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synced 2025-02-05 01:45:00 +01:00
Remove unnecessary files
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 0 additions and 676 deletions
## Changes.md
## Changes.md
@ -1,138 +0,0 @@
## Additions
- Netherite Backtank
- Netherite Diving Helmet and Boots
- Contraption Controls
- Elevator Pulley
- Copycat Panels and Copycat Steps
- Block of Andesite Alloy
- Block of Industrial Iron
- Large Water Wheel
- Mechanical Roller
- Andesite, Brass and Copper Doors
- Andesite, Brass and Copper Bars
- Andesite, Brass and Copper Scaffolding
- Clipboard
- Mangrove Windows (1.19)
## Changes
- Overhauled models and textures of Andesite & Brass components (Kryppers)
- Reworked textures of colored blocks such as seats and sails (dani)
- New filter sprites (vectorwing)
- Valve handles can now be used to precisely turn mechanical bearings by a set angle
- Pulley ropes are now climbable
- Lowered hitbox of seats for improved traversability inside contraptions
- Improved safety for players standing on vertically moving contraptions
- Pulley contraptions will now make an effort to place remote players at y values sensible to the client
- Fixed seated entities on rotating contraptions not rendering at the correct location
- Deployers no longer fail to activate in chunks claimed or protected by the player that placed them
- Fixed couplings, schematics and in-world overlays not rendering correctly at coordinates far from the origin
- Fixed Bearings, Pistons, Pulleys and Gantries powered by a Sequenced Gearshift not moving precisely to its instructions at high speeds
- Minecart contraptions no longer visually jump to a location when stalled
- Mechanical bearings now snap to a rounded angle when stopped
- Contraption storage now accepts more chests and barrels from other mods
- Players can now open chests and barrels on assembled contraptions
- Mechanical Pumps no longer reverse direction based on kinetic input
- Fixed pipe connections pulling fluids with half the speed compared to a directly attached pump
- Substantially increased speed of visual flow propagation inside pipe networks
- Portable storage interfaces now stall for longer after an exchange has happened, and shorter otherwise
- Single train track blocks with slopes connected on either side will angle themselves to create a smoother ascend across both
- Multiple pulleys can now attach to contraptions in a synchronised group
- Display Boards now update text instantaneously at high input rpm
- Diving helmets now always grant aqua affinity
- Diving helmets can no longer be enchanted with aqua affinity
- Water wheel fins are no longer directional
- Water wheels now only have one speed level
- Water wheels can now take the appearance of any reasonably implemented wood type
- Added sided door control options to elevator contact and train station UI
- Liquid can no longer spread perpendicularly on top of water wheels
- Overhauled UX of scroll values and item filtering
- Filtered item extraction can now be configured to pull "up to x items" per operation
- Connected textures now use and apply the getAppearance() standard by Forge, allowing them to connect across other mods' facades, etc. (1.19)
- Boiler status now highlights information about water flow when insufficient
- The majority of in-world options no longer require a wrench
- Chutes can now be encased in Industrial Iron Blocks
- Chutes are now less prone to resetting shape when moved or rotated
- Moved metal block variants to Building Blocks tab
- Changed stonecutting ingredient of metal block variants from sheet to ingot
- Base stone blocks can now be stonecut back from their cut variants
- Fixed track placement allowing an s-bend between two sloped track pieces in specific arrangements
- Fixed funnels losing filters when changing between types
- New randomised textures for natural palette stone types (Kryppers)
- Readjusted palette stone generation to use taller layers
- World generation now places fewer stone type veins by default
- Fixed lava fans voiding items that have smoking & smelting recipes with different outputs
- Filter items now filter for their own item type if left empty
- Valve handles no longer create stress config entries for each dyed variant
- Place near initial angle mode on bearings now has a smaller interval considered 'near'
- Players can now take items from saws via right-click
- Item Drains now accept dropped items as input
- Train track placement overlay now explicitly mentions the ctrl key
- Fixed Mechanical Saws not rendering as animated when using rubidium
- Fixed a ui element of the Station Screen rendering behind the background
- Belts printed instantly or via cannon now retain the correct type of casing
- Scheduled trains no longer slow down for slight ascends/descents on a straight track
- Fixed saplings and other non-collidables sticking to chassis or super glue
- Encased Fluid Pipes no longer z-fight on open pipe faces
- Valve handles now turn twice as quickly
