
url: https://getsentry.com
img: sentry.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://blog.getsentry.com/2016/06/22/introducing-2fa.html
- name: SourceForge
url: https://sourceforge.net/
img: sourceforge.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://sourceforge.net/blog/introducing-multifactor-authentication-on-sourceforge/
- name: Status.io
url: https://status.io/
img: statusio.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://blog.status.io/2014/03/01/yubikey/
- name: StatusCake
url: https://statuscake.com/
img: statuscake.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
- name: StatusPage.io
url: https://www.statuspage.io
twitter: statuspageio
facebook: statuspageio
img: statuspageio.png
tfa: No
- name: Taiga.io
url: https://taiga.io
twitter: taigaio
facebook: taigaio
img: taigaio.png
tfa: No
- name: Twilio
url: https://www.twilio.com/
img: twilio.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://www.twilio.com/help/faq/twilio-basics/what-happens-when-i-enable-two-factor-authentication
- name: Unfuddle
url: https://unfuddle.com/
img: unfuddle.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://unfuddle.com/blog/2014/07/140721-two-factor-authentication
- name: Uptime Robot
url: https://uptimerobot.com
twitter: uptimerobot
facebook: UptimeRobot
img: uptimerobot.png
tfa: No
- name: Visual Studio Online
url: http://www.visualstudio.com/
img: visualstudio.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/two-step-verification-faq
- name: Zapier
url: https://zapier.com
twitter: zapier
facebook: ZapierApp
img: zapier.png
tfa: No
@ -1,460 +0,0 @@
- name: 007Names
url: https://www.007names.com
img: 007names.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.007names.com/info/two-step.xhtml
- name: 101domain
url: https://101domain.com
img: 101domain.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.101domain.com/vip_security_card.htm
- name: 10Dollar
url: https://10dollar.ca/
img: 10dollar.png
twitter: 10dollar_ca
facebook: 10dollar.ca
tfa: No
- name: 123 Reg
url: https://www.123-reg.co.uk
img: 123reg.png
tfa: No
twitter: 123reg
facebook: 123regfans
- name: 1and1
url: https://www.1and1.com/
img: 1and1.png
tfa: No
twitter: 1and1
facebook: 1and1
- name: Above.com
url: https://www.above.com
img: above.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://domains.above.com/manual-two-step-authentication.html
- name: Cloudflare
url: https://cloudflare.com
img: cloudflare.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200167866-What-is-Authy-2-Factor-Authentication-
- name: ClouDNS
url: https://www.cloudns.net/
img: cloudns.png
tfa: No
twitter: ClouDNS
facebook: cloudns
- name: Crazy Domains
url: https://www.crazydomains.com
img: crazydomains.png
tfa: No
twitter: CrazyDomains
facebook: crazydomains
- name: Directnic
url: https://directnic.com
img: directnic.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://directnic.com/knowledge/article/137:how+do+i+set+up+two-factor+authentication%3F
- name: DNS Made Easy
url: https://www.dnsmadeeasy.com
img: dnsmadeeasy.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.dnsmadeeasy.com/press-release/dns-made-easy-adds-two-factor-authentication-with-time-based-passwords/
- name: DNSimple
url: https://dnsimple.com/
img: dnsimple.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://blog.dnsimple.com/2012/08/protect-your-dnsimple-account-with-two-factor-authentication-from-authy/
- name: Domain Monster
url: https://www.domainmonster.com/
img: domainmonster.png
twitter: domainmonster
facebook: Domainmonster
tfa: No
- name: Domain.com
url: https://www.domain.com/
twitter: DomainDotCom
facebook: Domaindotcom
img: domaindotcom.png
tfa: No
- name: domainFACTORY
url: https://www.df.eu
img: domainfactory.png
twitter: domainfactory
facebook: domainfactory.GmbH
tfa: No
lang: de
- name: Domains4Bitcoins.com
url: https://www.domains4bitcoins.com
img: domains4bitcoins.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: http://my.domains4bitcoins.com/kb/answer/2692
- name: DomainsAtCost
url: https://www.domainsatcost.ca/
twitter: domainsatcost
facebook: domainsatcost
img: domainsatcost.png
tfa: No
- name: Domeny.tv
url: http://www.domeny.tv/en
img: domenytv.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.domeny.tv/en/two-factor-authentication
- name: Dyn
url: https://dyn.com/
img: dyn.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
text: "Currently only supported for the Managed DNS & Email Delivery platforms (via DynID). Eventually DynID (and 2FA) will be rolled out to all platforms (no ETA)."
doc: https://help.dyn.com/2-factor-authentication/
- name: Dynadot
url: http://dynadot.com/
img: dynadot.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://dynadot.com/domain/security.html
- name: easyDNS
url: https://easydns.com
img: easydns.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: http://docs.easydns.com/2-factor-authentication/
- name: eNom
url: http://enom.com/
img: enom.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.enom.com/kb/kb/kb_1687-setup-2-factor.htm
- name: EuroDNS
url: https://www.eurodns.com
img: eurodns.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://help.eurodns.com/customer/en/portal/articles/1633106-how-do-i-activate-two-step-verification-on-my-account-
- name: Fabulous
url: http://fabulous.com
img: fabulous.png
tfa: yes
hardware: yes
doc: http://fabulous.com/informationcenter/index.htm?formdata%5Bqid%5D=1194
- name: Fasthosts
url: https://www.fasthosts.co.uk/
twitter: Fasthosts
facebook: fasthostsinternet
img: fasthosts.png
tfa: No
- name: FreeDNS
url: https://freedns.afraid.org/
email_address: dnsadmin@afraid.org
img: freedns.png
tfa: No
- name: Gandi
url: https://gandi.net
img: gandi.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://wiki.gandi.net/en/contacts/login/2-factor-activation
- name: GoDaddy
img: godaddy.png
url: http://www.godaddy.com/
tfa: yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://www.godaddy.com/help/enabling-two-step-authentication-for-your-godaddy-account-7502
- name: Google Domains
url: https://domains.google.com
img: googledomains.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: Heart Internet
url: https://www.heartinternet.uk/
img: heartinternet.png
tfa: No
twitter: HeartInternet
facebook: heartinternet
- name: Hexonet
url: https://www.hexonet.net/
img: hexonet.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://cp.hexonet.net/cp2/downloads/2FA.pdf
- name: Hover.com
img: hover.png
url: http://www.hover.com/
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.hover.com/entries/26677644
- name: Hurricane Electric
url: https://www.he.net/
img: hurricane.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: Incapsula
url: https://www.incapsula.com/
img: incapsula.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://incapsula.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204795664-Incapsula-s-Password-Policy
- name: Internet.bs
url: http://www.internet.bs
img: internetbs.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: /notes/internetbs/
- name: InterNetworX (INWX)
url: https://www.inwx.de/en/
img: internetworx.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.inwx.de/en/offer/mobiletan
- name: iWantMyName
url: https://iwantmyname.com/
img: iwantmyname.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.iwantmyname.com/customer/portal/articles/1139898
- name: Loopia
url: https://www.loopia.se/
img: loopia.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://blogg.loopia.se/2015/03/16/nu-kan-du-logga-in-med-tvafaktorsautentiering-hos-loopia-genom-bankid/
text: "TFA only available for Swedish citizens"
- name: MarkMonitor
url: https://www.markmonitor.com
img: markmonitor.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
- name: Metaname
url: https://metaname.net/
img: metaname.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://metaname.net/public/two_factor_authentication
- name: Moniker
url: https://www.moniker.com/
img: moniker.png
tfa: No
twitter: monikersnap
facebook: MonikerLLC
- name: MyDomain
url: https://www.mydomain.com/
twitter: mydomaindotcom
facebook: mydomain
img: mydomain.png
tfa: No
- name: Name.com
url: https://www.name.com/
img: namecom.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.name.com/services/two-step-verification
- name: Namecheap
url: https://www.namecheap.com/
img: namecheap.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://www.namecheap.com/support/knowledgebase/article.aspx/9253/45/how-to-two-factor-authentication
- name: NameSilo.com
url: https://www.namesilo.com/
img: namesilo.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.namesilo.com/Support/2~Factor-Authentication
- name: NamesPro.ca
url: https://www.namespro.ca/
twitter: namespro
facebook: namespro
img: namespro.png
tfa: No
- name: NearlyFreeSpeech.net
url: https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/
img: nfsn.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://blog.nearlyfreespeech.net/2014/02/28/price-cuts-more-security-and-recovery-options/
- name: Netfirms
url: https://www.netfirms.com
twitter: netfirms
facebook: netfirmsfans
img: netfirms.png
tfa: No
- name: Netim
url: https://www.netim.com/
twitter: Netim_com
facebook: netimcom
img: netim.png
tfa: No
- name: Netregistry
url: http://www.netregistry.com.au/
twitter: netregistry
facebook: netregistry
