mirror of
synced 2025-03-06 17:50:58 +01:00
519 lines
15 KiB
519 lines
15 KiB
"007Names": "007names",
"101domain": "101domain",
"1and1": "1and1",
"1Password": "1password",
"20i": "20i",
"34SP.com": "34sp",
"500px": "500px",
"A2 Hosting": "a2hosting",
"Above.com": "above",
"Action Network": "actionnetwork",
"Addiko Bank": "addikobank",
"Adobe ID": "adobe",
"AeroFS": "aerofs",
"Aha!": "aha",
"AirBank": "airbank",
"Airbrake": "airbrake",
"Airtable": "airtable",
"Algolia": "algolia",
"Amazon": "amazon",
"Amazon AWS WorkSpaces": "awsworkspaces",
"Amazon Pay": "amazonpay",
"Amazon Web Services": "aws",
"Andrews & Arnold": "aaisp",
"AngelList": "angellist",
"Ankama": "ankama",
"ANXPRO Bitcoin Exchange": "anxpro",
"Apple": "apple",
"Apple iCloud": "icloud",
"aTech Media": "atechmedia",
"Aternos": "aternos",
"Atlassian Cloud": "atlassian",
"Autodesk": "autodesk",
"Automater": "automater",
"AwardWallet": "awardwallet",
"Backblaze": "backblaze",
"Barclays UK": "barclays",
"Betterment": "betterment",
"Binance": "binance",
"Binary Lane": "binarylane",
"Binero": "binero",
"BitBay": "bitbay",
"Bitbond": "bitbond",
"Bitbucket": "bitbucket",
"Bitcoin.de": "bitcoinde",
"Bitcoins Norway": "bitcoinsnorway",
"Bitfinex": "bitfinex",
"Bitflyer": "bitflyer",
"BitGo": "bitgo",
"Bithumb": "bithumb",
"Bitium": "bitium",
"Bitlish": "bitlish",
"Bitpay": "bitpay",
"Bitstamp": "bitstamp",
"Bittrex": "bittrex",
"bitwarden": "bitwarden",
"Blade & Soul": "bladeandsoul",
"Blizzard": "blizzard",
"Blockchain": "blockchain",
"Bluehost": "bluehost",
"Blur": "blur",
"Boxcryptor": "boxcryptor",
"Braintree": "braintree",
"Braziliex": "braziliex",
"BTC BOX": "btcbox",
"BTCPOP": "btcpop",
"Buffer": "bufferapp",
"bugcrowd": "bugcrowd",
"Bugsnag": "bugsnag",
"Bugzilla@Mozilla": "bugzilla",
"BuiltWith": "builtwith",
"Buycraft": "buycraft",
"BX Thailand": "bxthailand",
"California Institute of Technology (CalTech)": "caltech",
"Capital One": "capitalone",
"Capsule": "capsule",
"Carta": "carta",
"CDNsun": "cdnsun",
"Centrify": "centrify",
"CEX.IO": "cex",
"Changelly": "changelly",
"Charles Schwab": "charlesschwab",
"Chartbeat": "chartbeat",
"ChunkHost": "chunkhost",
"Circle": "circle",
"Cisco Meraki": "meraki",
"Clemson University": "clemson",
"Clever": "clever",
"Clio": "clio",
"Cloud 66": "cloud66",
"cloud.ca": "cloudca",
"Cloudflare": "cloudflare",
"Cloudinary": "cloudinary",
"ClouDNS": "cloudns",
"Cloudways": "cloudways",
"CM Telecom": "cmtelecom",
"Cobalt": "cobalt",
"Code Climate": "codeclimate",
"Codeship": "codeship",
"Coin Cafe": "coincafe",
"Coinapult": "coinapult",
"Coinbase": "coinbase",
"CoinDeal": "coindeal",
"CoinFalcon": "coinfalcon",
"Coinfloor": "coinfloor",
"CoinGate": "coingate",
"Coinify (Merchants)": "coinify",
"Coinjar": "coinjar",
"CoinOne": "coinone",
"Coins.ph": "coinsph",
"Coinspot": "coinspot",
"Compose.io": "composeio",
"Con Edison": "coned",
"ConnectWise Control (ScreenConnect)": "connectwisecontrol",
"Context.IO": "contextio",
"Crowdin": "crowdin",
"Cryptopia": "cryptopia",
"CSN": "csn",
"Customer.io": "customerio",
"cyon": "cyon",
"Dashlane": "dashlane",
"Datov\u00e9 schr\u00e1nky": "cz_datovky",
"DediServe": "dediserve",
"DeployHQ": "deployhq",
"DigiCert": "digicert",
"DigiD": "digid",
"DigitalOcean": "digitalocean",
"Digitec": "digitec",
"Direct Mail": "directmail",