- Bearings no longer have the angle-indicating nook on their block
- Depot hitbox is now a simple cuboid
- Fixed belts encased with andesite briefly showing brass textures
- Fixed Filters and Attribute Filters not stacking with unmodified, equivalent stacks
- Fixed Attribute Filters saving the name tag preview item in their data
- Filters and Schedules can now be reset via crafting
- Renamed Sails to Windmill Sails
- Crushing gold ore now yields more experience nuggets
- Fixed valve pipes sometimes not rotating their indicator fully
- Horizontal, encased belts now render a support structure when solid blocks are above them
- Added placement assist for mechanical drills, saws and deployers
- Mechanical Belts can now be waterlogged
- Depots and Ejectors can now be Waterlogged
- Chutes and Funnels can now be Waterlogged
- Fixed upright mechanical saws only able to be oriented in two directions
- Deployers now have their filter slot on the side of the block
- Deployers can now be rotated by wrenching them near the edge of the front face
- Deployers now set filters on blocks only by targeting any location on a correct side
- Fixed Schematics loaded for deployer printing not rotating block entity contents
- Added tripwire to #movable_empty_collider
- Renamed Stockpile Switch to Threshold Switch
- Renamed Content Observer to Smart Observer
- Smart observer and threshold switch can now be oriented to face blocks above or below them
- Smart observer will now also emit redstone when the block in front of it matches its filter
- Fixed non-vanilla signs not accepted as valid display targets
- Brass tunnels with no distribution behaviour no longer show the mode switcher
- Used more contrasting colours for diode and tunnel value inputs
- Fixed crash when hose pulley cannot find reference fluid for infinite draining
- Clipboards can now be used to transfer settings between blocks
- Clipboards can now be used to manually write to Display Boards and Nixie Tubes
- Clipboards can now be used as Material Checklists in the Schematicannon
- Fixed and edited existing tooltips and ponder scenes to include behavioural changes in 0.5.1
- New ponder scenes for Smart Observer, Threshold Switch, Elevator Pulley, Contraption Controls and Mechanical Rollers
- Fixed ponder overlay text rendering with wonky pixels
- Added a ponder category for recently added/changed blocks
- Renamed Filter to List Filter
- Deployers can now apply filters to a Redstone link with less required precision
- Bezier track segments now render with a slight angle to reduce z-fighting
- Fixed offset shaft rotation on encased large cogwheels
- Fixed Smart Fluid Pipe not dropping filter when broken
- Placards and Creative Crates will no longer hold on to special nbt content (except potion data, damage, enchants) of the contained item when imported via Schematicannon
- Schematicannons can no longer print mobs
- Fixed item frames not requiring an exact nbt match for printed contents
- Players can now sneak while using exp nuggets to only consume one item at a time
- Minecart contraption items can no longer be placed in container items like toolboxes or shulkers (configurable)
- Implemented ComputerCraft interaction for Speed Controllers, Display Links, Speedometers, Stressometers, Sequenced Gearshifts and Train Stations (caelwarner)
- Hand crank no longer drains hunger when using the extendo grip (Xstoudi)
- Fixed Encased Chain Drives not reacting to block rotation and mirroring correctly
- Open Ended Pipes now correctly handle Builder's Tea (NerdsOfAFeather)
- Added Config entry for brass tunnel distribution cooldown (Walle123)
- API for custom bogey & track types (Rabbitminers, techno-sam)
- Fixed server crash caused by Gantry Contraptions assembling (Lucasmellof)
- Fix "Lighter than air" fluids displayed incorrectly in spouts (cakeGit)
- Added rotate and mirror methods to Fluid Pipes (xieve)
- Chocolate & Honey fluid fog distance is now configurable (radimous)
- Added a TrackGraph merge event (DaComputerNerd717)
- Fixed players dismounting when trains get assembled (Equinoxxe)
- Added GameTests (TropheusJ)
- Added armor tags (NerdsOfAFeather)
- Major updates now release as patch A
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
| Method | Description |
| [`setCursorPos(x, y)`](#setCursorPos) | Sets the cursor position |
| [`getCursorPos()`](#getCursorPos) | Gets the current cursor position |
| [`getSize()`](#getSize) | Gets the display size of the connected target |
| [`isColor()`](#isColor) | Whether the connected display target supports color |
| [`isColour()`](#isColour) | Whether the connected display target supports colour |
| [`write(text)`](#writetext) | Writes text at the current cursor position |
| [`clearLine()`](#clearLine) | Clears the line at the current cursor position |
| [`clear()`](#clear) | Clears the whole display |
| [`update()`](#update) | Pushes an update to the display target |
### `setCursorPos(x, y)`
Sets the cursor position. Can be outside the bounds of the connected display.
