mirror of
synced 2025-03-04 06:44:40 +01:00
Ambient confusion
- Stock link antennas no longer shade - Chain conveyor casing is now rendered through flywheel - Tweaks to copper roof connectivity - Requesters now use the wifi particle when successful
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 423 additions and 19 deletions
@ -126,7 +126,8 @@ public class AllPartialModels {
EJECTOR_TOP = block("weighted_ejector/top"),
CHAIN_CONVEYOR_GUARD = block("chain_conveyor/guard"), CHAIN_CONVEYOR_SHAFT = block("chain_conveyor/shaft"),
CHAIN_CONVEYOR_WHEEL = block("chain_conveyor/wheel"), CHAIN_CONVEYOR_GUARD = block("chain_conveyor/guard"),
CHAIN_CONVEYOR_SHAFT = block("chain_conveyor/shaft"),
FROGPORT_BODY = block("package_frogport/body"), FROGPORT_HEAD = block("package_frogport/head"),
FROGPORT_TONGUE = block("package_frogport/tongue"),
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ import net.minecraft.core.Direction.Axis;
import net.minecraft.util.Mth;
import net.minecraft.world.level.BlockAndTintGetter;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.SlabBlock;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.SoundType;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.StairBlock;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.BlockState;
import net.minecraft.world.level.block.state.properties.Half;
@ -110,8 +111,9 @@ public class RoofBlockCTBehaviour extends ConnectedTextureBehaviour.Base {
protected boolean connects(BlockAndTintGetter reader, BlockPos pos, BlockState state, BlockState other) {
double top = state.getCollisionShape(reader, pos)
double topOther = other.getCollisionShape(reader, pos)
double topOther = other.getSoundType() != SoundType.COPPER ? 0
: other.getCollisionShape(reader, pos)
return Mth.equal(top, topOther);
@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package com.simibubi.create.content.kinetics.chainConveyor;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import net.createmod.catnip.animation.AnimationTickHolder;
import org.joml.Matrix3f;
import org.joml.Matrix4f;
@ -18,10 +17,11 @@ import com.simibubi.create.foundation.render.RenderTypes;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.api.visualization.VisualizationManager;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.lib.transform.TransformStack;
import net.createmod.catnip.animation.AnimationTickHolder;
import net.createmod.catnip.math.AngleHelper;
import net.createmod.catnip.math.VecHelper;
import net.createmod.catnip.render.CachedBuffers;
import net.createmod.catnip.render.SuperByteBuffer;
import net.createmod.catnip.math.VecHelper;
import net.createmod.catnip.math.AngleHelper;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.LightTexture;
import net.minecraft.client.renderer.MultiBufferSource;
@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ public class ChainConveyorRenderer extends KineticBlockEntityRenderer<ChainConve
if (VisualizationManager.supportsVisualization(be.getLevel()))
CachedBuffers.partial(AllPartialModels.CHAIN_CONVEYOR_WHEEL, be.getBlockState())
.renderInto(ms, buffer.getBuffer(RenderType.cutoutMipped()));
for (ChainConveyorPackage box : be.loopingPackages)
renderBox(be, ms, buffer, overlay, pos, box, partialTicks);
for (Entry<BlockPos, List<ChainConveyorPackage>> entry : be.travellingPackages.entrySet())
@ -147,8 +147,17 @@ public class ChainConveyorVisual extends SingleAxisRotatingVisual<ChainConveyorB
private void setupGuards() {
