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synced 2025-03-04 00:34:40 +01:00
849 lines
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849 lines
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# Danish translation for authenticator.
# This file is distributed under the same license as the PACKAGE package.
# scootergrisen, 2019-2021.
# Alan Mortensen <alanmortensen.am@gmail.com>, 2022-24.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: authenticator master\n"
"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/World/Authenticator/issues\n"
"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-01-07 14:35+0000\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2024-03-05 19:06+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Alan Mortensen <alanmortensen.am@gmail.com>\n"
"Language-Team: Danish <dansk@dansk-gruppen.dk>\n"
"Language: da\n"
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0.1\n"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.desktop.in.in:3
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:7
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:36 src/application.rs:91 src/main.rs:40
msgid "Authenticator"
msgstr "Godkender"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.desktop.in.in:4
msgid "Two-Factor Authentication"
msgstr "Tofaktorgodkendelse"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.desktop.in.in:5
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:8
#: src/application.rs:94
msgid "Generate two-factor codes"
msgstr "Generér tofaktorkoder"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.desktop.in.in:10
msgid "Gnome;GTK;Verification;2FA;Authentication;OTP;TOTP;"
msgstr "Gnome;GTK;Verifikation;2FA;Godkendelse;OTP;TOTP;"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:6
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:7
msgid "Default window width"
msgstr "Standardbredde på vindue"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:11
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:12
msgid "Default window height"
msgstr "Standardhøjde på vindue"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:16
msgid "Default window maximized behaviour"
msgstr "Standardopførsel for maksimeret vindue"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:21
msgid "Auto lock"
msgstr "Automatisk låsning"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:22
msgid "Whether to auto lock the application or not"
msgstr "Om programmet automatisk skal låses eller ej"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:26
msgid "Auto lock timeout"
msgstr "Timeout for automatisk låsning"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:27
msgid "Lock the application on idle after X minutes"
msgstr "Lås programmet ved inaktivitet efter X minutter"
# https://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/Favicon
# Giver det mening at kalde det favikon på dansk?
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:34
msgid "Download Favicons"
msgstr "Hent faviconer"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:35
msgid ""
"Whether the application should attempt to find an icon for the providers."
msgstr "Om programmet skal forsøge at finde et ikon for udbyderne."
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:39
msgid "Download Favicons over metered connections"
msgstr "Hent faviconer på forbrugsafregnede forbindelser"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.gschema.xml.in:40
msgid ""
"Whether the application should download favicons over a metered connection."
msgstr "Om programmet skal hente faviconer på en forbrugsafregnet forbindelse."
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:10
msgid "Simple application for generating Two-Factor Authentication Codes."
msgstr "Simpelt program til GNOME der genererer tofaktorgodkendelseskoder."
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:11
msgid "Features:"
msgstr "Funktioner:"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:13
msgid "Time-based/Counter-based/Steam methods support"
msgstr "Understøttelse af metoderne tidsbaseret/tællerbaseret/Steam"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:14
msgid "SHA-1/SHA-256/SHA-512 algorithms support"
msgstr "Understøttelse af algoritmerne SHA-1/SHA-256/SHA-512"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:15
msgid "QR code scanner using a camera or from a screenshot"
msgstr "QR-kodeskanner med et kamera eller fra et skærmbillede"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:16
msgid "Lock the application with a password"
msgstr "Lås programmet med en adgangskode"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:17
msgid "Beautiful UI"
msgstr "Smuk brugerflade"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:18
msgid "GNOME Shell search provider"
msgstr "GNOME Shell-søgeudbyder"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:19
msgid ""
"Backup/Restore from/into known applications like FreeOTP+, Aegis "
"(encrypted / plain-text), andOTP, Google Authenticator"
msgstr ""
"Sikkerhedskopiér/gendan fra/i kendte programmer såsom FreeOTP+, Aegis "
"(krypteret/klartekst), andOTP, Google Authenticator"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:25
msgid "Main Window"
msgstr "Hovedvindue"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:29
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:32 data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:49
msgid "Add a New Account"
msgstr "Tilføj en ny konto"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:33
msgid "Add a New Provider"
msgstr "Tilføj en ny udbyder"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:37
msgid "Account Details"
msgstr "Kontodetaljer"
#: data/com.belmoussaoui.Authenticator.metainfo.xml.in.in:41