- _x:_ `number` The cursor x position.
- _y:_ `number` The cursor y position.
### `getCursorPos()`
Gets the current cursor position.
- `number` The cursor x position.
- `number` The cursor y position.
### `getSize()`
Gets the size of the connected display target.
- `number` The width of the display.
- `number` The height of the display.
### `isColor()`
Checks whether the connected display target supports color.
- `boolean` Whether the display supports color.
### `isColour()`
Checks whether the connected display target supports colour.
- `boolean` Whether the display supports colour.
### `write(text)`
Writes text at the current cursor position, moving the cursor to the end of the text.
This only writes to an internal buffer. For the changes to show up on the display [`update()`](#update) must be used.
If the cursor is outside the bounds of the connected display, the text will not show up on the display.
This will overwrite any text currently at the cursor position.
- _text:_ `string` The text to write.
**See also**
- [`update()`](#update) To push the changes to the display target.
### `clearLine()`
Clears the line at the current cursor position.
**See also**
- [`update()`](#update) To push the changes to the display target.
### `clear()`
Clears the whole display.
**See also**
- [`update()`](#update) To push the changes to the display target.
### `update()`
Pushes any changes to the connected display target.
Any changes made are only made to an internal buffer.
For them to show up on the display they must be pushed to the display using this function.
This allows for this peripheral to be better multithreaded and for users to be able to change multiple lines at once by
using multiple [`write(text)`](#writetext) calls and then one [`update()`](#update) call.
**See also**
- [`write(text)`](#writetext) To write text to the display target.
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
| Method | Description |
| [`setTargetSpeed(speed)`](#setTargetSpeedspeed) | Sets the target rotation speed |
| [`getTargetSpeed()`](#getTargetSpeed) | Gets the current target rotation speed |
### `setTargetSpeed(speed)`
Sets the rotation speed controller's target speed.
- _speed:_ `number` The target speed in RPM. Must be an integer within the range of [-256..256]. Values outside of this range will be clamped.
### `getTargetSpeed()`
Gets the rotation speed controller's current target speed.
- `number` The current target rotation speed in RPM.
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
| Method | Description |
| [`rotate(angle, [modifier])`](#rotateangle-modifier) | Rotates shaft by a set angle |
| [`move(distance, [modifier])`](#movedistance-modifier) | Rotates shaft to move Piston/Pulley/Gantry by a set distance |
| [`isRunning()`](#isRunning) | Whether the gearshift is currently spinning |
### `rotate(angle, [modifier])`
Rotates connected components by a set angle.
- _angle:_ `number` Angle to rotate the shaft by in degrees. Must be a positive integer. To do backwards rotation, set _modifier_ to a negative value.
- _modifier?:_ `number = 1` Speed modifier which can be used to reverse rotation. Must be an integer within the range of [-2..2]. Values out of this range are ignored and the default of 1 is used.