var wheelInstancer = instancerProvider().instancer(InstanceTypes.TRANSFORMED, SpecialModels.chunkDiffuse(AllPartialModels.CHAIN_CONVEYOR_WHEEL));
var guardInstancer = instancerProvider().instancer(InstanceTypes.TRANSFORMED, SpecialModels.chunkDiffuse(AllPartialModels.CHAIN_CONVEYOR_GUARD));
TransformedInstance wheel = wheelInstancer.createInstance();
for (BlockPos blockPos : blockEntity.connections) {
ChainConveyorBlockEntity.ConnectionStats stats = blockEntity.connectionStats.get(blockPos);
if (stats == null) {
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import com.simibubi.create.AllSoundEvents;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.BigItemStack;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.packager.InventorySummary;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.packagerLink.LogisticallyLinkedBehaviour.RequestType;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.packagerLink.WiFiParticle;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.stockTicker.PackageOrder;
import com.simibubi.create.content.logistics.stockTicker.StockCheckingBlockEntity;
@ -138,7 +139,7 @@ public class RedstoneRequesterBlockEntity extends StockCheckingBlockEntity imple
Vec3 vec3 = Vec3.atCenterOf(worldPosition);
if (success) {
AllSoundEvents.CONFIRM.playAt(level, worldPosition, 0.5f, 1.5f, false);
level.addParticle(ParticleTypes.NOTE, vec3.x, vec3.y + 1, vec3.z, 0, 0, 0);
level.addParticle(new WiFiParticle.Data(), vec3.x, vec3.y, vec3.z, 1, 1, 1);
} else {
AllSoundEvents.DENY.playAt(level, worldPosition, 0.5f, 1, false);
level.addParticle(ParticleTypes.ENCHANTED_HIT, vec3.x, vec3.y + 1, vec3.z, 0, 0, 0);
@ -1,6 +1,128 @@
"parent": "create:block/chain_conveyor/textures",
"loader": "forge:obj",
"flip_v": true,
"model": "create:models/block/chain_conveyor/conveyor_casing.obj"
"credit": "Made with Blockbench",
"textures": {
"0": "create:block/conveyor_casing",
"particle": "create:block/andesite_casing"
"elements": [
"from": [2, 15, 2],
"to": [14, 15, 14],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [1, 15, -6]},
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"faces": {
"north": {"uv": [1, 6.5, 7, 8], "texture": "#0"},
"south": {"uv": [1, 5, 7, 5.5], "texture": "#0"},
"up": {"uv": [1, 8, 7, 9], "texture": "#0"}
"from": [2, 13, 14],
"to": [14, 16, 16],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [10, 14.5, 8]},
"faces": {
"north": {"uv": [1, 5, 7, 5.5], "texture": "#0"},
"south": {"uv": [1, 6.5, 7, 8], "texture": "#0"},
"up": {"uv": [1, 15, 7, 16], "texture": "#0"}
"from": [14, 13, 0],
"to": [16, 16, 16],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [14, 13, 0]},
"faces": {
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"east": {"uv": [0, 6.5, 8, 8], "texture": "#0"},
"south": {"uv": [7, 6.5, 8, 8], "texture": "#0"},
"west": {"uv": [0, 5, 8, 5.5], "texture": "#0"},
"up": {"uv": [7, 8, 8, 16], "texture": "#0"}
"from": [0, 13, 0],
"to": [2, 16, 16],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [0, 13, 0]},
"faces": {
"north": {"uv": [7, 6.5, 8, 8], "texture": "#0"},
"east": {"uv": [0, 5, 8, 5.5], "texture": "#0"},
"south": {"uv": [0, 6.5, 1, 8], "texture": "#0"},
"west": {"uv": [0, 6.5, 8, 8], "texture": "#0"},
"up": {"uv": [0, 8, 1, 16], "texture": "#0"}
"from": [2, 0, 2],
"to": [14, 3, 4],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [8, 1.5, 8]},
"faces": {
"north": {"uv": [15.5, 10, 14, 16], "rotation": 90, "texture": "#0"},