img: netregistry.png
tfa: No
- name: Network Solutions
url: https://www.networksolutions.com/
twitter: netsolcares
facebook: Web.com
img: networksolutions.png
tfa: No
- name: No-IP
url: https://www.noip.com/
img: noip.png
tfa: No
twitter: NoIPcom
facebook: noipdns
- name: Nominet
url: http://www.nominet.uk/
img: nominet.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://registrars.nominet.org.uk/sites/default/files/two_factor_authentication_userguide.pdf
- name: Openprovider
url: https://www.openprovider.co.uk
img: openprovider.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.openprovider.co.uk/about-openprovider/news/secure-your-account-with-two-factor-authentication
- name: OpenSRS
url: https://opensrs.com
img: opensrs.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://help.opensrs.com/hc/en-us/articles/209618017-Two-Factor-Authentication-2FA-for-Reseller-Account-Access
- name: pairNIC
url: https://www.pairnic.com/
img: pairnic.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://www.pairnic.com/faq_security.html
- name: PointDNS
url: https://pointhq.com/
twitter: pointdns
img: pointdns.png
tfa: No
- name: porkbun
url: https://porkbun.com
img: porkbunBuns.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://porkbun.com/products/two_factor_authentication
- name: Register4Less
url: https://register4less.com/
img: register4less.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://blog.register4less.com/?p=43
- name: Registro.br
url: https://registro.br
img: registrobr.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://registro.br/ajuda.html?secao=GerenciamentoConta&item=310
- name: STRATO
url: https://www.strato.de/
twitter: STRATO_AG
facebook: strato
img: strato.png
tfa: No
lang: de
- name: Uniregistry
url: https://uniregistry.com/
img: uniregistry.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://uniregistry.help/my-account-en/what-is-two-step-verification/
- name: Verio
url: https://www.verio.com/
twitter: Verio
img: verio.png
tfa: No
@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
- name: (ISC)2
url: https://www.isc2.org
img: isc2.png
tfa: No
twitter: ISC2
facebook: isc2fb
- name: Academic Earth
url: http://academicearth.org/
twitter: academicearth
facebook: academicearth
img: academicearth.png
tfa: No
- name: Antagning.se
url: https://www.antagning.se
img: antagning.png
twitter: antagningse
tfa: No
- name: Certified Wireless Network Professional (CWNP)
url: https://www.cwnp.com
img: cwnp.png
tfa: No
twitter: CWNP
facebook: OfficialCWNP
email_address: customercare@cwnp.com
- name: Clever
url: https://www.clever.com
img: clever.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.clever.com/hc/en-us/articles/202062333-Two-Factor-Authentication
- name: Code School
url: https://www.codeschool.com/
twitter: codeschool
facebook: CodeSchool
img: codeschool.png
tfa: No
- name: Codecademy
url: https://www.codecademy.com/
twitter: codecademy
facebook: codecademy
img: codecademy.png
tfa: No
- name: College Of DuPage
url: https://www.cod.edu/
twitter: collegedupage
facebook: collegeofdupage
email_address: studenthelp@dupage.edu
img: CoD.png
tfa: No
- name: CompTIA
url: https://certification.comptia.org/
img: CompTIA.png
tfa: No
twitter: comptia
facebook: CompTIA
- name: Coursera
url: https://www.coursera.org/
twitter: coursera
facebook: Coursera
img: coursera.png
tfa: No
- name: CSN
url: https://www.csn.se
img: csn.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.csn.se/bas/vanligaFragor.do
- name: Duolingo
url: https://www.duolingo.com
img: duolingo.png
twitter: duolingo
facebook: duolingo
tfa: No
- name: EC-Council
url: https://www.eccouncil.org
img: eccouncil.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://aspen.eccouncil.org/aspen/Help/2FactorAuthentication-User_Manual.pdf
- name: Edmodo
url: https://www.edmodo.com/
twitter: edmodo
facebook: edmodo
img: edmodo.png
tfa: No
- name: edX
url: https://www.edx.org/
twitter: edXOnline
facebook: edX
img: edx.png
tfa: No
- name: Global Information Assurance Certification (GIAC)
url: https://www.giac.org
img: giac.png
tfa: No
twitter: CertifyGIAC
facebook: GIAC.org
email_address: info@giac.org
- name: Illinois Institute Of Technology
url: https://web.iit.edu/
twitter: illinoistech
facebook: illinoistech
email_address: supportdesk@iit.edu
img: iit.png
tfa: No
text: "Illinois Tech uses Google Apps for Eductation for their email; so they could very easily add tfa to their email, but at the time of this commit, they have it disabled and do not plan to implement it any time soon."
- name: ISACA
url: https://www.isaca.org
img: isaca.png
tfa: No
twitter: ISACANews
facebook: ISACAHQ
- name: Montclair State University
url: https://www.montclair.edu/employee-services/
twitter: montclairstateu
img: montclair.png
tfa: No
- name: My Study Life
url: https://www.mystudylife.com/
twitter: mystudylife
facebook: mystudylife
img: mystudylife.png
tfa: No
- name: Oplerno
url: https://enroll.oplerno.com/
img: oplerno.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: PushCoin
url: https://pushcoin.com
img: pushcoin.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
text: "U2F support only for school admin accounts. 2FA for parent accounts is in progress."
doc: http://knowhow.pushcoin.com/using-security-key-for-2-step-verification/
- name: Robert Morris University
url: https://sentry.rmu.edu/login
twitter: rmu
facebook: RMUpgh
img: rmu.png
tfa: No
- name: Royal Roads University
url: http://www.royalroads.ca
twitter: RoyalRoads
facebook: royalroadsu
img: royalroads.png
tfa: No
- name: SchoolSoft
url: http://schoolsoft.se/
img: schoolsoft.png
email_address: support@schoolsoft.se
tfa: No
- name: Temple University
url: https://www.temple.edu/
img: templeuniversity.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://computerservices.temple.edu/two-step-verification
- name: Udacity
url: https://www.udacity.com/
twitter: udacity
facebook: Udacity
img: udacity.png
tfa: No
- name: Udemy
url: https://www.udemy.com/
twitter: udemy
facebook: udemy
img: udemy.png
tfa: No
- name: University of Michigan
url: https://www.umich.edu
img: umich.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://its.umich.edu/accounts-access/uniqnames-passwords/two-factor-authentication
- name: Virginia Tech
url: https://www.vt.edu/
img: virginiatech.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.tech.it.vt.edu/2factor/
@ -1,185 +0,0 @@
- name: Aol Mail
url: https://mail.aol.com
img: aol.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.aol.com/articles/2-step-verification-stronger-than-your-password-alone
- name: FastMail
url: https://www.fastmail.com/
img: fastmail.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.fastmail.com/help/account/2fa.html
- name: Freenet
url: https://www.freenet.de/
img: freenet.png
tfa: No
facebook: freenet
- name: Gmail
url: https://gmail.com
img: gmail.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: GMX
url: https://www.gmx.com/
twitter: gmxmail
img: gmx.png
tfa: No
- name: Hushmail
url: https://www.hushmail.com
img: hushmail.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.hushmail.com/entries/63282756-Two-step-verification
- name: Mail.com
url: https://www.mail.com/
twitter: maildotcom
facebook: mail.com
img: maildotcom.png
tfa: No
- name: Mail.Ru
url: https://mail.ru/
img: mailru.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.mail.ru/enmail-help/settings/2auth
- name: mailbox.org
url: https://mailbox.org/
img: mailbox.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://support-en.mailbox.org/knowledge-base/article/is-there-a-two-factor-authentication
- name: Mailstache
url: https://mailstache.io
twitter: mailstache
img: mailstache.png
tfa: No
- name: Outlook.com
url: https://outlook.com
img: outlook.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/two-step-verification-faq
- name: Pobox
url: https://www.pobox.com/
img: pobox.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://pobox.com/helpspot/index.php?pg=kb.chapter&id=65
- name: Posteo
url: https://posteo.de/
img: posteo.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://posteo.de/en/help/what-is-two-factor-authentication-and-how-do-i-set-it-up
- name: ProtonMail
url: https://protonmail.com/
twitter: ProtonMail
facebook: protonmail
img: protonmail.png
tfa: No
- name: Riseup Mail
url: https://mail.riseup.net
twitter: riseupnet
img: riseup.png
tfa: No
- name: Runbox
url: https://runbox.com
twitter: Runbox
img: runbox.png
tfa: No
- name: T-Online
url: http://email.t-online.de
twitter: Telekom_hilft
facebook: tonline.de
img: tonline.png
lang: de
tfa: No
- name: Thexyz
url: https://www.thexyz.com/
img: thexyz.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.thexyz.com/account/knowledgebase/15/Enabling-two-factor-authentication.html
- name: Web.de
url: https://web.de
twitter: WEBDE
facebook: WEB.DE
img: webde.png
lang: de
tfa: No
- name: Yahoo Japan Mail
url: https://mail.yahoo.co.jp/
img: yahoojapanmail.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://id.yahoo.co.jp/security/otp.html
- name: Yahoo Mail
url: https://mail.yahoo.com/
img: yahoomail.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://help.yahoo.com/kb/SLN5013.html
- name: Yandex.Mail
url: https://mail.yandex.com/
img: yandexmail.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
text: "SMS-capable phone required for initial setup."