"DirectAdmin": "directadmin",
"Directnic": "directnic",
"Discord": "discord",
"DNB": "dnb",
"DNS Made Easy": "dnsmadeeasy",
"DNSimple": "dnsimple",
"Docusign": "docusign",
"Dome9 Security": "dome9",
"Domeneshop": "domeneshop",
"Domeny.tv": "domenytv",
"Domino Data Lab": "domino",
"drchrono": "drchrono",
"Dreamhost": "dreamhost",
"Dropbox": "dropbox",
"DSX": "dsx",
"Dwolla": "dwolla",
"Dyn": "dyn",
"Dynadot": "dynadot",
"E*Trade": "etrade",
"East Carolina University": "ecu",
"Eastern Michigan University": "emu",
"Easy": "easy",
"easyDNS": "easydns",
"Electronic Arts (Origin)": "ea",
"EngineYard": "engineyard",
"Enjin": "enjin",
"eNom": "enom",
"Entrust": "entrust",
"Envato": "envato",
"Epic Games": "epicgames",
"Erste Bank Hrvatska": "erstehr",
"Esri": "esri",
"Etsy": "etsy",
"EuroDNS": "eurodns",
"EVE Online": "eveonline",
"Everlaw": "everlaw",
"Evernote": "evernote",
"Fabulous": "fabulous",
"Facebook": "facebook",
"FaceIT": "faceit",
"Fastly": "fastly",
"FastMail": "fastmail",
"Fidelity Investments": "fidelity",
"Figma": "figma",
"Findmyshift": "findmyshift",
"Firefox": "firefox",
"First Direct": "firstdirect",
"First Tech Federal Credit Union": "firsttechfcu",
"FogBugz & Kiln": "fogbugz",
"FollowMyHealth": "followmyhealth",
"Formstack": "formstack",
"fortrabbit": "fortrabbit",
"FreeAgent": "freeagent",
"Front App": "front_app",
"Gaijin Entertainment": "gaijin",
"Gandi": "gandi",
"Garena Online": "garena",
"Gatehub": "gatehub",
"Gemini": "gemini",
"Georgia Institute of Technology": "gatech",
"GitHub": "github",
"GitLab": "gitlab",
"Glesys": "glesys",
"Gmail": "gmail",
"GoDaddy": "godaddy",
"Google Cloud Platform": "googlecloud",
"Google Domains": "googledomains",
"Google Drive": "drive",
"Google Fiber": "googlefiber",
"Google Fit": "googlefit",
"Google Play": "googleplay",
"Google Wallet": "googlewallet",
"Google+": "g+",
"Grape": "grape",
"GREE": "gree",
"Greenhost": "greenhost",
"Guild Wars 2": "guildwars2",
"HackerOne": "hackerone",
"Halebop": "halebop",
"Handelsbanken": "handelsbanken",
"Hangouts": "hangouts",
"Harvard University": "harvard",
"Hashicorp Atlas": "hashicorp-atlas",
"HealthVault (w/Microsoft Account)": "healthvault",
"Heroku": "heroku",
"Hetzner Online": "hetzner",
"Hexonet": "hexonet",
"HitBTC": "hitbtc",
"HMRC": "hmrc",
"HootSuite": "hootsuite",
"Hostens": "hostens",
"HostHatch": "hosthatch",
"Hostiso": "hostiso",
"Hover.com": "hover",
"HSBC": "hsbc",
"Humble Bundle": "humble",
"Hurricane Electric": "hurricane",
"Hushmail": "hushmail",
"ICUK": "icuk",
"IFTTT": "ifttt",
"ImmobilienScout24": "immobilienscout24",
"Incapsula": "incapsula",
"Infomaniak": "infomaniak",
"INIZ": "iniz",
"Instagram": "instagram",
"Interactive Brokers": "interactivebrokers",
"Internet.bs": "internetbs",
"Intuit TurboTax": "turbotax",
"Invoiced": "invoiced",
"INWX": "internetworx",
"IO Zoom": "iozoom",
"IT Glue": "itglue",
"itch.io": "itchio",
"iWantMyName": "iwantmyname",
"Jitbit Helpdesk": "jitbit",
"join.me (w/ LogMeIn account)": "joinme",
"Joker.com": "joker",
"Joyent": "joyent",
"Justworks": "justworks",
"Kayako": "kayako",
"Keeper": "keeper",
"Kickstarter": "kickstarter",
"Kinsta": "kinsta",
"Klarna": "klarna",
"KnownHost": "knownhost",
"Koding": "koding",
"Koofr": "koofr",
"Korbit": "korbit",
"Kraken": "kraken",
"Laravel Forge": "forge",
"LastPass": "lastpass",