"east": {"uv": [14, 15, 15.5, 16], "rotation": 270, "texture": "#0"},
"south": {"uv": [15.5, 10, 16, 16], "rotation": 90, "texture": "#0"},
"west": {"uv": [14, 10, 15.5, 11], "rotation": 270, "texture": "#0"},
"down": {"uv": [8, 15, 14, 16], "texture": "#0"}
"from": [2, 0, 12],
"to": [14, 3, 14],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [8, 1.5, 8]},
"faces": {
"north": {"uv": [15.5, 10, 16, 16], "rotation": 90, "texture": "#0"},
"east": {"uv": [14, 10, 15.5, 11], "rotation": 270, "texture": "#0"},
"south": {"uv": [15.5, 10, 14, 16], "rotation": 90, "texture": "#0"},
"west": {"uv": [14, 15, 15.5, 16], "rotation": 270, "texture": "#0"},
"down": {"uv": [8, 10, 14, 11], "texture": "#0"}
"from": [2, 0, 4],
"to": [4, 3, 12],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [8, 1.5, 10]},
"faces": {
"east": {"uv": [15.5, 11, 16, 15], "rotation": 90, "texture": "#0"},
"west": {"uv": [15.5, 11, 14, 15], "rotation": 90, "texture": "#0"},
"down": {"uv": [8, 11, 9, 15], "texture": "#0"}
"from": [12, 0, 4],
"to": [14, 3, 12],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [8, 1.5, 10]},
"faces": {
"east": {"uv": [15.5, 11, 14, 15], "rotation": 90, "texture": "#0"},
"west": {"uv": [15.5, 11, 16, 15], "rotation": 90, "texture": "#0"},
"down": {"uv": [13, 11, 14, 15.5], "texture": "#0"}
"from": [4, 1, 4],
"to": [12, 1, 12],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [4, 1, 4]},
"faces": {
"down": {"uv": [9, 11, 13, 15], "texture": "#0"}
"groups": [
"name": "top",
"origin": [0, 13, 0],
"color": 0,
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"name": "bottom",
"origin": [2, 0, 2],
"color": 0,
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@ -2,4 +2,11 @@
# www.blender.org
newmtl casing
# Ns 250.000000
Ka 1.000000 1.000000 1.000000
# Ks 0.500000 0.500000 0.500000
# Ke 0.000000 0.000000 0.000000
# Ni 1.500000
# d 1.000000
# illum 2
map_Kd #conveyor_casing
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
# Blender 4.3.2 MTL File: 'conveyor.blend'
# www.blender.org
newmtl casing
illum 2
map_Kd #conveyor_casing
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
# Blender 4.3.2
# www.blender.org
mtllib conveyor_wheel.mtl
o Cube.002
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v 0.034010 0.125000 -0.624999
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v 0.062500 0.875000 -0.476712
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v 0.937500 0.875000 -0.556218
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v -0.295495 0.125000 -0.295494
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v 1.625000 0.875000 0.965990
v 1.625000 0.125000 0.965990
v 1.624999 0.875000 0.034010
v 1.624999 0.125000 0.034010
v 1.000000 0.875000 0.062500
v 1.000000 0.875000 0.937500
v 1.000000 0.875000 1.000000
v 1.476712 0.875000 0.062500
v 1.556218 0.875000 0.062500
v 1.556218 0.875000 0.937500
v 1.476713 0.875000 0.937500
v 1.295495 0.125000 1.295495
v 1.295494 0.875000 -0.295495
v 1.295494 0.125000 -0.295495
v 1.207106 0.875000 -0.207106
v 0.034010 0.875000 1.625000
v 0.034010 0.125000 1.625000
v 0.965990 0.875000 1.624999
v 0.965990 0.125000 1.624999
v 0.937500 0.875000 1.000000
v 0.062500 0.875000 1.000000
v 0.000000 0.875000 1.000000
v 0.937500 0.875000 1.476712
v 0.937500 0.875000 1.556218
v 0.062500 0.875000 1.556218
v 0.062500 0.875000 1.476713
v -0.295495 0.125000 1.295495
v 1.295494 0.875000 1.295494
v 1.207106 0.875000 1.207106
