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synced 2025-02-26 20:04:41 +01:00
Ordered blaze transformations
- Fix parts of blaze burners not rendering correctly on rotated contraptions - AbstractContraptionEntity#doLocalTransforms -> applyLocalTransforms and change PoseStack[] argument to PoseStack
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 113 additions and 85 deletions
@ -831,7 +831,7 @@ public abstract class AbstractContraptionEntity extends Entity implements IEntit
public abstract void doLocalTransforms(float partialTicks, PoseStack[] matrixStacks);
public abstract void applyLocalTransforms(PoseStack matrixStack, float partialTicks);
public static class ContraptionRotationState {
public static final ContraptionRotationState NONE = new ContraptionRotationState();
@ -226,15 +226,14 @@ public class ControlledContraptionEntity extends AbstractContraptionEntity {
public void doLocalTransforms(float partialTicks, PoseStack[] matrixStacks) {
public void applyLocalTransforms(PoseStack matrixStack, float partialTicks) {
float angle = getAngle(partialTicks);
Axis axis = getRotationAxis();
for (PoseStack stack : matrixStacks)
.rotate(angle, axis)
.rotate(angle, axis)
@ -514,52 +514,48 @@ public class OrientedContraptionEntity extends AbstractContraptionEntity {
public void doLocalTransforms(float partialTicks, PoseStack[] matrixStacks) {
public void applyLocalTransforms(PoseStack matrixStack, float partialTicks) {
float angleInitialYaw = getInitialYaw();
float angleYaw = getViewYRot(partialTicks);
float anglePitch = getViewXRot(partialTicks);
for (PoseStack stack : matrixStacks)
stack.translate(-.5f, 0, -.5f);
matrixStack.translate(-.5f, 0, -.5f);
Entity ridingEntity = getVehicle();
if (ridingEntity instanceof AbstractMinecart)
repositionOnCart(partialTicks, matrixStacks, ridingEntity);
repositionOnCart(matrixStack, partialTicks, ridingEntity);
else if (ridingEntity instanceof AbstractContraptionEntity) {
if (ridingEntity.getVehicle() instanceof AbstractMinecart)
repositionOnCart(partialTicks, matrixStacks, ridingEntity.getVehicle());
repositionOnCart(matrixStack, partialTicks, ridingEntity.getVehicle());
repositionOnContraption(partialTicks, matrixStacks, ridingEntity);
repositionOnContraption(matrixStack, partialTicks, ridingEntity);
for (PoseStack stack : matrixStacks)
private void repositionOnContraption(float partialTicks, PoseStack[] matrixStacks, Entity ridingEntity) {
private void repositionOnContraption(PoseStack matrixStack, float partialTicks, Entity ridingEntity) {
Vec3 pos = getContraptionOffset(partialTicks, ridingEntity);
for (PoseStack stack : matrixStacks)
stack.translate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
matrixStack.translate(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
// Minecarts do not always render at their exact location, so the contraption
// has to adjust aswell
private void repositionOnCart(float partialTicks, PoseStack[] matrixStacks, Entity ridingEntity) {
private void repositionOnCart(PoseStack matrixStack, float partialTicks, Entity ridingEntity) {
Vec3 cartPos = getCartOffset(partialTicks, ridingEntity);
if (cartPos == Vec3.ZERO)
for (PoseStack stack : matrixStacks)
stack.translate(cartPos.x, cartPos.y, cartPos.z);
matrixStack.translate(cartPos.x, cartPos.y, cartPos.z);
@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ public class GantryContraptionEntity extends AbstractContraptionEntity {
public void doLocalTransforms(float partialTicks, PoseStack[] matrixStacks) { }
public void applyLocalTransforms(PoseStack matrixStack, float partialTicks) { }
public void updateClientMotion() {
float modifier = movementAxis.getAxisDirection()
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ public class ContraptionMatrices {
transform(this.viewProjection, viewProjection);
entity.doLocalTransforms(partialTicks, new PoseStack[] { model });
entity.applyLocalTransforms(model, partialTicks);
transform(modelViewProjection, viewProjection);
@ -33,52 +33,67 @@ public class BlazeBurnerRenderer extends SafeTileEntityRenderer<BlazeBurnerTileE
public BlazeBurnerRenderer(BlockEntityRendererProvider.Context context) {}
protected void renderSafe(BlazeBurnerTileEntity te, float partialTicks, PoseStack ms, MultiBufferSource buffer,
protected void renderSafe(BlazeBurnerTileEntity te, float partialTicks, PoseStack ms, MultiBufferSource bufferSource,
int light, int overlay) {
HeatLevel heatLevel = te.getHeatLevelFromBlock();
if (heatLevel == HeatLevel.NONE)
float horizontalAngle = AngleHelper.rad(te.headAngle.getValue(partialTicks));
Level level = te.getLevel();
int hashCode = te.hashCode();
float animation = te.headAnimation.getValue(partialTicks) * .175f;
BlockState blockState = te.getBlockState();
float animation = te.headAnimation.getValue(partialTicks) * .175f;
float horizontalAngle = AngleHelper.rad(te.headAngle.getValue(partialTicks));