msgid "Backup/Restore formats support"
msgstr "Understøttelse af formater til sikkerhedskopiering/gendannelse"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:6 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:292
msgid "_Camera"
msgstr "_Kamera"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:10 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:296
msgid "_Screenshot"
msgstr "_Skærmbillede"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:14 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:301
msgid "_QR Code Image"
msgstr "_QR-kode-billede"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:58
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuller"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:64
msgid "_Add"
msgstr "_Tilføj"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:76 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:287
msgid "Scan QR Code"
msgstr "Skan QR-kode"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:114
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:96
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:22
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:110
msgid "Provider"
msgstr "Udbyder"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:115
msgid "Token issuer"
msgstr "Tokenudsteder"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:129
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:91
msgid "Account"
msgstr "Konto"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:135
msgid "Token"
msgstr "Token"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:141
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:139
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:158
msgid "Counter"
msgstr "Tæller"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:159
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:119
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:133
msgid "Algorithm"
msgstr "Algoritme"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:171
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:129
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:118
msgid "Computing Method"
msgstr "Beregningsmetode"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:183
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:148
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:149
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Periode"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:184
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:149
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:150
msgid "Duration in seconds until the next password update"
msgstr "Varighed i sekunder før adgangskoden skal opdateres"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:196
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:159
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:167
msgid "Digits"
msgstr "Cifre"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:197
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:160
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:168
msgid "Length of the generated code"
msgstr "Længden på den genererede kode"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:209
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:170
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:112
msgid "Website"
msgstr "Websted"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:214
msgid "How to Set Up"
msgstr "Sådan udføres opsætningen"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:234
#: data/resources/ui/preferences_camera_page.ui:4
msgid "Camera"
msgstr "Kamera"
#: data/resources/ui/account_add.ui:246
msgid "Create Provider"
msgstr "Opret udbyder"
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:56
#: data/resources/ui/preferences_password_page.ui:17
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:29
msgid "_Save"
msgstr "_Gem"
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:67
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:185
msgid "_Delete"
msgstr "_Slet"
#: data/resources/ui/account_details_page.ui:175
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Hjælp"
#: data/resources/ui/account_row.ui:23
msgid "Increment the counter"
msgstr "Forøg tælleren"
#: data/resources/ui/account_row.ui:34
msgid "Copy PIN to clipboard"
msgstr "Kopiér PIN til udklipsholderen"
#: data/resources/ui/account_row.ui:43
msgid "Account details"
msgstr "Kontodetaljer"
#: data/resources/ui/camera.ui:36
msgid "No Camera Found"
msgstr "Intet kamera fundet"
#: data/resources/ui/camera.ui:39
msgid "_From a Screenshot"
msgstr "_Fra et skærmbillede"
#: data/resources/ui/keyring_error_dialog.ui:8
msgid "Secret Service Error"
msgstr "Fejl i hemmelig tjeneste"
#: data/resources/ui/keyring_error_dialog.ui:35
msgid ""
"Authenticator relies on a Secret Service Provider to manage your sensitive "
"session information and an error occurred while we were trying to store or "
"get your session."
msgstr ""
"Godkenderen er afhængig af en udbyder af hemmelige tjenester til at håndtere "
"dine følsomme sessionsoplysninger, og der opstod en fejl, mens vi forsøgte "
"at gemme eller hente din session."
#: data/resources/ui/keyring_error_dialog.ui:47
msgid ""
"Here are a few things that might help you fix issues with the Secret Service:"
msgstr ""
"Her er nogle ting, der kan hjælpe med at løse problemer med den hemmelige "
#: data/resources/ui/keyring_error_dialog.ui:64
msgid ""
"Make sure you have a Secret Service Provider installed, like gnome-keyring."
msgstr ""
"Sikr dig, at du har en udbyder af hemmelige tjenester som f.eks. gnome-"
#: data/resources/ui/keyring_error_dialog.ui:83
msgid "Check that you have a default keyring and that it is unlocked."
msgstr "Tjek, om du har en standardnøglering, og at den er låst op."