### `move(distance, [modifier])`
Rotates connected components to move connected piston, pulley or gantry contractions by a set distance.
- _distance:_ `number` Distance to move connected piston, pulley or gantry contraptions by. Must be a positive integer. To do backwards movement, set _modifier_ to a negative value.
- _modifier?:_ `number = 1` Speed modifier which can be used to reverse direction. Must be an integer within the range of [-2..2]. Values out of this range are ignored and the default of 1 is used.
### `isRunning()`
Checks if the sequenced gearshift is currently spinning.
- `boolean` Whether the sequenced gearshift is currently spinning.
@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
| Method | Description |
| [`getSpeed()`](#getSpeed) | Gets the current rotation speed |
### `getSpeed()`
Gets the current rotation speed of the attached components.
- `number` The current rotation speed in RPM.
@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
| Method | Description |
| [`getStress()`](#getStress) | Gets the current stress level |
| [`getStressCapacity()`](#getStressCapacity) | Gets the total stress capacity |
### `getStress()`
Gets the connected network's current stress level.
- `number` The current stress level in SU.
### `getStressCapacity()`
Gets the connected network's total stress capacity.
- `number` The total stress capacity in SU.
@ -1,195 +0,0 @@
Train schedules are represented by a table in Lua. The table contains a list of entries where each entry has a single instruction and multiple conditions.
Each instruction and condition has a `data` table that stores specific data about the instruction or condition.
schedule = {
cyclic = true, -- Does the schedule repeat itself after the end has been reached?
entries = { -- List of entries, each entry contains a single instruction and multiple conditions.
instruction = {
id = "create:destination", -- The different instructions are described below.
data = { -- Data that is stored about the instruction. Different for each instruction type.
text = "Station 1",
conditions = { -- List of lists of conditions. The outer list is the "OR" list
{ -- and the inner lists are "AND" lists.
id = "create:delay", -- The different conditions are described below.
data = { -- Data that is stored about the condition. Different for each condition type.
value = 5,
time_unit = 1,
id = "create:powered",
data = {},
id = "create:time_of_day",
data = {
rotation = 0,
hour = 14,
minute = 0,
## Instructions
| ID | Description |
| [`"create:destination"`](#createdestination) | Move to a certain train station |
| [`"create:rename"`](#createrename) | Change the schedule title |
| [`"create:throttle"`](#createthrottle) | Change the train's throttle |
### `"create:destination"`
Moves the train to the chosen train station. This instruction must have at least one condition.
- _text:_ `string` The name of the station to travel to. Can include * as a wildcard.
### `"create:rename"`
Renames the schedule. This name shows up on display link targets. This instruction cannot have conditions.
- _text:_ `string` The name to rename the schedule to.
### `"create:throttle"`
Changes the throttle of the train. This instruction cannot have conditions.
- _value:_ `number` The throttle to set the train to. Must be an integer within the range of [5..100].
## Conditions
Conditions are stored in a list of lists of conditions. The inner lists contain conditions that get `AND`'ed together. They must all be met for that group to be true.
The outer list contains the `AND`'ed groups of conditions that get `OR`'ed together. Only one of the groups needs to be true for the schedule to move onto the next instruction.
| ID | Description |
| [`"create:delay"`](#createdelay) | Wait for a certain delay |
| [`"create:time_of_day"`](#createtimeofday) | Wait for a specific time of day |
| [`"create:fluid_threshold"`](#createfluidthreshold) | Wait for a certain amount of fluid to be on board |
| [`"create:item_threshold"`](#createitemthreshold) | Wait for a certain amount of items to be on board |
| [`"create:redstone_link"`](#createredstonelink) | Wait for a redstone link to be powered |
| [`"create:player_count"`](#createplayercount) | Wait for a certain amount of players to be on board |
| [`"create:idle"`](#createidle) | Wait for cargo loading inactivity |
| [`"create:unloaded"`](#createunloaded) | Wait for the current chunk to be unloaded |
| [`"create:powered"`](#createpowered) | Wait for the station to be powered |
### `"create:delay"`
Wait for a set delay. Can be measured in ticks, seconds or minutes.