doc: https://yandex.com/support/passport/authorization/twofa.xml
- name: Zimbra
url: https://www.zimbra.com/
img: zimbra.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
text: "Available in Zimbra Collaboration 8.7 and above, Network Edition only"
doc: https://blog.zimbra.com/2016/02/zimbra-collaboration-8-7-two-factor-authentication-2fa-technical-preview/
- name: Zoho Mail
url: https://www.zoho.com/mail/
img: zoho.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://adminconsole.wiki.zoho.com/mail/Two-Factor-Authentication.html
@ -1,154 +0,0 @@
- name: Bandcamp
url: https://bandcamp.com
twitter: bandcamp
facebook: Bandcamp
img: bandcamp.png
tfa: No
- name: Beam
url: https://beam.pro
img: beam.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: CD Baby
url: https://www.cdbaby.com/
twitter: cdbaby
facebook: cdbaby
img: cdbaby.png
tfa: No
- name: Google Play
url: https://play.google.com
img: googleplay.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: hitbox
url: https://www.hitbox.tv/
twitter: hitboxliveHelp
facebook: hitboxlive
img: hitbox.png
tfa: No
- name: Hulu
url: http://www.hulu.com/
twitter: hulu_support
facebook: hulu
img: hulu.png
tfa: No
- name: IMDb
url: https://www.imdb.com
img: imdb.png
twitter: IMDb
facebook: imdb
tfa: No
- name: Last.fm
url: http://www.last.fm/
twitter: lastfmsupport
facebook: lastfm
img: lastfm.png
tfa: No
- name: Netflix
url: https://www.netflix.com/us/
twitter: Netflixhelps
facebook: netflix
img: netflix.png
tfa: No
- name: Picarto.TV
url: https://picarto.tv/
twitter: PicartoTV
facebook: picartotv
email_address: support@picarto.tv
img: picartotv.png
tfa: No
- name: Plex
url: https://www.plex.tv
twitter: plexapp
facebook: plexapp
img: plex.png
tfa: No
- name: Sling TV
url: https://www.sling.com/
twitter: slinganswers
facebook: sling
img: sling.png
tfa: No
- name: SoundCloud
url: https://soundcloud.com/
twitter: SCsupport
facebook: SoundCloud
img: soundcloud.png
tfa: No
- name: Spotify
url: https://www.spotify.com/
twitter: spotifycares
facebook: spotify
img: spotify.png
tfa: No
- name: TIDAL
url: https://tidal.com/
twitter: TIDALHiFi
facebook: TIDAL
img: tidal.png
tfa: No
- name: TiVo
url: https://www.tivo.com/
twitter: TiVo
facebook: TiVo
img: tivo.png
tfa: No
- name: Twitch
url: https://www.twitch.tv/
img: twitch.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://blog.twitch.tv/2015/11/two-factor-authentication-now-available-on-your-twitch-account/
- name: Ustream
url: http://www.ustream.tv/
twitter: UstreamSupport
facebook: ustream
img: ustream.png
tfa: No
- name: Vessel
url: https://www.vessel.com/
twitter: Vessel
facebook: vessel
img: vessel.png
tfa: No
- name: Vimeo
url: https://vimeo.com/
twitter: vimeo
facebook: Vimeo
img: vimeo.png
tfa: No
- name: YouTube
url: https://www.youtube.com/
img: youtube.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
phone: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
@ -1,248 +0,0 @@
- name: Adirondack Insurance Exchange
url: http://www.aie-ny.com/
img: adirondackinsurnaceexchange.png
tfa: No
- name: ADP
url: https://www.adp.com
twitter: adp
img: adp.png
tfa: No
- name: Credit Karma
url: https://www.creditkarma.com
twitter: creditkarma
img: creditkarma.png
tfa: No
- name: ditech
url: https://www.ditech.com
twitter: ditech
img: ditech.png
tfa: No
- name: FreeAgent
url: https://www.freeagent.com
img: freeagent.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
docs: https://www.freeagent.com/support/kb/getting-started/two-step-verification
- name: FreshBooks
url: https://www.freshbooks.com
img: freshbooks.png
twitter: freshbooks
tfa: No
- name: Geico
url: https://www.geico.com/
img: geico.png
twitter: geico_service
tfa: No
- name: Gusto
url: https://www.gusto.com
img: gusto.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://support.gusto.com/hc/en-us/articles/210838787-Two-Step-Authentication
- name: HelloWallet
url: https://www.hellowallet.com
twitter: HelloWallet
img: hellowallet.png
tfa: No
- name: InEx Finance
url: https://www.inexfinance.com/
twitter: InexFinance
img: inex.png
tfa: No
- name: Intuit TurboTax
url: https://turbotax.intuit.com/
img: turbotax.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://ttlc.intuit.com/questions/2902682-what-is-two-step-verification
- name: Justworks
url: https://justworks.com/
img: justworks.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://help.justworks.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2488740-two-factor-authentication
- name: Kiva
url: https://www.kiva.org
twitter: kiva
img: kiva.png
tfa: No
- name: Kualto
url: https://www.kualto.com
twitter: kualtoapp
img: kualto.png
tfa: No
- name: LevelUp
url: https://www.thelevelup.com
twitter: TheLevelUp
img: levelup.png
tfa: No
- name: Mint
url: https://www.mint.com
img: mint.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
- name: Mint Bills (formerly Check)
url: https://bills.mint.com
twitter: mintbills
img: mintbills.png
tfa: No
- name: Noddle
url: https://www.noddle.co.uk
twitter: useyournoddle
facebook: noodleuk
img: noddle.png
tfa: No
- name: Northwestern Mutual
url: https://www.northwesternmutual.com/
facebook: northwesternmutual
img: northwesternmutual.png
tfa: No
- name: Paychex
url: https://www.paychex.com
img: paychex.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
- name: Paytrust
url: http://paytrust.quicken.com
img: paytrust.png
tfa: Yes
phone: Yes
- name: Pocketsmith
url: https://www.pocketsmith.com
img: pocketsmith.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.pocketsmith.com/blog/2014/07/18/2fa-orginal-merchant-and-other-updates
- name: Popmoney
url: https://www.popmoney.com
twitter: popmoney
img: popmoney.png
tfa: No
- name: President's Choice Financial
url: https://www.pcfinancial.ca
twitter: PCFinancial
img: presidentschoice.png
tfa: No
- name: Progressive
url: https://www.progressive.com
twitter: progressive
img: progressive.png
tfa: No
- name: Quickbooks Online
url: http://www.quickbooks.com
img: quickbooks.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://community.intuit.com/articles/1164912-multi-factor-authentication-faq
- name: QuickFile
url: http://www.quickfile.co.uk
img: quickfile.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://help.quickfile.co.uk/main/1/2-factor_authentication.htm
- name: Quizzle
url: https://www.quizzle.com
img: quizzle.png
tfa: No
twitter: Quizzle
- name: Ripple Trade
url: https://www.rippletrade.com/
img: rippletrade.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://ripple.com/knowledge_center/using-two-factor-authentication-2fa/
- name: Santander UK
url: http://www.santander.co.uk
img: santander.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: http://www.santander.co.uk/uk/help-support/security-centre
- name: Shoeboxed
url: https://www.shoeboxed.com/
twitter: Shoeboxed
img: shoeboxed.png
tfa: No
- name: SimpleTax
url: https://simpletax.ca/
img: simpletax.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://help.simpletax.ca/questions/two-factor-authentication
- name: TransferWise
url: https://transferwise.com
img: transferwise.png
tfa: No
twitter: TransferWise
- name: Treasury Direct
url: https://www.treasurydirect.gov
img: treasurydirect.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
- name: Valic
url: https://www.valic.com/
twitter: VALIC_retire
img: valic.png
tfa: No
- name: Xero
url: https://www.xero.com/
img: xero.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.xero.com/nz/MyXero_Two-Step_About
- name: Yodlee Moneycenter
url: https://yodleemoneycenter.com/
twitter: Yodlee
img: yodlee.png
tfa: no
- name: You Need A Budget (YNAB)
url: https://www.youneedabudget.com/
twitter: ynab
img: ynab.png
tfa: no
@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
- name: Dutch Bros
url: https://dutchbros.com/
img: dutchbros.png
tfa: No
twitter: DutchBros
facebook: dutchbros
- name: Max
url: https://max.se/
img: max.png
tfa: No
twitter: maxhamburgare
facebook: maxhamburgare
lang: sv
- name: Starbucks
url: http://www.starbucks.com/
img: starbucks.png
tfa: No
twitter: Starbucks
facebook: Starbucks
- name: Taco Bell
url: https://www.tacobell.com
img: tacobell.png
tfa: No
twitter: tacobell
facebook: tacobell
@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
- name: Ankama
url: http://www.ankama.com
img: ankama.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.ankama.com/hc/en-us/categories/200093427-DOFUS-Security
- name: Black Desert Online
url: https://www.blackdesertonline.com/
img: bdo.png
twitter: BDO_News
tfa: No
- name: Blade & Soul
url: http://www.bladeandsoul.com/
img: bladeandsoul.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.bladeandsoul.com/hc/en-us/articles/207578553-Supported-Two-Step-OTP-Authentication-Verification-Methods
- name: Blizzard
url: http://blizzard.com
img: blizzard.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://us.battle.net/en/security/
- name: Curse
url: https://www.curse.com/
img: curse.png
tfa: No
twitter: curseapp
- name: Desura
url: http://www.desura.com/
img: desura.png
tfa: No
twitter: desura
- name: Elder Scrolls Online
url: http://www.elderscrollsonline.com/
img: eso.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
doc: /notes/eso/
- name: Enjin
url: http://www.enjin.com/
img: enjin.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
text: "2FA is only available on paid plans."
doc: https://support.enjin.com/hc/en-us/articles/201090770-2-Factor-Authentication-Authy-
- name: EVE Online
url: https://www.eveonline.com/
img: eveonline.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/two-factor-authentication/
text: "This does not prevent people from logging into the game client by circumventing the launcher. That is a legacy issue that the developers have acknowledged."
- name: GameFly
url: https://www.gamefly.com/
twitter: GameFly
facebook: gamefly
img: gamefly.png
tfa: No
- name: Garena Online
url: http://garena.com
img: garena.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.garena.com/account/
text: "A mobile phone and Garena account level 3 or higher is required for 2FA."
- name: GeForce (Nvidia)
url: http://www.geforce.com/
twitter: NVIDIAGeForce
facebook: NVIDIAGeForce
img: geforce.png
tfa: No
- name: GOG.com
url: https://www.gog.com
img: gog.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://www.gog.com/support/support_view/twostep_login_faq
- name: GREE
url: http://product.gree.net/
img: gree.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: /notes/gree/
- name: Guild Wars 2
url: https://www.guildwars2.com
img: guildwars2.png
sms: Yes
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.guildwars2.com/entries/95446157-Securing-Your-Account-With-Authentication
- name: Humble Bundle
url: https://www.humblebundle.com/
img: humble.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.humblebundle.com/hc/en-us/articles/202421374
- name: Itch.io
url: https://itch.io/
img: itchio.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://itch.io/developers/two-factor-authentication
- name: League of Legends
url: http://leagueoflegends.com
twitter: leagueoflegends
img: leagueoflegends.png
tfa: No
- name: Mojang
url: https://mojang.com/
twitter: MojangSupport
img: mojang.png
tfa: No
- name: Nintendo Network
url: https://www.nintendo.com/
twitter: NintendoAmerica
img: nintendo.png
tfa: No
- name: Origin
url: https://www.origin.com/
img: origin.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://help.ea.com/en/article/origin-login-verification-information/
- name: Playstation Network
url: https://www.playstation.com/
img: psn.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://www.playstation.com/en-us/account-security/2-step-verification/
- name: Roberts Space Industries
url: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/
img: robertsspaceindustries.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://robertsspaceindustries.com/faq/two-step-authentication
- name: Rockstar Games Social Club
url: https://socialclub.rockstargames.com
twitter: RockstarSupport
img: rockstargames.png
tfa: No
- name: RuneScape
url: http://www.runescape.com/
img: runescape.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://services.runescape.com/m=rswiki/en/Authenticator_FAQ
- name: Square Enix
url: http://na.square-enix.com/
img: squarenix.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.square-enix.com/na/account/otp/
text: "Software implementation requires you to have purchased either Final Fantasy XI or Final Fantasy XIV and registered the game."