#: data/resources/ui/keyring_error_dialog.ui:95
msgid ""
"Check the application logs and your distribution’s documentation for more "
msgstr ""
"Tjek programmets log og din distributions dokumentation for yderligere "
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:16
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generelt"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:19
msgid "Privacy"
msgstr "Privatliv"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:22
msgid "_Passphrase"
msgstr "_Adgangskode"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:24
msgid "Set up a passphrase to lock the application with"
msgstr "Angiv en adgangskode til at låse programmet med"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:37
msgid "_Auto Lock the Application"
msgstr "_Automatisk låsning af programmet"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:39
msgid "Whether to automatically lock the application"
msgstr "Om programmet automatisk skal låses"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:45
msgid "Auto Lock _Timeout"
msgstr "_Timeout for automatisk låsning"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:46
msgid "The time in minutes"
msgstr "Timeouten i minutter"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:59
msgid "Network"
msgstr "Netværk"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:62
msgid "_Download Favicons"
msgstr "_Hent faviconer"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:64
msgid "Automatically attempt fetching a website icon"
msgstr "Forsøg automatisk at hente et websiteikon"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:69
msgid "_Metered Connection"
msgstr "_Forbrugsafregnet forbindelse"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:71
msgid "Fetch a website icon on a metered connection"
msgstr "Hent et websiteikon på en forbrugsafregnet forbindelse"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:81
msgid "Backup/Restore"
msgstr "Sikkerhedskopiér/gendan"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:84 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:476
msgid "Backup"
msgstr "Sikkerhedskopiér"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences.ui:89 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:484
msgid "Restore"
msgstr "Gendan"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences_password_page.ui:4
msgid "Create Password"
msgstr "Opret adgangskode"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences_password_page.ui:28
msgid "Set up a Passphrase"
msgstr "Opsæt en adgangskode"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences_password_page.ui:29
msgid "Authenticator will start locked after a passphrase is set."
msgstr "Godkender starter låst når der er indstillet en adgangskode."
#: data/resources/ui/preferences_password_page.ui:53
msgid "Current Passphrase"
msgstr "Nuværende adgangskode"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences_password_page.ui:59
msgid "New Passphrase"
msgstr "Ny adgangskode"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences_password_page.ui:65
msgid "Repeat Passphrase"
msgstr "Gentag adgangskode"
#: data/resources/ui/preferences_password_page.ui:79
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:73
msgid "_Reset"
msgstr "_Nulstil"
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:83
msgid "Select a _File"
msgstr "Vælg en _fil"
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:106
msgid "Name"
msgstr "Navn"
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:159
msgid "The by default value for counter-based computing method"
msgstr "Standardværdien for tællerbaseret beregningsmetode"
#: data/resources/ui/provider_page.ui:177
msgid "Help URL"
msgstr "URL til hjælp"
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:10
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:21
msgid "Providers"
msgstr "Udbydere"
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:31 src/widgets/providers/page.rs:209
msgid "New Provider"
msgstr "Ny udbyder"
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:38
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:54 data/resources/ui/window.ui:207
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:228
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Søg"
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:49 data/resources/ui/window.ui:202
msgid "Search…"
msgstr "Søg …"
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:95
#: data/resources/ui/providers_list.ui:38
msgid "No Results"
msgstr "Ingen resultater"
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:96
msgid "No providers matching the query were found."
msgstr "Der blev ikke fundet nogen udbydere som passer til forespørgslen."
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:141
msgid "No Provider Selected"
msgstr "Ingen udbyder valgt"
#: data/resources/ui/providers_dialog.ui:142
msgid "Select a provider or create a new one"
msgstr "Vælg en udbyder eller opret en ny"
#: data/resources/ui/providers_list.ui:39
msgid "No accounts or providers matching the query were found."
msgstr ""
"Der blev ikke fundet nogen konti eller udbydere som passer til forespørgslen."
#: data/resources/ui/shortcuts.ui:11
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "General"
msgstr "Generelt"
#: data/resources/ui/shortcuts.ui:14
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "Tastaturgenveje"
#: data/resources/ui/shortcuts.ui:20
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Lock"
msgstr "Lås"
#: data/resources/ui/shortcuts.ui:26
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Preferences"
msgstr "Indstillinger"
#: data/resources/ui/shortcuts.ui:32
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Quit"
msgstr "Afslut"
#: data/resources/ui/shortcuts.ui:40
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Konti"
#: data/resources/ui/shortcuts.ui:43
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "New Account"
msgstr "Ny konto"
#: data/resources/ui/shortcuts.ui:49
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Søg"
#: data/resources/ui/shortcuts.ui:55
msgctxt "shortcut window"
msgid "Show Providers List"
msgstr "Vis udbyderliste"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:6
msgid "_Lock the Application"
msgstr "_Lås programmet"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:12
msgid "P_roviders"
msgstr "_Udbydere"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:16
msgid "_Preferences"
msgstr "_Indstillinger"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:22
msgid "_Keyboard Shortcuts"
msgstr "_Tastaturgenveje"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:26
msgid "_About Authenticator"
msgstr "_Om Godkender"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:66
msgid "Authenticator is Locked"
msgstr "Godkender er låst"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:92
msgid "_Unlock"
msgstr "Lås _op"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:122
msgid "Accounts"
msgstr "Konti"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:137 data/resources/ui/window.ui:176
msgid "New Account"
msgstr "Ny konto"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:145 data/resources/ui/window.ui:222
msgid "Main Menu"
msgstr "Hovedmenu"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:153
msgid "No Accounts"
msgstr "Ingen konti"
#: data/resources/ui/window.ui:154
msgid "Add an account or scan a QR code first."
msgstr "Tilføj først en konto eller skan en QR-kode."