v -0.625000 0.875000 0.034010
v -0.625000 0.125000 0.034010
v -0.624999 0.875000 0.965990
v -0.624999 0.125000 0.965990
v 0.000000 0.875000 0.937500
v 0.000000 0.875000 0.062500
v -0.476712 0.875000 0.937500
v -0.556218 0.875000 0.937500
v -0.556218 0.875000 0.062500
v -0.476713 0.875000 0.062500
v -0.295494 0.875000 1.295494
v -0.207106 0.875000 1.207106
v 0.500000 0.875000 0.500000
v -0.246859 0.875000 -0.246859
v -0.246859 0.875000 1.246859
v 1.246859 0.875000 1.246859
v 1.246859 0.875000 -0.246859
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v 1.207106 0.125000 -0.207106
v -0.207106 0.125000 -0.207106
v 1.499999 0.125000 0.085787
v 1.207107 0.125000 1.207107
v 0.914213 0.125000 1.499999
v -0.207107 0.125000 1.207106
v -0.500000 0.125000 0.085787
v 0.914213 0.125000 -0.500000
v 1.500000 0.125000 0.914213
v 0.085787 0.125000 1.500000
v 0.500000 0.112500 0.500000
v -0.499999 0.112500 0.914213
v 0.085787 0.112500 -0.499999
v 1.207106 0.112500 -0.207106
v -0.207106 0.112500 -0.207106
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v 1.207107 0.112500 1.207107
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v 0.914213 0.112500 -0.500000
v 1.500000 0.112500 0.914213
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vn -0.7071 -0.0000 -0.7071
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vn -0.0000 -0.0000 -1.0000
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vn 1.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000
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vn -0.0000 -0.0000 1.0000
vn -0.7071 -0.0000 0.7071
vn -1.0000 -0.0000 -0.0000
vn -0.0000 -1.0000 -0.0000
vt 0.750000 0.375000
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vt 0.517005 0.750000
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vt 0.750000 0.937500
vt 0.559359 0.937500
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vt 0.750000 0.791054
vt 0.531250 0.965609
vt 0.750000 0.965610
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vt 0.750000 0.791054
vt 0.031250 0.925857
vt 0.031250 0.687500
vt 0.468750 0.687500
vt 0.468750 0.925857
vt 0.968750 0.965609
vt 0.940641 0.937500
vt 0.750000 0.937500
vt 0.750000 0.965610
vt 0.559360 0.937500
vt 0.531250 0.965610
vt 0.750000 0.965610
vt 0.517005 1.000000
vt 0.750000 1.000000
vt 0.982995 1.000000
vt 0.017005 0.687500
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vt 0.250000 0.625000
vt 0.250000 0.687500
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vt 0.031250 0.625000
vt 0.000000 0.625000
vt 0.482995 0.687500
vt 0.042893 0.625000
vt 0.457107 0.625000
vt 0.500000 0.609375
vt 0.000000 0.609375
s 0
usemtl casing
f 14/1/1 13/2/1 3/3/1 4/4/1
f 10/5/2 11/6/2 1/7/2 3/8/2
f 58/9/2 15/10/2 9/11/2 10/12/2
f 10/5/2 9/13/2 12/14/2 11/6/2
f 3/15/3 1/3/3 2/4/3 4/16/3
f 2/16/4 1/15/4 28/2/4 29/1/4
f 30/17/2 12/18/2 7/19/2 8/20/2
f 11/21/2 12/18/2 30/17/2 61/22/2
f 6/23/2 9/11/2 15/10/2 5/24/2
f 9/25/2 6/26/2 7/27/2 12/28/2
f 29/1/4 28/2/4 18/3/4 19/4/4
f 24/5/2 25/6/2 16/7/2 18/8/2
f 61/9/2 30/10/2 23/11/2 24/12/2
f 24/5/2 23/13/2 26/14/2 25/6/2
f 18/15/5 16/3/5 17/4/5 19/16/5
f 17/16/6 16/15/6 43/2/6 27/1/6
f 44/17/2 26/18/2 21/19/2 22/20/2
f 25/29/2 26/30/2 44/31/2 60/32/2
f 20/23/2 23/11/2 30/10/2 8/24/2
f 23/25/2 20/26/2 21/27/2 26/28/2
f 27/1/6 43/2/6 33/3/6 34/4/6
f 39/5/2 40/6/2 31/7/2 33/8/2
f 60/32/2 44/10/2 38/33/2 39/34/2
f 39/5/2 38/13/2 41/14/2 40/6/2
f 33/15/7 31/3/7 32/4/7 34/16/7
f 32/16/8 31/15/8 55/2/8 42/1/8
