- Added the Display Board
- Added the Data Gatherer
- Nixie Tubes no longer animate text from "dynamic" vanilla text components
- Trains now keep travel time statistics for prediction purposes
- Created "Data-target" behaviour for Signs, Display Boards, Lecterns and Nixie Tubes
- Created "Data-source" behaviour for Train Stations, Clocks, Nixie Tubes, Content Observers, Stockpile Switches, Respawn Anchors, Depots, Belts, Belt Tunnels and Command Blocks
- Fix ColorAttribute not showing color name
- Refactor some code related to SpeedLevel
- Improve goggles predicate API
- Make ToolboxInventory use Item#canFitInsideContainerItems
- Prevent toolbox items from being placed inside of shulker boxes
- Fix shadow steel always converting below y=0 instead of the min build
- Added a new signal mode for easier junction & platform management
- Fixed crash during trains' tick after a collision
- Fixed Trains trying to avoid their own carriages in navigation
- Fixed Trains trying to avoid their own station in navigation
- Fixed Trains triggering signals behind their targeted station
- Fixed Trains reversing mid-travel when path cost behind them is lower
- Wait time at signals now affects the tick order of Trains
- Trains no longer change destination when they are close to arriving at their initial choice
- Fixed crashed trains no longer keeping signal blocks occupied
- Fixed crash when a trains' path update is unable to find the original destination
- Improved precision of trains arriving at signals/stations
- Optimize CreateJEI recipe list construction
- Optimize PotionMixingRecipes
- Add basic modded brewing recipe compatibility
- Fix dyed sails not being placed when printing schematics
- Fix sideways belts not being placed correctly when printing schematics
- Fix MechanicalCraftingCategory not applying the model matrix
- Add Upgrade Aquatic compatible fertilizer recipes; Resolve#658
- Replace almost all reflection with access transformers or accessor
- Remove duplicate sails tag
- Improve metal compatibility
- Switch to a linked set in StringSerializableTrigger to prevent
inconsistent generation of aesthetics.json
- Other minor changes
- Train navigation now tries to pick destinations and directions avoiding other trains and stations on the way
- Trains now slow to a secondary top speed when approaching a turn
- Attempts to fix trains not always showing up when entering a clients tracking distance
- Substantial increase to carriage contraption's client tracking range
- Fixed Carriage Contraptions starting to render before fully aligned to their position/angle
- Fixed trains remaining stuck to far away signals after being controlled manually for a bit
- Fixed crash when placing tracks into a replaceable block
- Fixed a handful of dist issues for dedicated servers
- Fixed controls allowing control even when a train is not fully assembled yet
- Controls now disengage on relog/esc
- Trains now get saved to disk
- Trains now sync raw position data to clients while in the derailed state
- Trains can no longer be relocated into another train
- Train relocation now shows indicators
- Fixed single-bogey carriages not sending enough position context when derailed
- Add new config and tags for better control over infinite draining
- Pipes spilling water will now extinguish entities and fires; pipes
spilling lava will now set entities on fire
- Fix some bugs and inconvenient behavior with the config menus
- Fix fluids destroying crushing wheel controllers
- Fix crushing wheel controller using output direction instead of input
direction at times
- Rename blaze burner fuel tags
- Improve GhostBlockRenderer
- Organize imports
- Update Forge
- `#create:blaze_burner_regular_fuel`: these items are treated like coal
by the blaze burner if they cannot be used as fuel in a furnace
- `#create:blaze_burner_special_fuel`: these items cause the blaze
burner to become superheated
- Fix equipable item attribute
- Fix SandPaperItem overriding both getItemEnchantability and
- Added Signals
- Nixie tubes no longer have a base plate
- Nixie tubes can now mount to walls
- Nixie tubes display signal info when mounted to a signal box
- Train speeds are now configurable
- More Jank patrol
- Track debug now on 'H' & 'J'
- Added track junctions
- Girder block pillars now connect textures
- Girders now render a panel towards connected solid blocks and chutes
- Shafts can now be encased with girders
- Added placement assist for girders
- Reverse steering is no longer inverted
- Fixed previous passengers not being removed from seat when player uses it
- Trains with two mounted controls/conductors can now pathfind backwards out of a station
