- Added the analog belt pulley, an encased belt with adjustable speed transfer
- Added an analog redstone lever
- Fixed motor values jumping inconsistently
- Stabilized Rotation propagation a little
- Formatted numbers shown when wearing goggles
- Kinetic blocks no longer convey weak redstone power to neighbours
- Removed obsolete overlay text for rainbow debug
- Fixed Deployers not updating placed/removed fluids consistently
- Fixed Crash when entities placed by a deployer drop loot
- Added vertically connected glass blocks for all wood variants
- Added horizontal and vertical connected windows in a neutral style
- Fixed Oxidizing blocks not progressing when next to enclosed blocks
- Kinetic blocks can now be harvested by axes and pickaxes
- Shafts have less obnoxious placement behaviour
- Fixed belts not dropping casings and shafts when broken
- Fixed belt tunnels not synchronizing properly
- Fixed blockzapper rendering strangely when no block is selected
- Funnels can now directly insert items that players activate it with
- Flexpeater -> Adjustable Repeater
- Added the Adjustable Pulse Repeater
- Removed old Advancement managers
- Removed all unfinished logistical features from the registry
- Added new Crafting ingredients
- Added Sand Paper, for a polishing recipe type and repairing tools
- Changed Blockzapper materials
- Added the ability to include catalyst-ingredients in processing recipes
- Added some ingredient/output count validation for processing recipes
- Deployers now spawn particles when using certain items
- Players can now interact with the deployer to swap held items
- Belts now accept brass casing instead of logistical casing
- Introduced a new material chain
- Added a whole bunch of recipes