- name: "Star Wars: The Old Republic"
url: http://www.swtor.com/
img: swtor.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.swtor.com/info/security-key
- name: Stardock Corporation
url: https://www.stardock.com/
twitter: Stardock
img: stardock.png
tfa: No
- name: Steam
url: http://store.steampowered.com/
img: steam.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=8625-WRAH-9030
text: "Software implementation requires use of the Steam Mobile app. It does not support multiple accounts on the same device. It does not support multiple accounts using the same phone number for SMS. Authentication on non-phone devices is not officially supported. SMS support is limited to receiving account recovery codes for password resets."
- name: Tibia
url: http://www.tibia.com/
img: tibia.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.tibia.com/support/?subtopic=faq&question=authenticator
- name: Trion Worlds
url: http://www.trionworlds.com/en/
img: trionworlds.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.trionworlds.com/hc/en-us/articles/204183357-Adding-a-Mobile-Authenticator
- name: Uplay
url: https://uplay.ubi.com/
img: uplay.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://forums.ubi.com/showthread.php/1463703-Secure-your-account-with-2-Step-Verification
- name: Wargaming
url: http://wargaming.net/
twitter: wargaming_net
img: wargaming.png
tfa: No
- name: WildStar
url: https://www.wildstar-online.com/
img: wildstar.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.wildstar-online.com/hc/en-us/articles/203982369-Two-Step-Verification-FAQ
- name: Xbox Live
url: https://www.xbox.com/live
img: xbox.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/two-step-verification-faq
@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
- name: 23andMe
url: http://www.23andme.com
twitter: 23andMe
img: 23andme.png
tfa: No
- name: Carilion Clinic
url: https://www.carilionclinic.org
img: carilionclinic.png
tfa: No
twitter: CarilionClinic
facebook: carilionclinic
email_address: direct@carilionclinic.org
- name: CVS/Caremark
url: https://www.caremark.com
twitter: cvshealth
img: cvscaremark.png
tfa: No
- name: drchrono
url: https://www.drchrono.com
img: drchrono.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.drchrono.com/blog/two-factor-authentication-extra-security-for-your-health-records/
- name: Drugs.com
url: http://www.drugs.com
twitter: DrugsCom
img: drugscom.png
tfa: No
status: https://twitter.com/Drugscom/status/493856207572975620
- name: Elation Health
url: https://www.elationhealth.com/
twitter: ElationHealth
img: elationhealth.png
tfa: No
- name: FitBit
url: http://www.fitbit.com
twitter: fitbit
img: fitbit.png
tfa: No
- name: FollowMyHealth
url: https://www.followmyhealth.com/
img: followmyhealth.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://support.followmyhealth.com/customer/portal/articles/1309938-fmh-secure-login-2-step-verification---break-down
- name: Google Fit
url: https://fit.google.com
img: googlefit.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: HealthVault (w/Microsoft Account)
url: https://www.healthvault.com
img: healthvault.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-au/windows/two-step-verification-faq
- name: MedicAlert
url: https://www.medicalert.ca
img: medicalert.png
twitter: MedicAlertCA
tfa: No
- name: Misfit
url: https://misfit.com/
twitter: Misfit
img: misfit.png
tfa: No
- name: myfitnesspal
url: https://www.myfitnesspal.com
twitter: myfitnesspal
img: myfitnesspal.png
tfa: No
- name: Runtastic
url: https://www.runtastic.com
twitter: Runtastic
facebook: runtastic
img: runtastic.png
tfa: No
- name: Thriva
url: https://thriva.co
twitter: thrivahealth
facebook: thriva
img: thriva.png
tfa: No
- name: WebMD
url: http://www.webmd.com
twitter: WebMD
img: webmd.png
tfa: No
- name: Withings
url: http://www.withings.com
twitter: Withings
img: withings.png
tfa: No
@ -1,301 +0,0 @@
- name: 34SP.com
url: https://www.34SP.com
img: 34sp.png
tfa: yes
software: yes
doc: https://www.34sp.com/kb/142/how-to-enable-2-factor-authentication-on-your-account
- name: ARP Networks
url: https://arpnetworks.com/
img: arpnetworks.png
tfa: No
twitter: arpnetworks
- name: Binary Lane
url: https://www.binarylane.com.au/
img: binarylane.png
tfa: Yes
software: yes
doc: https://www.binarylane.com.au/support/solutions/articles/1000199372-two-factor-authentication
- name: BlueFur Web Hosting
url: https://www.bluefur.com
img: bluefur.png
twitter: bluefur
tfa: No
- name: Bluehost
url: https://www.bluehost.com/
img: bluehost.png
tfa: No
twitter: bluehostsupport
- name: ChunkHost
url: https://chunkhost.com
img: chunkhost.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: CloudAtCost
url: http://cloudatcost.com
img: cloudatcost.png
twitter: cloudatcost
tfa: no
- name: CloudShards
url: https://www.cloudshards.com/
img: cloudshards.png
twitter: CloudShards
tfa: No
- name: Cloudways
url: https://www.cloudways.com/
img: cloudways.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.cloudways.com/enabling-two-factor-authentication-for-your-cloudways-account/
- name: cyon
url: https://www.cyon.ch
img: cyon.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.cyon.ch/support/a/225/wie-aktiviere-ich-die-zwei-schritt-verifizierung
- name: Dreamhost
url: https://dreamhost.com
img: dreamhost.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://wiki.dreamhost.com/Enabling_Multifactor_Authentication
- name: Easy
url: https://easy.gr/
img: easy.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://easy.gr/el/faq
- name: Fastly
url: https://www.fastly.com
img: fastly.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://docs.fastly.com/guides/getting-started/enabling-and-disabling-twofactor-authentication
- name: Glesys
url: http://glesys.com/
img: glesys.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
- name: Globat
url: https://www.globat.com/
img: globat.png
tfa: No
twitter: globat
- name: Hetzner Online
url: https://www.hetzner.de/
img: hetzner.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
- name: ICUK
url: https://icuk.net
img: icuk.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.icuk.net/reseller/security.asp
- name: Infomaniak
url: https://www.infomaniak.com/
img: infomaniak.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.infomaniak.ch/en/support/faq/1940
- name: InMotion Hosting
url: https://www.inmotionhosting.com/
twitter: inmotionhosting
img: inmotion.png
tfa: No
- name: iPage
url: https://www.ipage.com/ipage/index.html
twitter: iPage
img: ipage.png
tfa: No
- name: Liquid Web
url: https://www.liquidweb.com
img: liquidweb.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.liquidweb.com/kb/how-to-enable-two-factor-authentication-2fa/
- name: Mammoth Networks
url: https://www.mammoth.net.au/
img: mammothnetworks.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.mammoth.net.au/news/2012/10/22/two-factor-authentication-now-available
- name: MaxCDN
url: https://www.maxcdn.com
img: maxcdn.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.maxcdn.com/one/tutorial/enable-two-step-verification/
- name: Media Temple
url: https://mediatemple.net/
twitter: mediatemple
img: mediatemple.png
tfa: No
- name: Mittwald
url: https://www.mittwald.de/
twitter: mittwald
img: mittwald.png
tfa: No
lang: de
- name: NearlyFreeSpeech.NET
url: https://www.nearlyfreespeech.net/
img: nfsn.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://blog.nearlyfreespeech.net/2014/02/28/price-cuts-more-security-and-recovery-options/
- name: Netcup
url: https://netcup.eu/
img: netcup.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.netcup-wiki.de/wiki/Stammdaten_CCP#Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung_.282FA.29
- name: One.com
url: https://www.one.com/
twitter: onecom
img: onecom.png
tfa: No
- name: Online
url: https://www.online.net/
img: online.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
- name: OVH
url: https://www.ovh.com/
img: ovh.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
- name: PlanetHoster
url: https://planethoster.net
img: PlanetHoster.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://blog.planethoster.net/securite-espace-client-planethoster/
- name: Rackspace
url: https://www.rackspace.com/
img: rackspace.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: http://www.rackspace.com/knowledge_center/article/myrackspace-two-factor-authentication
- name: RamNode
url: http://www.ramnode.com
img: ramnode.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://clientarea.ramnode.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displayarticle&id=70
- name: Scaleway
url: https://www.scaleway.com/
twitter: scaleway
facebook: scaleway
img: scaleway.png
tfa: No
- name: Site5
url: https://www.site5.com/
twitter: site5
img: site5.png
tfa: No
- name: Softlayer
url: https://www.softlayer.com
img: softlayer.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://knowledgelayer.softlayer.com/procedure/configure-portal-account-one-time-password-access-manage
- name: SpeedIT Solutions
url: https://www.speedit.org/
img: speedit.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.speedit.org/faq/#accordian_item_937
- name: Squarespace
url: https://squarespace.com/
twitter: squarespace
img: squarespace.png
tfa: No
- name: UKFast
url: https://www.ukfast.co.uk/
img: ukfast.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
- name: Ukraine
url: https://www.ukraine.com.ua/
img: ukraine.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.ukraine.com.ua/faq/rekomendatsii-po-zashchite-ot-vzloma-uchetnoj-zapisi.html
- name: Vultr
url: https://www.vultr.com/
img: vultr.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.vultr.com/faq/#authy
- name: WebFaction
url: https://www.webfaction.com
img: webfaction.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://docs.webfaction.com/user-guide/control_panel.html#two-step-login
- name: Weebly
url: https://www.weebly.com
img: weebly.png
tfa: No
twitter: weebly
facebook: weebly
- name: WP Engine
url: https://wpengine.com/
img: wpengine.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://wpengine.com/support/2-factor-authentication/
@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
- name: Acorns
url: https://www.acorns.com/
twitter: acorns
img: acorns.png
tfa: No
- name: Betterment