#: src/application.rs:77
msgid "Accounts restored successfully"
msgstr "Konti blev gendannet"
#: src/application.rs:103
msgid "translator-credits"
msgstr "scootergrisen"
#: src/application.rs:392 src/widgets/accounts/row.rs:46
msgid "One-Time password copied"
msgstr "Engangsadgangskode kopieret"
#: src/application.rs:393
msgid "Password was copied successfully"
msgstr "Adgangskode blev kopieret"
#. Translators: This is for making a backup for the aegis Android app.
#. Translators: This is for restoring a backup from the aegis Android app.
#: src/backup/aegis.rs:399 src/backup/aegis.rs:439
msgid "Aegis"
msgstr "Aegis"
#: src/backup/aegis.rs:403
msgid "Into a JSON file containing plain-text or encrypted fields"
msgstr "Ind i en JSON-fil indeholdende klartekst eller krypterede felter"
#: src/backup/aegis.rs:443
msgid "From a JSON file containing plain-text or encrypted fields"
msgstr "Fra en JSON-fil indeholdende klartekst eller krypterede felter"
#. Translators: This is for making a backup for the andOTP Android app.
#: src/backup/andotp.rs:79
msgid "a_ndOTP"
msgstr "a_ndOTP"
#: src/backup/andotp.rs:83
msgid "Into a plain-text JSON file"
msgstr "Til en JSON-fil i ren tekst"
#. Translators: This is for restoring a backup from the andOTP Android app.
#: src/backup/andotp.rs:127
msgid "an_dOTP"
msgstr "an_dOTP"
#: src/backup/andotp.rs:131 src/backup/bitwarden.rs:124 src/backup/legacy.rs:45
msgid "From a plain-text JSON file"
msgstr "Fra en JSON-fil i ren tekst"
#: src/backup/bitwarden.rs:47
msgid "Unknown account"
msgstr "Ukendt konto"
#: src/backup/bitwarden.rs:55
msgid "Unknown issuer"
msgstr "Ukendt udsteder"
#. Translators: This is for restoring a backup from Bitwarden.
#: src/backup/bitwarden.rs:120
msgid "_Bitwarden"
msgstr "_Bitwarden"
#: src/backup/freeotp.rs:18
msgid "_Authenticator"
msgstr "_Godkender"
#: src/backup/freeotp.rs:22
msgid "Into a plain-text file, compatible with FreeOTP+"
msgstr "Til en fil i ren tekst, kompatibel med FreeOTP+"
#: src/backup/freeotp.rs:51
msgid "A_uthenticator"
msgstr "G_odkender"
#: src/backup/freeotp.rs:55
msgid "From a plain-text file, compatible with FreeOTP+"
msgstr "Fra en fil i ren tekst, kompatibel med FreeOTP+"
#: src/backup/freeotp_json.rs:87
msgid "FreeOTP+"
msgstr "FreeOTP+"
#: src/backup/freeotp_json.rs:91
msgid "From a plain-text JSON file, compatible with FreeOTP+"
msgstr "Fra en JSON-fil i ren tekst; kompatibel med FreeOTP+"
#: src/backup/google.rs:19
msgid "Google Authenticator"
msgstr "Google Authenticator"
#: src/backup/google.rs:23
msgid "From a QR code generated by Google Authenticator"
msgstr "Fra en QR-kode genereret af Google Authenticator"
#. Translators: this is for restoring a backup from the old Authenticator
#. release
#: src/backup/legacy.rs:41
msgid "Au_thenticator (Legacy)"
msgstr "Go_dkender (forældet)"
#: src/backup/raivootp.rs:102
msgid "Raivo OTP"
msgstr "Raivo OTP"
#: src/backup/raivootp.rs:106
msgid "From a ZIP export generated by Raivo OTP"
msgstr "Fra en eksporteret ZIP genereret af Raivo OTP"
#: src/models/algorithm.rs:60
msgid "Counter-based"
msgstr "Tællerbaseret"
#: src/models/algorithm.rs:61
msgid "Time-based"
msgstr "Tidsbaseret"
#. Translators: Steam refers to the gaming application by Valve.