boolean canDrawFlame = heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.FADING);
boolean drawGoggles = te.goggles;
boolean drawHat = te.hat;
int hashCode = te.hashCode();
renderShared(level, buffer, null, ms, blockState, horizontalAngle, animation, drawGoggles, drawHat, hashCode);
renderShared(ms, null, bufferSource,
level, blockState, heatLevel, animation, horizontalAngle,
canDrawFlame, drawGoggles, drawHat, hashCode);
public static void renderInContraption(MovementContext context, VirtualRenderWorld renderWorld,
ContraptionMatrices matrices, MultiBufferSource buffer, LerpedFloat headAngle, boolean conductor) {
ContraptionMatrices matrices, MultiBufferSource bufferSource, LerpedFloat headAngle, boolean conductor) {
BlockState state = context.state;
if (BlazeBurnerBlock.getHeatLevelOf(state) == HeatLevel.KINDLED)
state = state.setValue(BlazeBurnerBlock.HEAT_LEVEL, HeatLevel.FADING);
float value = AngleHelper.rad(headAngle.getValue(AnimationTickHolder.getPartialTicks(context.world)));
renderShared(context.world, buffer, matrices.getModel(), matrices.getViewProjection(), state, value, 0,
context.tileData.contains("Goggles"), conductor, context.hashCode());
HeatLevel heatLevel = BlazeBurnerBlock.getHeatLevelOf(state);
if (heatLevel == HeatLevel.NONE)
if (!heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.FADING)) {
heatLevel = HeatLevel.FADING;
Level level = context.world;
float horizontalAngle = AngleHelper.rad(headAngle.getValue(AnimationTickHolder.getPartialTicks(level)));
boolean drawGoggles = context.tileData.contains("Goggles");
boolean drawHat = conductor || context.tileData.contains("TrainHat");
int hashCode = context.hashCode();
renderShared(matrices.getViewProjection(), matrices.getModel(), bufferSource,
level, state, heatLevel, 0, horizontalAngle,
false, drawGoggles, drawHat, hashCode);
private static void renderShared(Level level, MultiBufferSource buffer, @Nullable PoseStack modelTransform,
PoseStack ms, BlockState blockState, float horizontalAngle, float animation, boolean drawGoggles,
boolean drawHat, int hashCode) {
private static void renderShared(PoseStack ms, @Nullable PoseStack modelTransform, MultiBufferSource bufferSource,
Level level, BlockState blockState, HeatLevel heatLevel, float animation, float horizontalAngle,
boolean canDrawFlame, boolean drawGoggles, boolean drawHat, int hashCode) {
boolean blockAbove = animation > 0.125f;
HeatLevel heatLevel = BlazeBurnerBlock.getHeatLevelOf(blockState);
float time = AnimationTickHolder.getRenderTime(level);
float renderTick = time + (hashCode % 13) * 16f;
float offsetMult = heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.FADING) ? 64 : 16;
float offset = Mth.sin((float) ((renderTick / 16f) % (2 * Math.PI))) / offsetMult;
float offset1 = Mth.sin((float) ((renderTick / 16f + Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI))) / offsetMult;
float offset2 = Mth.sin((float) ((renderTick / 16f + Math.PI / 2) % (2 * Math.PI))) / offsetMult;
float headY = offset - (animation * .75f);
VertexConsumer solid = buffer.getBuffer(RenderType.solid());
VertexConsumer cutout = buffer.getBuffer(RenderType.cutoutMipped());
VertexConsumer solid = bufferSource.getBuffer(RenderType.solid());
VertexConsumer cutout = bufferSource.getBuffer(RenderType.cutoutMipped());
if (modelTransform == null && heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.FADING) && blockAbove) {
if (canDrawFlame && blockAbove) {
SpriteShiftEntry spriteShift =
heatLevel == HeatLevel.SEETHING ? AllSpriteShifts.SUPER_BURNER_FLAME : AllSpriteShifts.BURNER_FLAME;
@ -102,68 +117,87 @@ public class BlazeBurnerRenderer extends SafeTileEntityRenderer<BlazeBurnerTileE
uScroll = uScroll - Math.floor(uScroll);
uScroll = uScroll * spriteWidth / 2;
draw(CachedBufferer.partial(AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_BURNER_FLAME, blockState)
.shiftUVScrolling(spriteShift, (float) uScroll, (float) vScroll), horizontalAngle, modelTransform, ms,
SuperByteBuffer flameBuffer = CachedBufferer.partial(AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_BURNER_FLAME, blockState);
if (modelTransform != null)
flameBuffer.shiftUVScrolling(spriteShift, (float) uScroll, (float) vScroll);
draw(flameBuffer, horizontalAngle, ms, cutout);
PartialModel blazeModel = modelTransform != null ? AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_IDLE : AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_INERT;
if (heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.SEETHING))
PartialModel blazeModel;
if (heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.SEETHING)) {
blazeModel = blockAbove ? AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_SUPER_ACTIVE : AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_SUPER;
else if (heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.FADING))