url: https://www.betterment.com/
twitter: betterment
img: betterment.png
tfa: No
- name: Charles Schwab
url: https://www.schwab.com/
img: charlesschwab.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: /notes/schwab/
- name: COL Financial
url: https://www.colfinancial.com
twitter: COLfinancial
img: colfinancial.png
tfa: no
- name: E*Trade
url: https://www.etrade.com/
img: etrade.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://us.etrade.com/e/t/jumppage/viewjumppage?PageName=secureid_enter#
- name: Fidelity Investments
url: https://www.fidelity.com
img: fidelity.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
text: "Only available for some account types"
doc: /notes/fidelity/
- name: HealthEquity
url: http://www.healthequity.com/
twitter: healthequity
img: healthequity.png
tfa: No
- name: Interactive Brokers
url: https://www.interactivebrokers.com
img: interactivebrokers.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.interactivebrokers.com/en/index.php?f=ibgStrength&p=log
- name: Loyal3
url: https://www.loyal3.com/
twitter: loyal3
img: loyal3.png
tfa: No
- name: Manulife
url: http://www.manulife.ca
twitter: Manulife
img: manulife.png
tfa: No
- name: Merrill Edge
url: https://www.merrilledge.com/
twitter: MerrillLynch
img: merrilledge.png
tfa: No
- name: MotifInvesting
url: https://www.motifinvesting.com/
img: motif.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://www.motifinvesting.com/security
- name: Nutmeg
url: https://www.nutmeg.com/
twitter: thenutmegteam
img: nutmeg.png
tfa: No
- name: OptionsHouse
img: optionshouse.png
url: https://www.optionshouse.com
tfa: No
twitter: OptionsHouse
- name: OptionsXpress
url: http://www.optionsxpress.com/
twitter: optionsXpress
img: optionsxpress.png
tfa: No
- name: Personal Capital
url: https://www.personalcapital.com
img: personalcapital.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://www.personalcapital.com/safety-and-security
- name: Raizers
url: https://www.raizers.com
img: raizers.png
tfa: No
twitter: Raizers
- name: RBC Direct Investing
url: http://www.rbcdirectinvesting.com
twitter: RBC
img: rbc.png
tfa: No
- name: Robinhood
url: https://www.robinhood.com/
img: robinhood.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://support.robinhood.com/hc/en-us/articles/211546986-Two-Factor-Authentication
- name: Scottrade
url: https://www.scottrade.com/
twitter: scottrade
img: scottrade.png
tfa: No
- name: Sharebuilder
url: https://www.sharebuilder.com/
twitter: sharebuilder
img: sharebuilder.png
tfa: No
- name: SigFig
url: https://www.sigfig.com/
twitter: sigfiginsights
img: sigfig.png
tfa: No
- name: TD Ameritrade
url: https://www.tdameritrade.com
twitter: TDAmeritrade
img: tdameritrade.png
tfa: No
- name: TD Waterhouse
url: https://www.tdwaterhouse.ca
twitter: TD_Canada
img: tdameritrade.png
tfa: No
- name: TIAA-CREF
url: https://www.tiaa-cref.org
twitter: TC_Talks
img: tiaacref.png
tfa: no
- name: TradeKing
url: https://www.tradeking.com
twitter: tradeking
img: tradeking.png
tfa: No
- name: Vanguard
url: https://www.vanguard.com/
img: vanguard.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://personal.vanguard.com/us/insights/article/Account-security-092015
text: "TFA is only available for Personal Investor accounts"
- name: Wealthfront
url: https://www.wealthfront.com/
img: wealthfront.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://pages.wealthfront.com/faqs/how-do-i-enable-two-step-authentication-on-my-account/
- name: WiseBanyan
url: https://www.wisebanyan.com/
twitter: WiseBanyan
img: wisebanyan.png
tfa: No
@ -1,451 +0,0 @@
- name: ActiveCollab
url: https://www.activecollab.com/
twitter: activecollab
img: activecollab.png
tfa: No
- name: Adobe ID
url: https://accounts.adobe.com/
twitter: adobecare
img: adobe.png
tfa: No
- name: Aerohive Networks
url: https://www.aerohive.com/
img: aerohive.png
tfa: No
twitter: aerohive
- name: Airbnb
url: https://www.airbnb.com/
img: airbnb.png
tfa: No
twitter: airbnb
- name: AngelList
url: https://angel.co
img: angellist.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
- name: Any.do
url: https://web.any.do/
img: anydo.png
tfa: No
twitter: AnyDO
facebook: Any.do
- name: Asana
url: https://www.asana.com
img: asana.png
tfa: No
twitter: asana
- name: Australia Post
url: https://auspost.com.au/
img: auspost.png
tfa: No
twitter: auspost
- name: Autodesk
url: http://www.autodesk.com
img: autodesk.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://knowledge.autodesk.com/search-result/caas/sfdcarticles/sfdcarticles/Autodesk-Two-Factor-Authentication-FAQ.html
- name: Automater
url: https://automater.pl/en/
img: automater.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5OLcvjVhhuI
- name: Azendoo
url: https://app.azendoo.com
img: azendoo.png
tfa: No
twitter: Azendoo
- name: Bugzilla@Mozilla
url: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org
img: bugzilla.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: BuiltWith
url: https://builtwith.com
img: builtwith.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://kb.builtwith.com/account-management/how-to-enable-2fa-on-builtwith/
- name: CA Technologies
url: http://www.ca.com/
img: ca-technologies.png
tfa: No
twitter: CAinc
facebook: CATechnologies
- name: Cisco Meraki
url: https://meraki.cisco.com/
img: meraki.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://documentation.meraki.com/zGeneral_Administration/Managing_Dashboard_Access/Using_Google_Authenticator_for_Two-factor_Authentication_in_Dashboard
- name: Clio
url: https://goclio.com
img: clio.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://support.goclio.com/hc/en-us/articles/203184210-Two-Factor-Authentication
- name: Cloudinary
url: http://cloudinary.com
img: cloudinary.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: CommuterBenefits
url: http://commuterbenefits.com/
img: commuterbenefits.png
tfa: No
twitter: CommuterBenefit
- name: Cosmolex
url: https://www.cosmolex.com/
img: cosmolex.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: http://support.cosmolex.com/customer/portal/articles/2158628
- name: Crowd Supply
url: https://www.crowdsupply.com
img: crowdsupply.png
tfa: No
twitter: crowd_supply
facebook: CrowdSupply
email_address: support@crowdsupply.com
- name: Delicious
url: http://del.icio.us/
img: delicious.png
twitter: Delicious
tfa: No
- name: Delighted
url: https://delightedapp.com/
img: delighted.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
- name: DirectAdmin
url: https://www.directadmin.com
img: directadmin.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://directadmin.com/features.php?id=1754
- name: DoorDash
url: https://www.doordash.com
img: doordash.png
twitter: doordash
tfa: No
- name: Dreamstime
url: https://www.dreamstime.com/
img: dreamstime.png
twitter: Dreamstime
tfa: No
- name: Envato
url: http://envato.com
img: envato.png
twitter: envato
tfa: No
- name: Everlaw
url: https://everlaw.com
img: everlaw.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://everlaw.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206312165-Two-Factor-Authentication
- name: Formstack
url: https://www.formstack.com/
img: formstack.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.formstack.com/customer/portal/articles/1833071-two-factor-authentication
- name: fruux
url: https://fruux.com
img: fruux.png
twitter: fruux
tfa: No
- name: HMRC
url: https://hmrc.gov.uk
twitter: HMRCgovuk
img: hmrc.png
tfa: No
- name: IEEE
url: https://www.ieee.org
img: ieee.png
tfa: No
twitter: IEEEorg
facebook: IEEE.org
- name: IFTTT
url: https://ifttt.com
img: ifttt.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://ifttt.com/settings#two-step-verification
- name: Kayako
url: https://www.kayako.com
img: kayako.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.kayako.com/article/1198-securing-your-user-account-with-two-factor-authentication-2fa
- name: Kickstarter
url: https://www.kickstarter.com
img: kickstarter.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.kickstarter.com/help/faq/backer+questions#faq_63004
- name: Mandrill
url: https://mandrill.com/
img: mandrill.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
text: "SMS only available in the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada or some Caribbean islands."
doc: http://help.mandrill.com/entries/57465557
- name: Mixpanel
url: https://mixpanel.com/
img: mixpanel.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
- name: Monster
url: https://www.monster.com
img: monster.png
tfa: No
twitter: Monster
facebook: monster
- name: Nest
url: https://nest.com
twitter: nestsupport
img: nest.png
tfa: No
- name: Office 365
url: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/business/
img: office365.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://support.office.com/en-US/article/Set-up-multi-factor-authentication-for-Office-365-8f0454b2-f51a-4d9c-bcde-2c48e41621c6
- name: Onshape
url: https://www.onshape.com/
img: onshape.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://cad.onshape.com/help/Content/twofactorauthentication.htm
- name: Pastebin
url: http://pastebin.com
img: pastebin.png
tfa: No
twitter: pastebin
facebook: pastebin
email_address: admin@pastebin.com
- name: Patreon
url: https://www.patreon.com/
img: patreon.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/206538086-How-Do-I-Set-Up-2-Factor-Authorization
- name: PhraseApp
url: https://phraseapp.com
img: phraseapp.png
software: Yes
tfa: Yes
doc: http://blog.phraseapp.com/post/97556438392/extra-secure-user-accounts-in-phraseapp-with
- name: Pinboard
url: https://pinboard.in/
twitter: Pinboard
img: pinboard.png
tfa: No
- name: Planning Center Online
url: https://planning.center/
twitter: planningcenter
facebook: PlanningCenter
img: planningcenter.png
tfa: No
- name: Pocket
url: https://www.getpocket.com
twitter: Pocket
img: pocket.png
tfa: No
- name: Pozible
url: https://www.pozible.com
img: pozible.png
twitter: pozible
tfa: No
- name: Promoter.io
url: https://promoter.io/
img: promoter.png
tfa: No
twitter: Promoter_io
- name: Repairshopr
url: https://www.repairshopr.com/
img: repairshopr.png
tfa: Yes
doc: https://feedback.repairshopr.com/knowledgebase/articles/928266-two-factor-authentication-google-authenticator
sms: Yes
software: Yes
text: "SMS only available as a backup to Google Authenticator."