- _value:_ `number` The amount of time to wait for.
- _time_unit:_ `number` The unit of time. 0 for ticks, 1 for seconds and 2 for minutes.
### `"create:time_of_day"`
Wait for a time of day, then repeat at a specified interval.
- _hour:_ `number` The hour of the day to wait for in a 24-hour format. Must be an integer within the range of [0..23].
- _minute:_ `number` The minute of the hour to wait for. Must be an integer within the range of [0..59].
- _rotation:_ `number` The interval to repeat at after the time of day has been met. Check the rotation table below for valid values. Must be an integer within the range of [0..9].
| Rotation | Time Interval |
| 0 | Every Day |
| 1 | Every 12 Hours |
| 2 | Every 6 Hours |
| 3 | Every 4 Hours |
| 4 | Every 3 Hours |
| 5 | Every 2 Hours |
| 6 | Every Hour |
| 7 | Every 45 Minutes |
| 8 | Every 30 Minutes |
| 9 | Every 15 Minutes |
### `"create:fluid_threshold"`
Wait for a certain amount of a specific fluid to be loaded onto the train.
- _bucket:_ `table` The bucket item of the fluid.
- _threshold:_ `number` The threshold in number of buckets of fluid. Must be a positive integer.
- _operator:_ `number` Whether the condition should wait for the train to be loaded above the threshold, below the threshold or exactly at the threshold. 0 for greater than, 1 for less than, 2 for equal to.
- _measure:_ `number` The unit to measure the fluid in. This condition supports buckets as the only unit. Set to 0.
**See also**
- [Items](#items) How items are represented in Lua.
### `"create:item_threshold"`
Wait for a certain amount of a specific item to be loaded onto the train.
- _item:_ `table` The item.
- _threshold:_ `number` The threshold of items. Must be a positive integer.
- _operator:_ `number` Whether the condition should wait for the train to be loaded above the threshold, below the threshold or exactly at the threshold. 0 for greater than, 1 for less than, 2 for equal to.
- _measure:_ `number` The unit to measure the items in. 0 for items. 1 for stacks of items.
**See also**
- [Items](#items) How items are represented in Lua.
### `"create:redstone_link"`
Wait for a redstone link to be powered.
- _frequency:_ `{ table... }` A list of the two items making up the redstone link frequency.
- _inverted:_ `number` Whether the redstone link should be powered or not to meet the condition. 0 for powered. 1 for not powered.
**See also**
- [Items](#items) How items are represented in Lua.
### `"create:player_count"`
Wait for a certain amount of players to be seated on the train.
- _count:_ `number` The number of players to be seated on the train. Must be a positive integer.
- _exact:_ `number` Whether the seated player count has to be exact to meet the condition. 0 for the exact amount of players seated, 1 for a greater than or equal amount of seated players.
### `"create:idle"`
Wait for a period of inactivity in loading or unloading the train. Can be measured in ticks, seconds or minutes.
- _value:_ `number` The amount of idle time to meet the condition. Must be a positive integer.
- _time_unit:_ `number` The unit of time. 0 for ticks, 1 for seconds and 2 for minutes.
### `"create:unloaded"`
Wait for the chunk the train is in to be unloaded.
### `"create:powered"`
Wait for the station to be powered with a redstone signal.
## Items
In Lua, items are represented with an ID and a count.
item = {
id = "minecraft:stone",
count = 1,
- _id:_ `string` The ID of the item.
- _count:_ `number` The amount of items in the stack. For the purposes of working with train schedules the count should always be 1. Must be an integer.
