- Changed whistle sound when used with trains
- Trains now have sound effects
- Bogeys now emit particle effects
- Steam engines now have sound effects
- Trains deal twice their damage to hostile mobs
- Trains now play a sound sequence based on attached blocks when arriving at a station after travelling for some time
- Trains can now be stalled by movement behaviours of mounted blocks
- Fixed bells constantly activating when mounted to a train
- Max train length is now configurable and substantially longer
- Add sanding sounds
- Allow sandpaper to polish vanilla copper
- Spawn particles when polishing Create copper blocks
- Make Create copper blocks inherit properties from copper block instead
of iron block
- Fix empty blaze burner not lighting with flint and steel
- Added new Potato Cannon projectile types and tweaked values of existing types
- Potato projectiles can now catch fire and ignite entities like arrows
- Made splitting potato projectiles more consistent
- Lectern Controller can now be pick-blocked in creative and be placed by Schematicannon
- Fixed Schematicannon treating schematics with a single block in them as empty
- Soul base particles now also disappear early if their location gets lit
- Renamed Cursed Bell to Haunted Bell
- Added proper rendering, tooltips, sounds, and particle effects to the bells
- Added a crafting recipe for the Peculiar Bell
- Added a conversion method for obtaining Cursed Bells
- Fixed the soul indicators showing up in non-full blocks
- Added the Potato Cannon
- Extendogrips now have durability, which is not consumed while wearing a copper backtank (same applies for potato cannon)
- Added a few projectile types for testing
added a few soundevents for custom subtitles
sounds.json can be generated by launching the main in foundation/utility/data/Generator.java (this should be done before starting the client when new sound events were added)