- Add SteamEngineInstance
- Delete contraption models on contraption invalidate
- Do not use enum subclasses in BottomlessFluidMode
- Fix ContraptionDriverInteractMixin being added twice
- Update Flywheel
- Deprecate CreateRegistrate#lazy, add CreateRegistrate#create, and call
registerEventListeners manually
- Remove Create#registrate and use Create.REGISTRATE instead
- Move tag datagen code and methods to TagGen
- Pass event busses directly to Curios#init
- Update logging to use SLF4J
- Update Flywheel to 0.6.8-95
- Increment version to 0.5.0.g
- merge mc1.18/dev
- reuse transform interfaces from Flywheel and include them in catnip
- extend SBB interface slightly
- copy .editorconfig to catnip and ponder
- refactor PonderTagIndexScreen to include tags from all mods, not just create
- fix missing translations and incorrect color themes on backstep/think-back buttons
- modify shared text to be part of ponder plugins instead
- add the vanilla panorama as a default to configUI in menus
- allow the ponder command to open the ponder tag index as well as regular index
- sort ponder index elements by their resource location
- Refactor JEI category building
- Fix placard item requirement not checking NBT
- Use AddPackFindersEvent instead of ShippedResourcePacks
- Remove unused config values
- Provide separate resource and data formats in pack.mcmeta
- Compress all images
- Update to latest Flywheel
- Disable jarJar inclusion of Flywheel
- Use ${file.jarVersion} instead of ${version}
- Add workaround for SpongePowered/MixinGradle#38
- Use JarJar
- Include Flywheel automatically
- Include Registrate instead of shading it
- Refactor Maven coordinate scheme
- Artifact ID: "Create" -> "create-{minecraft_version}"
- Artifact Version: "{mod_version}.{patch}-{build_number}"
- Exclude datagen cache from built jars
- Include LICENSE file in build jars
- Sync mods.toml version with gradle.properties version
- Use more modern publication code
- Update Gradle: 7.4.1 -> 7.4.2
- Fixed Dedicated server crash when riding a train
- Fixed broken localisation component in super glue editor
- Fixed display links not showing correct icons for dyed nixie tubes
- Arm Interaction point safety checks
- Trains no longer briefly derail when moving through portals
- Players are now less likely to get stuck in the original dimension when traversing train portals
- Trains no longer track coupling stress between carriages that are currently in different dimensions
- Fixed quark closing double doors when opened (+temporary workaround for 1.18)
- Boilers made of creative fluid tanks now provide a max level water supply
- Crafter ponder scene no longer uses an outdated recipe
- Reduced steam release effect of bogeys that haven't travelled far since the last stop
- Fixed Create's JEI plugin not reloading recipes properly
- Reverted an AT that seems to cause issues with compiling in IDEs
- Fixed Contraption disassembly causing inventory contents to be rolled back
- Fixed Crushing Wheels not working correctly
- Items idling on top of Crushing Wheels are no longer prevented from being picked up by players
- Fixed automated compatibility picking up custom recipes from the mod "occultism"
- Optimize CreateJEI recipe list construction
- Optimize PotionMixingRecipes
- Add basic modded brewing recipe compatibility
- Fix dyed sails not being placed when printing schematics
- Fix sideways belts not being placed correctly when printing schematics
- Fix MechanicalCraftingCategory not applying the model matrix
- Add Upgrade Aquatic compatible fertilizer recipes; Resolve#658
- Replace almost all reflection with access transformers or accessor
- Remove duplicate sails tag
- Improve metal compatibility
- Switch to a linked set in StringSerializableTrigger to prevent
inconsistent generation of aesthetics.json
- Other minor changes
- Add new config and tags for better control over infinite draining
- Pipes spilling water will now extinguish entities and fires; pipes
spilling lava will now set entities on fire
- Fix some bugs and inconvenient behavior with the config menus
- Fix fluids destroying crushing wheel controllers
- Fix crushing wheel controller using output direction instead of input
direction at times
- Rename blaze burner fuel tags
- Improve GhostBlockRenderer
- Organize imports
- Update Forge
- Update Flywheel and add support for unshaded quads
- Fix models marking shafts and other parts as unshaded
- Refactor SchematicRenderer buffer building
- Improve block entity render bounding box caching
- Fix#2785