- Made Create cobble stone variants part of forge:cobblestone
- autumnity wood compat
- changed biomes o'plenty flower crushing to milling (as it is with vanilla flowers)
- atmospheric wood and flowers
- autumnity flowers
- blloomful wood and flowers
- botania petal milling to floral powder
- buzzier bees flowers
- druidcraft wood and flowers
- projectvibrantjourneys wood
- upgrade aquatic wood and flowers
This should resolve#389 for the most part.
- Setup automated recipes for stone palette blocks and their stairs/slabs/etc
- Fixed datagen putting air blocks as drops for attached logistical blocks
- Fixed recipes and lang entries using outdated registry names
- Fixed kinetic blocks appearing twice in the main creative tab
- Added Zinc and Brass Block
- Added compat for mechanical Saw with BoP's logs
- Fixed Crafters and Mixers not handling container items properly
- Fixed Shafts not dropping when breaking a belt segment with pulley
- Added missing loot table for copper blocks and shingles