"Launchpad": "launchpad",
"Leaseweb": "leaseweb",
"lichess.org": "lichess",
"Linode": "linode",
"Liquid Web": "liquidweb",
"LiteBit": "litebit",
"Lobsters": "lobsters",
"LocalBitcoins": "localbitcoins",
"localethereum": "localethereum",
"login.gov": "login-gov",
"LogMeIn": "logmein",
"Looker": "looker",
"Loopia": "loopia",
"Luno": "luno",
"L\u00e4nsf\u00f6rs\u00e4kringar": "lansforsakringar",
"mail.de": "mailde",
"Mail.Ru": "mailru",
"mailbox.org": "mailbox",
"MailChimp": "mailchimp",
"Mailfence": "mailfence",
"Mailgun": "mailgun",
"Mammoth Networks": "mammothnetworks",
"Mapbox": "mapbox",
"MarkMonitor": "markmonitor",
"Massachusetts Institute of Technology": "mit",
"Mastodon": "mastodon",
"MathWorks": "mathworks",
"MaxCDN": "maxcdn",
"MB Connect Line": "mbconnectline",
"Mercado Libre": "mercado-libre",
"Metorik": "metorik",
"Metrological": "metrological",
"Microsoft Azure": "microsoftazure",
"Microsoft To-Do": "microsofttodo",
"Mint": "mint",
"Mixer": "mixer",
"Mixpanel": "mixpanel",
"mLab": "mlab",
"Moneybird": "moneybird",
"MongoDB Cloud Manager": "mongodbmms",
"MXroute": "mxroute",
"MyDigipass.com": "mydigipass",
"Name.com": "namecom",
"Namecheap": "namecheap",
"NameSilo.com": "namesilo",
"Navy Federal Credit Union": "navyfederal",
"NearlyFreeSpeech.net": "nfsn",
"NearlyFreeSpeech.NET": "nfsn",
"Netcup": "netcup",
"NETELLER": "neteller",
"Newegg": "newegg",
"Nimbox": "nimbox",
"Nintendo Account": "nintendo-account",
"Nitrado": "nitrado",
"No Starch Press": "nostarchpress",
"Noez": "noez",
"Nominet": "nominet",
"Nordea Sverige": "nordea",
"Nordnet Sverige": "nordnet",
"Norton": "norton",
"npm": "npm",
"NS1": "ns1",
"Nutmeg": "nutmeg",
"O&O Syspectr": "oosyspectr",
"Office 365": "office365",
"Okta": "okta",
"OneDrive": "onedrive",
"OneLogin": "onelogin",
"Online": "online",
"Onshape": "onshape",
"OpenDNS": "opendns",
"Openprovider": "openprovider",
"OpenSRS": "opensrs",
"Outlook.com": "outlook",
"OVH": "ovh",
"Packet": "packet",
"pair Domains": "pairdomains",
"PassHub": "passhub",
"Paycor": "paycor",
"PAYEER": "payeer",
"PayPal": "paypal",
"Paysafecard": "paysafecard",
"Payza": "payza",
"Peerio": "peerio",
"Pennsylvania State University": "psu",
"Phacility": "phacility",
"PhraseApp": "phraseapp",
"Pinterest": "pinterest",
"PlanetHoster": "PlanetHoster",
"Planio": "planio",
"Plurk": "plurk",
"Pobox": "pobox",
"Pocketsmith": "pocketsmith",
"Podravska banka": "podravska",
"Poloniex": "poloniex",
"porkbun": "porkbun",
"Posteo": "posteo",
"Prey": "prey",
"Privacy": "privacy",
"ProfitBricks": "profitbricks",
"Project Fi": "projectfi",
"ProtonMail": "protonmail",
"ProtonVPN": "protonvpn",
"Purse": "purse",
"Pushover": "pushover",
"Pwnie Express Pwn Pulse": "pwnieexpress",
"PythonAnywhere": "pythonanywhere",
"QNAP": "qnap",
"Quickbooks Online": "quickbooks",
"QuickFile": "quickfile",
"Rackspace": "rackspace",
"RamNode": "ramnode",
"Ravelin": "ravelin",
"Raygun": "raygun",
"RBCommons": "rbcommons",
"RBLTracker": "rbltracker",
"RealMe": "realme",
"RealVNC": "realvnc",
"Recurly": "recurly",
"Reddit": "reddit",
"Register4Less": "register4less",
"Registro.br": "registrobr",
"Repairshopr": "repairshopr",
"Ripe NCC": "ripe",
"Roberts Space Industries": "robertsspaceindustries",
"Robinhood": "robinhood",
"RoboForm": "roboform",
"Rockstar Games Social Club": "rockstargames",
"Rollbar": "rollbar",