- name: Solar.web
url: https://www.solarweb.com
img: solarweb.png
tfa: No
twitter: FroniusUSASolar
facebook: FroniusUSASolarEnergy
- name: StartJOIN
url: https://www.startjoin.com/
img: startjoin.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: Todoist
url: https://todoist.com
twitter: todoist
img: todoist.png
tfa: No
- name: Toodledo
url: https://www.toodledo.com
img: toodledo.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.toodledo.com/info/help.php#168
- name: Total Connect Comfort
url: https://www.mytotalconnectcomfort.com
twitter: Honeywell_Home
img: totalconnect.png
tfa: No
- name: Trello
url: https://trello.com
img: trello.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: http://help.trello.com/article/993-enabling-two-factor-authentication-for-your-trello-account
- name: Upwork
url: https://www.upwork.com
img: upwork.png
tfa: No
twitter: UpworkHelp
facebook: upwork
- name: Usabilla
url: https://www.usabilla.com
img: usabilla.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://support.usabilla.com/customer/portal/articles/2098444-2-step-authentication
- name: WageWorks
url: https://www.wageworks.com
img: wageworks.png
tfa: No
twitter: WageWorksCares
- name: Watchman Monitoring
url: https://www.watchmanmonitoring.com
img: watchmanmonitoring.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.watchmanmonitoring.com/two-factor-authentication
text: 'Two factor authentication unavailable for "End User" access, which is read-only.'
- name: Webmin
url: http://www.webmin.com/
img: webmin.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://doxfer.webmin.com/Webmin/Enhanced_Authentication
- name: Wikia
url: https://www.wikia.com/
twitter: wikia
img: wikia.png
tfa: No
- name: Wikipedia
url: https://www.wikipedia.org/
twitter: Wikipedia
img: wikipedia.png
tfa: No
- name: Wunderlist
url: https://www.wunderlist.com
twitter: Wunderlist
img: wunderlist.png
tfa: No
- name: Yclas
url: https://yclas.com/
img: yclas.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://docs.yclas.com/2-step-authentication/
- name: Zendesk
url: http://www.zendesk.com
img: zendesk.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://support.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203824246
@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- name: Amazon Payments
url: https://payments.amazon.com
twitter: AmazonPayments
img: amazon.png
tfa: No
- name: Braintree
img: braintree.png
url: https://www.braintreepayments.com/
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://articles.braintreepayments.com/reference/security/two-factor-authentication
- name: Buycraft
url: http://buycraft.net
img: buycraft.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
text: "SMS-capable phone required."
doc: http://server.buycraft.net/tfa
- name: Dwolla
url: https://www.dwolla.com
img: dwolla.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://help.dwolla.com/customer/portal/articles/2068158-two-factor-authentication-faq?b_id=5438
- name: Flattr
img: flattr.png
url: https://flattr.com
twitter: flattr
tfa: No
- name: GoCardless
img: gocardless.png
url: https://gocardless.com/
twitter: GoCardless
tfa: No
- name: Google Wallet
url: http://www.google.se/wallet/
img: googlewallet.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: Klarna
url: https://www.klarna.com
img: klarna.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
text: "Software 2FA is only available for Swedish citizens with BankID."
- name: Litle & Co
img: litleco.png
twitter: litleco
tfa: No
url: https://www.litle.com
- name: NETELLER
img: neteller.png
url: https://www.neteller.com/
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.neteller.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/4670/kw/authentication
- name: Payoneer
url: http://www.payoneer.com/
twitter: Payoneer
img: payoneer.png
tfa: No
- name: PayPal
url: https://www.paypal.com/
img: paypal.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
text: "2FA is only available in a few countries. Contact PayPal on twitter for an up to date list of available countries."
doc: https://www.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin?cmd=xpt/Marketing_CommandDriven/securitycenter/PayPalSecurityKey-outside&bn_r=o
- name: Paysafecard
url: https://www.paysafecard.com/
img: paysafecard.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.paysafecard.com/en-au/lp-products/2-step-login/
- name: Privacy
url: https://privacy.com/
img: privacy.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://privacy.com/faq
- name: Skrill
url: https://skrill.com/
img: skrill.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://help.skrill.com/pkb_sc_article_FAQ?id=kA0D0000000Ci3x&l=en_GB
- name: Square
url: https://squareup.com
img: squareup.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
text: "Currently only US merchants, protects only Dashboard access"
doc: https://squareup.com/help/us/en/article/5593-2-step-verification
- name: Square Cash
url: https://cash.me
img: square-cash.png
tfa: No
twitter: SquareCash
- name: Stripe
img: stripe.png
url: https://www.stripe.com/
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.stripe.com/questions/how-do-i-enable-two-step-verification
- name: Venmo
url: https://venmo.com
img: venmo.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://help.venmo.com/hc/en-us/articles/217532397--Confirm-my-identity-on-sign-in-Why
- name: Visa Checkout
url: https://secure.checkout.visa.com/
img: visa-checkout.png
tfa: No
twitter: VisaCheckout
- name: Yandex.Money
url: https://money.yandex.ru
img: yandexmoney.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://money.yandex.ru/doc.xml?id=524852
@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
- name: Amazon AWS WorkSpaces
url: https://aws.amazon.com/workspaces/
doc: https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/multi-factor-auth-for-workspaces/
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
img: awsworkspaces.png
- name: join.me (w/ LogMeIn account)
url: https://join.me/
img: joinme.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://secure.logmein.com/welcome/webhelp/EN/Pro/LogMeIn/c_common_Security_TwoStep.html
- name: LogMeIn
url: https://secure.logmein.com/
img: logmein.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://secure.logmein.com/welcome/webhelp/EN/Pro/LogMeIn/c_Common_Account_Security.html
- name: O&O Syspectr
url: https://www.syspectr.com
img: oosyspectr.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.syspectr.com/en/faq/how-do-i-activate-deactivate-two-factor-authentication-for-my-account
- name: ScreenConnect
url: https://www.screenconnect.com
img: screenconnect.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
email: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://help.screenconnect.com/Enabling_two-factor_authentication
- name: TeamViewer
url: https://www.teamviewer.com
img: teamviewer.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.teamviewer.com/en/help/402-How-do-I-activate-deactivate-two-factor-authentication-for-my-TeamViewer-account.aspx
@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
- name: Adafruit
url: https://www.adafruit.com
img: adafruit.png
tfa: No
twitter: adafruit
facebook: adafruitindustries
- name: AdoramaPix
url: http://www.adoramapix.com
img: adoramapix.png
tfa: No
twitter: AdoramaPix
facebook: AdoramaPix
- name: Amazon
url: https://www.amazon.com
img: amazon.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
text: "SMS or phone call required to enable 2FA."
doc: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201596330
- name: Apple
url: https://appleid.apple.com
img: apple.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
text: "See http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5593 for a list of supported SMS carriers."
doc: http://support.apple.com/kb/ht5570
- name: Big W
url: https://www.bigw.com.au/
img: bigw.png
tfa: No
facebook: BIGWaustralia
- name: Combatant Gentlemen
url: https://combatgent.com
img: combatgent.png
tfa: No
twitter: CombatGent
facebook: combatgent
- name: Comixology
url: https://www.comixology.com/
img: comixology.png
tfa: No
twitter: comixology
- name: Costco
url: https://www.costco.com
img: costco.png
tfa: No
facebook: Costco
- name: Dell
url: http://www.dell.com
img: dell.png
tfa: No
twitter: DellCares
- name: Digital World International
url: http://www.dwidigitalcameras.com.au/
img: dwi.png
tfa: No
facebook: DWIAUS
- name: EB Games Australia
url: https://ebgames.com.au/
img: ebgamesaustralia.png
tfa: No
twitter: EBGamesAus
- name: eBay
url: http://ebay.com
img: ebay.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
text: "eBay only supports 2FA in some countries."