f 56/17/2 41/18/2 36/19/2 37/20/2
f 40/21/2 41/18/2 56/17/2 59/35/2
f 35/23/2 38/11/2 44/10/2 22/24/2
f 38/25/2 35/26/2 36/27/2 41/28/2
f 42/1/8 55/2/8 47/3/8 48/4/8
f 52/5/2 53/6/2 45/7/2 47/8/2
f 59/35/2 56/10/2 51/11/2 52/12/2
f 52/5/2 51/13/2 54/14/2 53/6/2
f 47/15/9 45/3/9 46/4/9 48/16/9
f 46/16/1 45/15/1 13/2/1 14/1/1
f 15/17/2 54/18/2 50/19/2 5/20/2
f 53/21/2 54/18/2 15/17/2 58/9/2
f 49/23/2 51/11/2 56/10/2 37/24/2
f 51/25/2 49/26/2 50/27/2 54/28/2
f 45/36/2 53/21/2 58/9/2 13/37/2
f 13/37/2 58/9/2 10/12/2 3/38/2
f 55/37/2 59/35/2 52/12/2 47/38/2
f 31/36/2 40/21/2 59/35/2 55/37/2
f 43/37/2 60/32/2 39/34/2 33/36/2
f 16/38/2 25/29/2 60/32/2 43/37/2
f 28/37/2 61/9/2 24/12/2 18/38/2
f 1/36/2 11/21/2 61/22/2 28/37/2
f 4/39/10 63/40/10 65/41/10 14/42/10
f 63/43/3 71/44/3 84/45/3 76/46/3
f 19/47/10 17/39/10 72/48/10 66/49/10
f 72/43/6 67/44/6 80/45/6 85/46/6
f 19/39/10 66/40/10 64/41/10 29/42/10
f 64/43/4 66/44/4 79/45/4 77/46/4
f 34/47/10 32/39/10 73/48/10 68/49/10
f 62/43/9 70/44/9 83/45/9 75/46/9
f 34/39/10 68/40/10 67/41/10 27/42/10
f 73/43/8 69/44/8 82/45/8 86/46/8
f 48/47/10 46/39/10 70/48/10 62/49/10
f 66/43/5 72/44/5 85/45/5 79/46/5
f 48/39/10 62/40/10 69/41/10 42/42/10
f 67/43/6 68/44/6 81/45/6 80/46/6
f 70/43/1 65/44/1 78/45/1 83/46/1
f 65/43/1 63/44/1 76/45/1 78/46/1
f 70/49/10 46/47/10 14/42/10 65/41/10
f 71/43/4 64/44/4 77/45/4 84/46/4
f 73/49/10 32/47/10 42/42/10 69/41/10
f 68/43/7 73/44/7 86/45/7 81/46/7
f 72/49/10 17/47/10 27/42/10 67/41/10
f 69/43/8 62/44/8 75/45/8 82/46/8
f 71/49/10 2/47/10 29/42/10 64/41/10
f 4/47/10 2/39/10 71/48/10 63/49/10
f 76/43/10 84/46/10 74/50/10
f 76/46/10 74/50/10 78/51/10
f 79/43/10 85/46/10 74/50/10
f 79/46/10 74/50/10 77/51/10
f 81/43/10 86/46/10 74/50/10
f 81/46/10 74/50/10 80/51/10
f 75/43/10 83/46/10 74/50/10
f 75/46/10 74/50/10 82/51/10
f 74/50/10 83/43/10 78/51/10
f 74/50/10 86/43/10 82/51/10
f 74/50/10 85/43/10 80/51/10
f 74/50/10 84/43/10 77/51/10
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
"parent": "create:block/chain_conveyor/textures",
"loader": "forge:obj",
"flip_v": true,
"model": "create:models/block/chain_conveyor/conveyor_wheel.obj"
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"credit": "Made with Blockbench",
"loader": "forge:composite",
"parent": "block/block",
"ambientocclusion": false,
"textures": {
"particle": "create:block/brass_casing"
@ -88,9 +89,10 @@
"from": [3, 12, 5],
"to": [13, 22, 5],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [8, 11, 5]},
"shade": false,
"faces": {
"north": {"uv": [0, 8, 5, 3], "rotation": 180, "texture": "#1"},
"south": {"uv": [0, 3, 5, 8], "texture": "#1"}
"north": {"uv": [0, 8, 5, 3], "rotation": 180, "texture": "#1", "shade": false},
"south": {"uv": [0, 3, 5, 8], "texture": "#1", "shade": false}
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"credit": "Made with Blockbench",
"loader": "forge:composite",
"parent": "block/block",
"ambientocclusion": false,
"textures": {
"particle": "create:block/brass_casing"
@ -88,9 +89,10 @@
"from": [3, 12, 5],
"to": [13, 22, 5],
"rotation": {"angle": 0, "axis": "y", "origin": [8, 11, 5]},
"shade": false,
"faces": {
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"south": {"uv": [0, 3, 5, 8], "texture": "#1"}
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"loader": "forge:composite",
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@ -88,9 +89,10 @@
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