"Runbox": "runbox",
"RuneScape": "runescape",
"SAASPASS": "saaspass",
"Salesforce": "salesforce",
"SaneBox": "sanebox",
"SatoshiTango": "satoshitango",
"Scaleway": "scaleway",
"Scalr": "scalr",
"Scryfall": "scryfall",
"SEB": "seb",
"section.io": "sectionio",
"Semaphore": "semaphore",
"SendGrid": "sendgrid",
"Sendloop": "sendloop",
"Sentry": "sentry",
"Shopify": "shopify",
"SimpleTax": "simpletax",
"SingleHop": "singlehop",
"SiteGround": "siteground",
"Skatteverket": "skatteverket",
"Skrill": "skrill",
"Skype": "skype",
"Slack": "slack",
"SmartBox": "smartbox",
"SmartSimple": "smartsimple",
"smashcast": "smashcast",
"Snapchat": "snapchat",
"SocketLabs": "socketlabs",
"Softlayer": "softlayer",
"Sonic": "sonic",
"SourceForge": "sourceforge",
"SparkPost": "sparkpost",
"SpeedIT Solutions": "speedit",
"Square": "squareup",
"Square Enix": "squarenix",
"Squarespace": "squarespace",
"SSLTrust": "ssltrust",
"Stackfield": "stackfield",
"Stanford University": "stanford",
"Star Wars: The Old Republic": "swtor",
"StartMail": "startmail",
"State Bank of India": "sbi",
"Steam": "steam",
"Stripe": "stripe",
"Sumo Logic": "sumologic",
"Swedbank": "swedbank",
"Sync": "sync",
"Synology": "synology",
"TBC Bank": "tbcbank",
"TeamViewer": "teamviewer",
"Telia (Sweden)": "telia",
"Telzio": "telzio",
"Temple University": "templeuniversity",
"Thexyz": "thexyz",
"ThisData": "thisdata",
"Threat X": "threatx",
"ThreatConnect": "threatconnect",
"Tibia": "tibia",
"Tilaa": "tilaa",
"Time4VPS": "time4vps",
"Tinfoil Security": "tinfoil",
"Ting": "ting",
"Toodledo": "toodledo",
"TorGuard": "torguard",
"TransferWise": "transferwise",
"TransIP": "transip",
"Trello": "trello",
"Tresorit": "tresorit",
"Trion Worlds": "trionworlds",
"True Key": "truekey",
"Tumblr": "tumblr",
"Tutanota": "tutanota",
"Twitch": "twitch",
"Twitter": "twitter",
"Ubiquiti Networks": "ubiquiti",
"Ubisoft/Uplay": "uplay",
"UKFast": "ukfast",
"Ukraine": "ukraine",
"Unfuddle": "unfuddle",
"Uniregistry": "uniregistry",
"United Domains USA": "uniteddomains-usa",
"united-domains Reselling": "udreselling",
"united-domains.de": "united-domains",
"University of Idaho": "uidaho",
"University of Michigan": "umich",
"UpCloud": "upcloud",
"Uphold": "uphold",
"US Internal Revenue Service": "usirs",
"USAA": "usaa",
"Usabilla": "usabilla",
"Userify": "userify",
"UW Credit Union": "uwcu",
"Versio": "versio",
"Virginia Commonwealth University": "vcu",
"Virginia Tech": "virginiatech",
"Visual Studio Online": "visualstudio",
"VK": "vk",
"VPS Server": "vpsserver",
"Vultr": "vultr",
"Wargaming": "wargaming",
"Watchman Monitoring": "watchmanmonitoring",
"Wealthfront": "wealthfront",
"Wealthsimple": "wealthsimple",
"WebFaction": "webfaction",
"Wedos": "wedos",
"WEX (BTC-E)": "wex",
"Wikipedia": "wikipedia",
"WildStar": "wildstar",
"WordPress.com": "wordpress",
"WP Engine": "wpengine",
"Wykop": "wykop",
"Xapo": "xapo",
"Xbox Live": "xbox",
"Xero": "xero",
"Yahoo Japan Mail": "yahoojapanmail",
"Yandex.Disk": "yandexdisk",
"Yandex.Mail": "yandexmail",
"Yandex.Money": "yandexmoney",
"Yclas": "yclas",
"YouTube": "youtube",
"YoYo Games": "yoyogames",
"Zagreba\u010dka banka": "zagrebacka",
"Zapier": "zapier",
"Zendesk": "zendesk",
"Zetta.net": "zetta",
"Zimbra": "zimbra",
"Zoho Mail": "zoho",
"Zoolz": "zoolz",
"Zurich Cantonal Bank (ZKB)": "zkb"
} |