No more monkeys jumping on the belt

- Import updated model from Kryppers to fix z-fighting and UV issues on
  bogey drive belts
This commit is contained in:
Jozufozu 2025-02-06 08:30:29 -08:00
parent 5f1c96d3c8
commit 3b505998dd
2 changed files with 30 additions and 20 deletions

View file

@ -88,8 +88,8 @@ public class AllInstanceTypes {
// TODO: Switch everything to this? Right now it's only used for bogey belts.
// It takes a decent few more bytes to represent but perhaps it can be packed
// TODO: Switch everything using SCROLLING to this? Right now this is only used for bogey belts.
// This takes a decent few more bytes to represent but perhaps it can be packed
// down into 96 by sacrificing precision
public static final InstanceType<ScrollTransformedInstance> SCROLLING_TRANSFORMED = SimpleInstanceType.builder(ScrollTransformedInstance::new)

View file

@ -82,6 +82,16 @@ vt 0.875000 1.000000
vt 0.687500 1.000000
vt 0.312500 0.000000
vt 0.125000 0.000000
vt 0.187500 0.187500
vt 0.187500 1.000000
vt 0.250000 1.000000
vt 0.250000 0.187500
vt 0.812500 1.000000
vt 0.812500 0.187500
vt 0.750000 0.187500
vt 0.750000 1.000000
vt 0.250000 0.000000
vt 0.187500 0.000000
s 0
usemtl Belts
f 1/1/1 3/2/1 4/3/1 2/4/1
@ -90,7 +100,7 @@ f 9/2/2 10/3/2 12/4/2 11/1/2
f 13/8/2 15/5/2 16/6/2 14/7/2
f 21/9/3 22/10/3 20/3/3 19/2/3
f 17/9/3 18/10/3 22/3/3 21/2/3
f 27/9/3 25/2/3 26/10/3 28/3/3
f 27/2/3 25/9/3 26/10/3 28/3/3
f 23/9/3 27/2/3 28/3/3 24/10/3
f 29/1/4 30/4/4 32/3/4 31/2/4
f 33/5/4 35/8/4 36/7/4 34/6/4
@ -98,33 +108,33 @@ f 37/2/5 39/1/5 40/4/5 38/3/5
f 41/8/5 42/7/5 44/6/5 43/5/5
f 49/9/6 47/2/6 48/3/6 50/10/6
f 45/9/6 49/2/6 50/3/6 46/10/6
f 55/9/6 56/3/6 54/10/6 53/2/6
f 55/2/6 56/3/6 54/10/6 53/9/6
f 51/9/6 52/10/6 56/3/6 55/2/6
f 1/1/7 2/4/7 30/4/7 29/1/7
f 4/3/8 3/2/8 31/2/8 32/3/8
f 2/4/9 4/3/9 32/3/9 30/4/9
f 3/2/10 1/1/10 29/1/10 31/2/10
f 2/11/9 4/12/9 32/3/9 30/4/9
f 3/13/10 1/14/10 29/1/10 31/2/10
f 6/6/7 5/5/7 33/5/7 34/6/7
f 7/8/8 8/7/8 36/7/8 35/8/8
f 8/7/10 6/6/10 34/6/10 36/7/10
f 5/5/9 7/8/9 35/8/9 33/5/9
f 8/15/10 6/16/10 34/6/10 36/7/10
f 5/17/9 7/18/9 35/8/9 33/5/9
f 10/3/11 9/2/11 37/2/11 38/3/11
f 11/1/12 12/4/12 40/4/12 39/1/12
f 12/4/9 10/3/9 38/3/9 40/4/9
f 9/2/10 11/1/10 39/1/10 37/2/10
f 12/11/9 10/12/9 38/3/9 40/4/9
f 9/13/10 11/14/10 39/1/10 37/2/10
f 13/8/11 14/7/11 42/7/11 41/8/11
f 16/6/12 15/5/12 43/5/12 44/6/12
f 14/7/10 16/6/10 44/6/10 42/7/10
f 15/5/9 13/8/9 41/8/9 43/5/9
f 17/9/10 21/2/10 49/2/10 45/9/10
f 14/15/10 16/16/10 44/6/10 42/7/10
f 15/17/9 13/18/9 41/8/9 43/5/9
f 17/19/10 21/13/10 49/2/10 45/9/10
f 18/10/13 17/9/13 45/9/13 46/10/13
f 20/3/9 22/10/9 50/10/9 48/3/9
f 20/12/9 22/20/9 50/10/9 48/3/9
f 19/2/14 20/3/14 48/3/14 47/2/14
f 21/9/10 19/2/10 47/2/10 49/9/10
f 22/3/9 18/10/9 46/10/9 50/3/9
f 27/2/9 23/9/9 51/9/9 55/2/9
f 21/19/10 19/13/10 47/2/10 49/9/10
f 22/12/9 18/20/9 46/10/9 50/3/9
f 27/13/9 23/19/9 51/9/9 55/2/9
f 23/9/13 24/10/13 52/10/13 51/9/13
f 28/3/10 26/10/10 54/10/10 56/3/10
f 28/12/10 26/20/10 54/10/10 56/3/10
f 26/10/14 25/2/14 53/2/14 54/10/14
f 25/2/9 27/9/9 55/9/9 53/2/9
f 24/10/10 28/3/10 56/3/10 52/10/10
f 25/13/9 27/19/9 55/9/9 53/2/9
f 24/20/10 28/12/10 56/3/10 52/10/10