} else if (heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.FADING)) {
blazeModel = blockAbove && heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.KINDLED) ? AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_ACTIVE
: AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_IDLE;
} else {
blazeModel = AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_INERT;
float headY = offset - (animation * .75f);
SuperByteBuffer blazeBuffer = CachedBufferer.partial(blazeModel, blockState);
if (modelTransform != null)
blazeBuffer.translate(0, headY, 0);
draw(blazeBuffer, horizontalAngle, ms, solid);
draw(CachedBufferer.partial(blazeModel, blockState)
.translate(0, headY, 0), horizontalAngle, modelTransform, ms, solid);
if (drawGoggles) {
PartialModel gogglesModel = blazeModel == AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_INERT
? AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_GOGGLES_SMALL : AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_GOGGLES;
if (drawGoggles)
draw(CachedBufferer.partial(blazeModel == AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_INERT
? AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_GOGGLES_SMALL : AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_GOGGLES, blockState)
.translate(0, headY + 8 / 16f, 0), horizontalAngle, modelTransform, ms, solid);
SuperByteBuffer gogglesBuffer = CachedBufferer.partial(gogglesModel, blockState);
if (modelTransform != null)
gogglesBuffer.translate(0, headY + 8 / 16f, 0);
draw(gogglesBuffer, horizontalAngle, ms, solid);
if (drawHat) {
SuperByteBuffer partial = CachedBufferer.partial(AllBlockPartials.TRAIN_HAT, blockState)
.translate(0, headY, 0);
SuperByteBuffer hatBuffer = CachedBufferer.partial(AllBlockPartials.TRAIN_HAT, blockState);
if (modelTransform != null)
hatBuffer.translate(0, headY, 0);
if (blazeModel == AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_INERT) {
} else {
if (modelTransform != null)
.rotateCentered(Direction.UP, horizontalAngle + Mth.PI)
.translate(0.5f, 0, 0.5f)
.renderInto(ms, solid);
if (heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.FADING) || modelTransform != null) {
PartialModel rods = heatLevel == HeatLevel.SEETHING ? AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_BURNER_SUPER_RODS
if (heatLevel.isAtLeast(HeatLevel.FADING)) {
PartialModel rodsModel = heatLevel == HeatLevel.SEETHING ? AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_BURNER_SUPER_RODS
: AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_BURNER_RODS;
PartialModel rods2 = heatLevel == HeatLevel.SEETHING ? AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_BURNER_SUPER_RODS_2
PartialModel rodsModel2 = heatLevel == HeatLevel.SEETHING ? AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_BURNER_SUPER_RODS_2
: AllBlockPartials.BLAZE_BURNER_RODS_2;
draw(CachedBufferer.partial(rods, blockState)
.translate(0, offset1 + animation + .125f, 0), 0, modelTransform, ms, solid);
draw(CachedBufferer.partial(rods2, blockState)
.translate(0, offset2 + animation - 3 / 16f, 0), 0, modelTransform, ms, solid);
SuperByteBuffer rodsBuffer = CachedBufferer.partial(rodsModel, blockState);
if (modelTransform != null)
rodsBuffer.translate(0, offset1 + animation + .125f, 0)
.renderInto(ms, solid);
SuperByteBuffer rodsBuffer2 = CachedBufferer.partial(rodsModel2, blockState);
if (modelTransform != null)
rodsBuffer2.translate(0, offset2 + animation - 3 / 16f, 0)
.renderInto(ms, solid);
private static void draw(SuperByteBuffer blazeBuffer, float horizontalAngle, @Nullable PoseStack modelTransform,
PoseStack ms, VertexConsumer vb) {
if (modelTransform != null)
blazeBuffer.rotateCentered(Direction.UP, horizontalAngle)
private static void draw(SuperByteBuffer buffer, float horizontalAngle, PoseStack ms, VertexConsumer vc) {
buffer.rotateCentered(Direction.UP, horizontalAngle)
.renderInto(ms, vb);
.renderInto(ms, vc);
@ -8,16 +8,15 @@ import net.minecraft.world.level.block.Blocks;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.entity.BlockEntity;
public abstract class SafeTileEntityRenderer<T extends BlockEntity> implements BlockEntityRenderer<T> {
public final void render(T te, float partialTicks, PoseStack ms, MultiBufferSource buffer, int light,
public final void render(T te, float partialTicks, PoseStack ms, MultiBufferSource bufferSource, int light,
int overlay) {
if (isInvalid(te))
renderSafe(te, partialTicks, ms, buffer, light, overlay);
renderSafe(te, partialTicks, ms, bufferSource, light, overlay);
protected abstract void renderSafe(T te, float partialTicks, PoseStack ms, MultiBufferSource buffer, int light,
protected abstract void renderSafe(T te, float partialTicks, PoseStack ms, MultiBufferSource bufferSource, int light,
int overlay);
public boolean isInvalid(T te) {
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