#: src/models/algorithm.rs:63
msgid "Steam"
msgstr "Steam"
#: src/models/algorithm.rs:126
msgid "SHA-1"
msgstr "SHA-1"
#: src/models/algorithm.rs:127
msgid "SHA-256"
msgstr "SHA-256"
#: src/models/algorithm.rs:128
msgid "SHA-512"
msgstr "SHA-512"
#: src/widgets/accounts/add.rs:269 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:414
#: src/widgets/providers/page.rs:292
msgid "Image"
msgstr "Billede"
#: src/widgets/accounts/add.rs:277 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:422
msgid "Select QR Code"
msgstr "Vælg QR-kode"
#: src/widgets/accounts/add.rs:295
msgid "Invalid Token"
msgstr "Ugyldigt token"
#: src/widgets/accounts/details.rs:127
msgid "Are you sure you want to delete the account?"
msgstr "Er du sikker på, at du vil slette kontoen?"
#: src/widgets/accounts/details.rs:128
msgid "This action is irreversible"
msgstr "Handlingen kan ikke fortrydes"
#: src/widgets/accounts/details.rs:132
msgid "No"
msgstr "Nej"
#: src/widgets/accounts/details.rs:132
msgid "Yes"
msgstr "Ja"
#: src/widgets/preferences/password_page.rs:172
#: src/widgets/preferences/password_page.rs:214
msgid "Wrong Passphrase"
msgstr "Forkert adgangskode"
#: src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:191 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:263
msgid "Key / Passphrase"
msgstr "Nøgle/adgangskode"
#: src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:202 src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:275
msgid "Select File"
msgstr "Vælg fil"
#: src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:226
msgid "Failed to create a backup"
msgstr "Kunne ikke oprette en sikkerhedskopi"
#: src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:338
msgid "Failed to restore from camera"
msgstr "Kunne ikke gendanne fra kamera"
#: src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:349
msgid "Failed to restore from a screenshot"
msgstr "Kunne ikke gendanne fra et skærmbillede"
#: src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:359
msgid "Failed to restore from an image"
msgstr "Kunne ikke gendanne fra et billede"
#: src/widgets/preferences/window.rs:372
msgid "Failed to restore from a file"
msgstr "Kunne ikke gendanne fra en fil"
#: src/widgets/providers/dialog.rs:235
msgid "Provider created successfully"
msgstr "Udbyder blev oprettet"
#: src/widgets/providers/dialog.rs:245
msgid "Provider updated successfully"
msgstr "Udbyder blev opdateret"
#: src/widgets/providers/dialog.rs:261
msgid "Provider removed successfully"
msgstr "Udbyder blev fjernet"
#: src/widgets/providers/page.rs:186
msgid "Editing Provider: {}"
msgstr "Redigerer udbyder: {}"
#: src/widgets/providers/page.rs:325
msgid "The provider has accounts assigned to it, please remove them first"
msgstr "Udbyderen har konti tildelt til sig — fjern dem venligst først"
#: src/widgets/window.rs:115
msgid "Wrong Password"
msgstr "Forkert adgangskode"
#~ msgid "Bilal Elmoussaoui"
#~ msgstr "Bilal Elmoussaoui"
#~ msgid "Dark Mode"
#~ msgstr "Mørk tilstand"
#~ msgid "Whether the application should use a dark mode."
#~ msgstr "Om programmet skal bruge en mørk tilstand."
#~ msgid "Go Back"
#~ msgstr "Gå tilbage"
#~ msgid "_Edit"
#~ msgstr "_Redigér"
#~ msgid "Appearance"
#~ msgstr "Udseende"
#~ msgid "_Dark Mode"
#~ msgstr "_Mørk tilstand"
#~ msgid "Whether the application should use a dark mode"
#~ msgstr "Om programmet skal bruge en mørk tilstand"
# vault betyder egnetlig hvælving, men skal formodentlig leder tankerne hen på bank vault = bankboks
#~ msgid "The key that will be used to decrypt the vault"
#~ msgstr "Nøglen der skal bruges til dekryptering af boksen"
#~ msgid "The key used to encrypt the vault"
#~ msgstr "Nøglen brugt til kryptering af boksen"
#~ msgid "Unable to restore accounts"
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke gendanne konti"
#~ msgid "Something went wrong"
#~ msgstr "Noget gik galt"
#~ msgid "Couldn't find a QR code"
#~ msgstr "Kunne ikke finde en QR-kode"
#~ msgid "Used to fetch the provider icon"
#~ msgstr "Bruges til at hente udbyderens ikon"
#~ msgid "Provider setup instructions"
#~ msgstr "Instruktioner til opsætning af udbyder"
#~ msgid "Select"
#~ msgstr "Vælg"
#~ msgid "D_etails"
#~ msgstr "_Detaljer"
#~ msgid "_Rename"
#~ msgstr "_Omdøb"
#~ msgid "More"
#~ msgstr "Mere"