doc: http://pages.ebay.com/securitykey/faq.html
- name: Etsy
url: http://www.etsy.com/
img: etsy.png
sms: Yes
tfa: Yes
doc: http://www.etsy.com/help/article/3335
- name: Everlane
url: https://www.everlane.com/
twitter: everlane
img: everlane.png
tfa: No
- name: FastTech
url: https://www.fasttech.com
img: fasttech.png
tfa: No
facebook: fasttech.net
- name: Flipkart
url: https://www.flipkart.com
img: flipkart.png
tfa: No
twitter: flipkartsupport
facebook: flipkart
- name: Gilt
url: https://www.gilt.com
twitter: gilt
img: gilt.png
tfa: No
- name: Groupon
url: https://www.groupon.com
twitter: Groupon
img: groupon.png
tfa: No
- name: Home Depot
url: http://www.homedepot.com
img: homedepot.png
tfa: No
twitter: HomeDepot
facebook: homedepot
- name: Hudson's Bay
url: http://www.thebay.com
img: bay.png
twitter: hudsonsbay
tfa: No
- name: Hypop
url: https://www.hypop.com.au/
img: hypop.png
twitter: hypop
tfa: No
- name: IKEA
url: http://www.ikea.com
img: ikea.png
tfa: No
twitter: IKEAUSA
facebook: IKEAUSA
- name: JB Hi-Fi
url: https://www.jbhifi.com.au/
twitter: JBHiFi
img: jbhifi.png
tfa: No
- name: Jet
url: https://jet.com
twitter: JetHeads
img: jet.png
tfa: No
- name: Kohl's
url: http://www.kohls.com
img: kohls.png
tfa: No
twitter: Kohls
facebook: kohls
- name: Lazada
url: http://www.lazada.com/
twitter: asklazadasg
img: lazada.png
tfa: No
- name: Lowes
url: https://www.lowes.com
img: lowes.png
tfa: No
twitter: Lowes
facebook: lowes
- name: Macy's
url: http://www.macys.com/
twitter: macys
img: macys.png
tfa: No
- name: Massdrop
url: https://www.massdrop.com
twitter: Massdrop
img: massdrop.png
tfa: No
- name: Mercado Libre
url: https://www.mercadolibre.com
img: mercado-libre.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://ayuda.mercadolibre.com.ar/ayuda/Consejos-para-fortalecer-la-se_961
- name: Newegg
url: http://www.newegg.com
twitter: newegg
img: newegg.png
tfa: No
- name: Nordstrom
url: http://shop.nordstrom.com
img: nordstrom.png
tfa: No
twitter: Nordstrom
facebook: Nordstrom
- name: Northern Tool + Equipment
url: http://www.northerntool.com/
img: northerntool.png
tfa: No
twitter: NorthernTool
facebook: northerntool
- name: Overstock
url: https://www.overstock.com
img: overstock.png
tfa: No
twitter: Overstock
facebook: overstock
email_address: international@overstock.com
- name: PC Case Gear
url: https://www.pccasegear.com/
twitter: pccasegear
img: pccasegear.png
tfa: No
- name: Rakuten
url: http://www.rakuten.com/
twitter: AskRakutenUS
img: rakuten.png
tfa: No
- name: Samsung
url: http://www.samsung.com/
twitter: SamsungMobile
img: samsung.png
tfa: No
- name: Sierra Trading Post
url: http://www.sierratradingpost.com
img: sierratradingpost.png
tfa: No
twitter: Sierratp
facebook: sierratradingpost
- name: Stack Social
url: https://stacksocial.com
twitter: StackSocial
img: stacksocial.png
tfa: No
- name: Target
url: http://www.target.com/
twitter: target
img: target.png
tfa: No
- name: Walgreens
url: http://www.walgreens.com
twitter: walgreens
img: walgreens.png
tfa: No
- name: Walmart
url: https://www.walmart.com/
twitter: walmartlabs
img: walmart.png
tfa: No
- name: Warby Parker
url: https://www.warbyparker.com
twitter: WarbyParkerHelp
img: warbyparker.png
tfa: No
- name: Wayfair
url: http://www.wayfair.com
img: wayfair.png
tfa: No
twitter: Wayfair
facebook: wayfair
- name: Zappos
url: http://www.zappos.com/
twitter: Zappos
img: zappos.png
tfa: No
- name: Zazzle
url: http://www.zazzle.com
img: zazzle.png
tfa: No
twitter: zazzle
facebook: zazzle
@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- name: Air VPN
url: https://airvpn.org/
img: airvpn.png
tfa: No
twitter: airvpn
- name: Blur
url: https://www.abine.com/
img: blur.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://dnt.abine.com/#help/faq/faq-enabletwoFactor
- name: BolehVPN
url: https://www.bolehvpn.net/
img: bolehvpn.png
tfa: No
twitter: bolehvpn
- name: CAcert
url: http://www.cacert.org/
img: cacert.png
tfa: Yes
hardware: Yes
text: "Requires X.509-capable cryptotoken or smartcard."
- name: Cobalt
url: https://www.cobalt.io/
img: cobalt.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://cobalt.io/blog/new-feature-two-factor-auth/
- name: CyberGhost
url: https://www.cyberghostvpn.com
img: cyberghost.png
twitter: cyberghost_EN
tfa: No
- name: Detectify
url: https://detectify.com/
img: detectify.png
twitter: detectify
facebook: detectify
email_address: hello@detectify.com
tfa: No
- name: DigiCert
url: https://www.digicert.com/
img: digicert.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.digicert.com/two-factor-authentication.htm
- name: Dome9 Security
url: https://dome9.com/
img: dome9.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://dome9.com/overview/strong-2-factor-authentication
- name: Entrust
img: entrust.png
url: https://www.entrust.net
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: http://www.entrust.net/certificate-services/cms-authentication.htm
- name: FoxVPN
url: https://www.foxvpn.net/
img: foxvpn.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.foxvpn.net/help/enable-two-factor-authentication/
- name: GeoTrust
url: https://www.geotrust.com/
img: geotrust.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
- name: GoGetSSL
url: https://gogetssl.com/
img: gogetssl.png
tfa: No
twitter: gogetssl
- name: Imperva Incapsula
url: https://www.incapsula.com/
img: incapsula.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://docs.incapsula.com/Content/Management%20Console%20and%20Settings/accountsettings.htm
- name: Norton
url: http://us.norton.com
img: norton.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://login.norton.com/sso/embedded/learn2fa
- name: OpenDNS
url: https://www.opendns.com/
img: opendns.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
text: "Only available for enterprise accounts."
doc: https://engineering.opendns.com/2014/05/22/launching-two-step-verification/
- name: SSLTrust
url: http://ssltrust.com.au/
img: ssltrust.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://www.ssltrust.com.au/enable-two-factor-authentication.html
- name: ThreatConnect
url: https://threatconnect.com/
img: threatconnect.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://kb.threatconnect.com/customer/en/portal/articles/2214975-configuring-user-settings-and-two-factor-authentication
- name: ThreatMetrix
url: https://www.threatmetrix.com/
img: threatmetrix.png
tfa: No
twitter: ThreatMetrix
- name: ThreatSim
url: http://login.threatsim.com
img: threatsim.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: http://threatsim.com/features/
- name: Tinfoil Security
url: https://www.tinfoilsecurity.com
img: tinfoil.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: http://support.tinfoilsecurity.com/customer/portal/articles/1559364-do-you-support-two-factor-authentication-how-do-i-set-it-up-
- name: TorGuard
url: https://torguard.net
img: torguard.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
- name: TunnelBear
url: https://tunnelbear.com/
img: tunnelbear.png
tfa: No
twitter: theTunnelBear
facebook: tunnelbear
- name: VPN Unlimited
url: https://vpnunlimitedapp.com/
img: vpnunlimited.png
twitter: vpnunlimited
tfa: No
- name: Webroot
url: http://www.webroot.com
img: webroot.png
twitter: Webroot
tfa: No
@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- name: about.me
url: https://about.me
twitter: aboutdotme
img: aboutme.png
tfa: No
- name: App.net
url: https://join.app.net
img: appnet.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://mml.desk.com/customer/portal/articles/1039728-how-do-i-set-up-two-factor-authentication-
- name: Badoo
url: https://badoo.com
img: badoo.png
tfa: No
twitter: Badoo
- name: Bitly
url: https://bitly.com/
img: bitly.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
text: "SMS-capable phone required."
doc: http://blog.bitly.com/post/90381427894/introducing-2-step-verification-for-all-users
- name: Buffer
url: https://bufferapp.com
img: bufferapp.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://blog.bufferapp.com/introducing-the-safest-social-media-publishing-on-the-web
- name: DeviantArt
url: https://www.deviantart.com
twitter: deviantart
img: deviantart.png
tfa: No
- name: Facebook
url: https://facebook.com
img: facebook.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
text: "SMS required for 2FA. 1 account per phone number."
doc: https://www.facebook.com/help/148233965247823
- name: Flipboard
url: https://flipboard.com
img: flipboard.png
twitter: FlipboardCS
tfa: No
- name: Foursquare
url: https://foursquare.com
twitter: foursquare
img: foursquare.png
tfa: No
- name: Goodreads
url: https://www.goodreads.com
twitter: goodreads
img: goodreads.png
tfa: No
- name: Google+
url: https://plus.google.com
img: g+.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: HootSuite
url: https://hootsuite.com
img: hootsuite.png
tfa: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.hootsuite.com/entries/22527304-Managing-Google-Authenticator
- name: ICQ
url: https://icq.com/
twitter: ICQ
facebook: ICQ
img: icq.png
tfa: No
- name: Imgur
url: https://imgur.com
twitter: imgur
img: imgur.png
tfa: No
- name: Instagram
url: https://www.instagram.com
twitter: instagram
img: instagram.png
tfa: No
- name: LinkedIn
url: https://linkedin.com
img: linkedin.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: https://help.linkedin.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/531/related/1
- name: LiveJournal
url: http://www.livejournal.com
twitter: LiveJournal
img: livejournal.png
tfa: No
- name: Medium
url: https://medium.com
img: medium.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
text: "Medium doesn't use passwords, instead emails a link to user to login"
- name: Meetup
url: https://www.meetup.com
twitter: meetup_support
img: meetup.png
tfa: No
- name: Newgrounds
url: https://www.newgrounds.com/
twitter: Newgrounds
email_address: support@newgrounds.com
facebook: newgrounds
img: newgrounds.png
tfa: No
- name: Nextdoor
url: https://nextdoor.com
twitter: Nextdoor
img: nextdoor.png
tfa: No
- name: Pinterest
url: https://pinterest.com
twitter: Pinterest
img: pinterest.png
tfa: No
- name: Quora
url: https://www.quora.com
img: quora.png
tfa: No
twitter: quora
- name: Reddit
url: https://www.reddit.com/
twitter: reddit
img: reddit.png
tfa: No
- name: Snapchat
url: https://www.snapchat.com/
img: snapchat.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://support.snapchat.com/ca/login-verification
- name: Stack Exchange
url: https://stackexchange.com/
twitter: StackExchange
img: stack_exchange.png
tfa: No
- name: Tumblr
url: https://www.tumblr.com/
img: tumblr.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.tumblr.com/docs/en/two_factor_auth
- name: Twitter
url: https://twitter.com
img: twitter.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
text: "SMS only available on select providers. SMS required for 2FA. 10 accounts per phone number, 1 phone number per account."
software: Yes
doc: https://support.twitter.com/articles/20170388
- name: VanillaForums.com
url: https://vanillaforums.com
img: vanilla.png
tfa: No
twitter: vanilla
- name: Viadeo
url: http://www.viadeo.com
img: viadeo.png
tfa: No
twitter: Viadeo
- name: VK
url: https://vk.com
img: vk.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://vk.com/page-59800369_47885415
- name: Weibo
url: http://www.weibo.com
img: weibo.png
tfa: No
- name: WordPress.com
url: https://wordpress.com
img: wordpress.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
text: "SMS-capable phone required."