@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
| Method | Description |
| [`assemble()`](#assemble) | Assembles a new train at the station |
| [`disassemble()`](#disassemble) | Disassembles the currently present train |
| [`setAssemblyMode(assemblyMode)`](#setAssemblyModeassemblyMode) | Sets the station's assembly mode |
| [`isInAssemblyMode()`](#isInAssemblyMode) | Whether the station is in assembly mode |
| [`getStationName()`](#getStationName) | Gets the station's current name |
| [`setStationName(name)`](#setStationNamename) | Sets the station's name |
| [`isTrainPresent()`](#isTrainPresent) | Whether a train is present at the station |
| [`isTrainImminent()`](#isTrainImminent) | Whether a train is imminent to the station |
| [`isTrainEnroute()`](#isTrainEnroute) | Whether a train is enroute to the station |
| [`getTrainName()`](#getTrainName) | Gets the currently present train's name |
| [`setTrainName(name)`](#setTrainNamename) | Sets the currently present train's name |
| [`hasSchedule()`](#hasSchedule) | Whether the currently present train has a schedule |
| [`getSchedule()`](#getSchedule) | Gets the currently present train's schedule |
| [`setSchedule(schedule)`](#setScheduleschedule) | Sets the currently present train's schedule |
### `assemble()`
Assembles a new train at the station. The station must be in assembly mode prior to calling this function.
This function also causes the station to exit assembly mode after the train is done assembing.
- If the station is not in assembly mode.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
- If the train failed to assemble.
- If the station failed to exit assembly mode.
**See also**
- [`setAssemblyMode(assemblyMode)`](#setAssemblyModeassemblyMode) To set the assembly mode of the station.
### `disassemble()`
Disassembles the station's currently present train. The station must not be in assembly mode.
- If the station is in assembly mode.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
- If there is currently no train present at the station.
- If the train failed to disassemble.
**See also**
- [`setAssemblyMode(assemblyMode)`](#setAssemblyModeassemblyMode) To set the assembly mode of the station.
### `setAssemblyMode(assemblyMode)`
Sets the station's assembly mode.
- _assemblyMode:_ `boolean` Whether the station should be in assembly mode.
- If the station fails to enter or exit assembly mode.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
### `isInAssemblyMode()`
Checks whether the station is in assembly mode.
- `boolean` Whether the station is in assembly mode.
### `getStationName()`
Gets the station's current name.
- `string` The station's current name.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
### `setStationName(name)`
Sets the station's name.
- _name:_ `string` What to set the station's name to.
- If the station name fails to be set.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
### `isTrainPresent()`
Checks whether a train is currently present at the station.
- `boolean` Whether a train is present at the station.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
### `isTrainImminent()`
Checks whether a train is imminently arriving at the station.
Imminent is defined as being within 30 blocks of the station.
This will not be true if the train has arrived and stopped at the station.
- `boolean` Whether a train is imminent to the station.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
**See also**
- [`isTrainPresent()`](#isTrainPresent) To check if a train is present at the station.
### `isTrainEnroute()`
Checks whether a train is enroute and navigating to the station.
- `boolean` Whether a train is enroute to the station.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
### `getTrainName()`
Gets the currently present train's name.
- `string` The currently present train's name.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
- If there is currently no train present at the station.
### `setTrainName(name)`
Sets the currently present train's name.
- _name:_ `string` What to set the currently present train's name to.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
- If there is currently no train present at the station.
### `hasSchedule()`
Checks whether the currently present train has a schedule.
- `boolean` Whether the currently present train has a schedule.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
- If there is currently no train present at the station.
### `getSchedule()`
Gets the currently present train's schedule.
- `table` The train's schedule
- If the station is not connected to a track.
- If there is currently no train present at the station.
- If the present train doesn't have a schedule.
**See also**
- [Lua Train Schedules](#Lua-Train-Schedules) How train schedules are represented in Lua.
### `setSchedule(schedule)`
Sets the currently present train's schedule. This will overwrite the currently set schedule.
- _schedule:_ `table` The schedule to set the present train to.
- If the station is not connected to a track.
- If there is currently no train present at the station.
**See also**
- [Lua Train Schedules](#Lua-Train-Schedules) How train schedules are represented in Lua.
@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
Just before this PR is about to be merged this /wiki folder will be removed from the PR and the pages will be added to
the wiki section of the Create GitHub under API Reference
Reference in a new issue