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Two-factor authentication code generator for Gnome. Created with love using Python and Gtk.

### Dependecies - `Python 3.3+` - `Gtk 3.16+` - `meson 0.38+` - `ninja` - `pyotp` - `Pillow` - `pyzbar` depends on `zbar` - `libzbar-dev` on Ubuntu - `zbar` on Arch - `libsecret` - `gnome-screenshot` PS: The application was only tested on Arch with Gtk 3.20+, but it should work nicely with older versions too. Keyboard shortcuts widget won't be shown for older versions. ### Screenshots
### Features - QR code scanner - Beautiful UI - Huge database of (290+) websites/applications ### Credits - Websites and application icons are from Paper theme, created by [Sam Hewitt](https://github.com/snwh) - Applications/Websites database are from [Authenticator](https://github.com/2factorauth/Authenticator), by 2factorauth team ### How to build from source 1 - Clone the repository ```bash git clone https://github.com/bilelmoussaoui/Authenticator && cd ./Authenticator ``` 2 - Install Python dependecies ```bash sudo pip install pyotp zbarlight pyaml Pillow meson ninja ``` PS : In some distributions you will need to use `pip3` instead of `pip` to install the compatible version of the package with Python 3.
3 - Afterwards ```bash meson builddir sudo ninja -C builddir install ``` 4 - You can run the application from the desktop file or from terminal using ```bash authenticator ``` ### Flags - `--debug` Open the application with debug flags - `--version` Shows the version number of the application - `--about` Shows the about dialog