doc: https://en.support.wordpress.com/security/two-step-authentication/
- name: XING
url: https://www.xing.com
img: xing.png
tfa: No
twitter: XING_com
- name: Zocle
url: https://zocle.com/
img: zocle.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
doc: http://university.zocle.com/2015/03/30/new-security-feature-two-step-verification/
@ -1,198 +0,0 @@
- name: Air Canada
url: https://www.aircanada.com/
twitter: AirCanada
img: aircanada.png
tfa: No
- name: Air France
url: http://www.airfrance.com
twitter: airfrance
img: airfrance.png
tfa: No
- name: Alaska Airlines
url: https://www.alaskaair.com
twitter: AlaskaAir
img: alaska.png
tfa: No
- name: American Airlines
url: https://www.aa.com/
twitter: AmericanAir
img: aa.png
tfa: No
- name: Amtrak
url: https://www.amtrak.com/
twitter: Amtrak
img: amtrak.png
tfa: No
- name: British Airways
url: https://www.britishairways.com/
twitter: British_Airways
img: ba.png
tfa: No
- name: Captain Train
url: https://www.captaintrain.com
twitter: captaintrain
img: captain_train.png
tfa: No
- name: Clipper
url: https://www.clippercard.com
twitter: BayAreaClipper
img: clipper.png
tfa: No
- name: Delta
url: https://www.delta.com/
twitter: Delta
img: delta.png
tfa: No
- name: Deutsche Bahn (DB)
url: https://www.bahn.com
twitter: DB_Bahn
img: db.png
tfa: No
- name: easyJet
url: https://www.easyjet.com
twitter: easyJet
img: easyjet.png
tfa: No
- name: Frontier
url: https://www.flyfrontier.com
twitter: FrontierCare
img: frontier.png
tfa: No
- name: Greyhound
url: https://www.greyhound.com
twitter: GHoundBusHelp
img: greyhound.png
tfa: No
- name: Hailo
url: https://www.hailoapp.com/
twitter: Hailo
img: hailo.png
tfa: No
- name: Hawaiian Airlines
url: https://www.hawaiianairlines.com
twitter: HawaiianAir
img: hawaiian.png
tfa: No
- name: JetBlue
url: https://www.jetblue.com
twitter: JetBlue
img: jetblue.png
tfa: No
- name: JetSmarter
url: https://jetsmarter.com/
twitter: JetSmarter
img: jetsmarter.png
tfa: No
- name: Lufthansa
url: https://www.lufthansa.com
twitter: lufthansa
img: lufthansa.png
tfa: No
- name: Lyft
url: https://www.lyft.com/
twitter: AskLyft
img: lyft.png
tfa: No
- name: Norwegian
url: https://www.norwegian.com/
twitter: Fly_Norwegian
img: norwegian.png
tfa: No
- name: NSB
url: https://www.nsb.no
img: nsb.png
twitter: nsb_no
tfa: No
- name: OV-chipkaart
url: https://www.ov-chipkaart.nl/
twitter: OVchipkaart
img: ov-chipkaart.png
tfa: No
- name: Ryanair
url: https://www.ryanair.com
twitter: Ryanair
img: ryanair.png
tfa: No
- name: SAS
url: https://www.flysas.com/
twitter: SAS
img: sas.png
tfa: No
- name: SJ
url: https://www.sj.se/
twitter: SJ_AB
img: sj.png
tfa: No
- name: SL
url: http://sl.se/
twitter: SL_AB
img: sl.png
tfa: No
- name: SmarTrip
img: wmata.png
url: https://smartrip.wmata.com
tfa: no
twitter: wmata
- name: Southwest
url: https://www.southwest.com/
twitter: SouthwestAir
img: southwest.png
tfa: No
- name: Spirit
url: https://www.spirit.com
twitter: SpiritAirlines
img: spirit.png
tfa: No
- name: Transport for London
url: https://tfl.gov.uk/
twitter: tflwaystopay
img: tfl.png
tfa: No
- name: Uber
url: https://www.uber.com/
twitter: uber_support
img: uber.png
tfa: No
- name: United
url: https://www.united.com/
twitter: united
img: united.png
tfa: No
- name: WestJet
url: https://www.westjet.com/
twitter: WestJet
img: westjet.png
tfa: No
@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
- name: American Electric Power
url: https://www.aep.com/
twitter: AEPnews
facebook: americanelectricpower
img: aep.png
tfa: No
- name: AT&T
url: https://www.att.com/
twitter: ATTCares
facebook: ATT
img: att.png
tfa: No
- name: CallCentric
url: https://www.callcentric.com/
img: callcentric.png
tfa: Yes
email: Yes
doc: https://www.callcentric.com/features/two_point_authentication
- name: CenturyLink
url: https://www.centurylink.com/
twitter: CenturyLink
facebook: CenturyLink
img: centurylink.png
tfa: No
- name: Charter Spectrum
url: https://www.spectrum.com/
twitter: GetSpectrum
facebook: Spectrum
img: charter.png
tfa: No
- name: Comcast
url: https://www.xfinity.com/
twitter: ComcastCares
facebook: xfinity
img: comcast.png
tfa: No
- name: Con Edison
url: https://www.coned.com/
twitter: ConEdison
facebook: ConEdison
img: coned.png
tfa: No
- name: Cox
url: https://www.cox.com/
twitter: CoxHelp
facebook: coxcommunications
img: cox.png
tfa: No
- name: DIRECTV
url: http://www.directv.com/
twitter: DIRECTVService
facebook: directv
img: directv.png
tfa: No
- name: DISH Network
url: https://www.dish.com/
twitter: dish_answers
facebook: DISH
img: dish.png
tfa: No
- name: Dominion
url: https://www.dom.com/
twitter: DomVAPower
facebook: dominionvirginiapower
img: dominion.png
tfa: No
- name: DTE Energy
url: https://www.dteenergy.com/
twitter: DTE_Energy
facebook: dteenergy
img: dteenergy.png
tfa: No
- name: Duke Energy
url: https://www.duke-energy.com/
twitter: DukeEnergy
facebook: duke.energy
img: duke.png
tfa: No
- name: EE
url: https://ee.co.uk/
twitter: EE
facebook: ee
img: ee.png
tfa: No
- name: Eversource
url: https://www.eversource.com/
twitter: EversourceCorp
facebook: EversourceEnergy
img: eversource.png
tfa: No
- name: Florida Power and Light
url: https://www.fpl.com/
twitter: insideFPL
facebook: fplconnect
img: fpl.png
tfa: No
- name: Frontier
url: https://frontier.com/
twitter: AskFrontier
facebook: FrontierCorp
img: frontier.png
tfa: No
- name: Georgia Power
url: https://www.georgiapower.com/
twitter: GeorgiaPower
facebook: GeorgiaPower
img: georgiapower.png
tfa: No
- name: Google Fiber
url: https://fiber.google.com/
img: googlefiber.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
software: Yes
hardware: Yes
doc: https://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: Halebop
url: https://www.halebop.se/
twitter: halebop_sverige
facebook: halebop
img: halebop.png
tfa: No
lang: sv
- name: Optus
url: http://www.optus.com.au/
twitter: Optus
facebook: optus
img: optus.png
tfa: No
- name: Pacific Gas and Electric Company PG&E
url: https://www.pge.com/
twitter: PGE4Me
facebook: pacificgasandelectric
img: pge.png
tfa: No
- name: PowerStream
url: https://www.powerstream.ca/
twitter: PowerStreamNews
facebook: PowerStreamPage
img: powerstream.png
tfa: No
- name: Project Fi
url: https://fi.google.com/
img: projectfi.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
phone: Yes
hardware: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://www.google.com/intl/en-US/landing/2step/features.html
- name: RCN
url: https://www.rcn.com/
twitter: RCNconnects
facebook: RCN
img: rcn.png
tfa: No
- name: Rochester Gas & Electric
url: https://www.rge.com/
twitter: RGandE
facebook: RochGandE
img: rge.png
tfa: No
- name: Rogers
url: https://www.rogers.com/
twitter: RogersHelps
facebook: Rogers
img: rogers.png
tfa: No
- name: San Diego Gas & Electric
url: https://www.sdge.com/
twitter: SDGE
facebook: SanDiegoGasandElectric
img: sdge.png
tfa: No
- name: Sonic
url: https://www.sonic.com/
img: sonic.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
phone: Yes
doc: https://wiki.sonic.net/wiki/2-Step_Verfication
- name: Southern California Edison
url: https://www.sce.com/
twitter: SCE
facebook: sce
img: sce.png
tfa: No
- name: Sprint
url: https://www.sprint.com/
twitter: sprint
facebook: sprint
img: sprint.png
tfa: No
- name: T-Mobile
url: https://www.t-mobile.com/
twitter: TMobileHelp
facebook: TMobile
img: tmobile.png
tfa: No
- name: Telstra
url: https://www.telstra.com.au/
twitter: Telstra
facebook: Telstra24x7
img: telstra.png
tfa: No
- name: Three UK
url: http://www.three.co.uk/
twitter: ThreeUK
facebook: ThreeUK
img: three.png
tfa: No
- name: Time Warner Cable
url: https://www.timewarnercable.com/
twitter: TWC_Help
facebook: twc
img: timewarner.png
tfa: No
- name: Ting
url: https://ting.com/
img: ting.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
software: Yes
doc: https://help.ting.com/hc/en-us/articles/209351258-Two-Factor-Authentication
- name: Verizon
url: http://www.verizon.com/
twitter: VerizonSupport
facebook: verizon
img: verizon.png
tfa: No
- name: Verizon Wireless
url: https://www.verizonwireless.com/
twitter: VZWSupport
img: verizon.png
tfa: No
- name: Vimla
url: https://vimla.se/
twitter: Vimla_se
facebook: vimla.se
img: vimla.png
tfa: No
lang: sv
- name: Virgin Mobile
url: https://www.virgin.com/gateways/mobile
twitter: Virgin
facebook: virgin
img: virginmobile.png
tfa: No
- name: Vodafone (UK)
url: https://www.vodafone.co.uk/
img: vodafone.png
tfa: Yes
sms: Yes
- name: VoIP.ms
url: https://voip.ms/
twitter: voipms
img: voipms.png
tfa: No
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