- Fixed auto-approach not working properly while reversing or controlling a dual powered train the opposite direction
- Fixed icon display order and disassembly location of reversed trains in a station
- Fixed inaccurate train length()
- Blaze burners can now drive a train
- Non player train drivers are now required to sit in front of a controls block
- Schedule now interrupts when no conductors are found
- Fixed reversing trains not iterating carriages in the correct direction
- Trains can now travel backwards through the graph
- Controls are now a requirement for assembly
- Double-endedness now depends on two opposite controls blocks anywhere on the train
- Players can now manually control trains via a mounted controls block
- Trains no longer disappear when a new train is created
- Trains now crash into other trains
- Fixed navigation complaining when schedule starts at current station
- Fixed contraption interaction not iterating all potential colliders
- Hovering tooltip for derailed trains
- Trains can now be relocated using a wrench
- Cannot send train off while still in assembly mode
- Missing shafts in bogey render
- Moving to Lang keys
- Fix diagonal bends using weird constraints
- Cannot assemble tracks and stations on contraptions
- Track placement now helpful with 45° slope tracks
- Stations on Diagonal tracks can now be navigated to
- Stations no longer crash when target track missing
- Reduced Trackpropagator network traffic
- Stations now migrate to newly created trackgraphs/edges when network changes
- Stations now distribute properly to trackgraph segments that got split apart
- Client thread no longer creates stations
- Bump forge
- Mechanical Harvester no longer crashes the game on newer forge versions
- Fixed Cocoa Beans being harvested too early
- Fixed incompatibility with Abnormals' custom tree types
- Fixed incompatibility with Serene Seasons
- Fixed incompatibility with Terralith
- Added a couple of Raw Ore compatibility recipes
- Fix lit soul blaze burner providing smoking instead of haunting
- Fix horses displaying soul particles even when not being haunted
- Add hauntable item attribute
- Re-add right clicking lit blaze burner with shovel to extinguish it
- Move most fan type functionality to abstract methods in the enum
- Rework FurnaceEngineModifiers
- Fixed Client-side TileEntities ignoring data packets with empty compound tags
- Fixed Stickers not visually updating when powered
- Fixed Cocoa pods colliding with piston/pulley/gantry harvesters
- Fixed Bulk Smoking using Haunting particles
- Unified particle emission locations between depot and belt fan processing
- Updated Haunting recipes
- Double chests no longer split when moved on a contraption
- Changed the way contraption storage interacts with known multi-block item storage (band-aid solution)
- Changed a few blocks' sound types
- Fixed in-world icons not rendering
- Added Ponder Scenes for the Item Vault
- Added crafting recipe for Item Vaults
- Changed crafting recipe for Fluid Tanks
- Fixed ponder tracking items in inactive inventory screens
- Removed unreachable Advancements
- Fixed TileEntities in Ponder not receiving blockstate changes
- Fixed Ponder selection rendering offset
- Re-introduced the depth-sorting hack for PonderUI
- Editing mode is now a Config Option
- Fixed Non-Container Screens no longer closing on "E"
- Added tooltip for Experience Nuggets
- Fixed Schematic Prompt no longer starting auto-focused on the text field
- Pulse Extenders now actually extend the pulse, rather than emitting for a fixed time
- Updated Ponder Scenes for the repeaters
- Picking encased kinetic blocks no longer returns a creative-only item
- Added a Ponder Scene with encased cogwheels
- Implemented change of top & bottom texture for copper roof blocks
- Mechanical Belts no longer have a Stress Impact
- Stairs and Slabs variants of blocks no longer use plural in their name
- "Polished" stone type variant now uses the prefix Polished Cut
- "Bricks" stone type variant now uses the prefix Cut
- Added more recipes for stone types and copper blocks for convenience
- Reverted re-texture of crushed copper ore
- Added waxed copper recipes for deploying
- Match Create's copper block variants with vanilla's copper block
- Add CopperBlockSet and CopperRegistries
- Remove copper plating block and OxidizableBlock
- Add remaps for copper ore and copper block and organize RemapHelper
- Fix belt funnel model names
- Bump required Forge version to 37.1.0
- Organize imports
- Added crushing recipes for raw ore blocks
- Layered mineral deposits are slightly more likely to spawn
- Zinc ore is slightly less likely to spawn
- Added layered deposits with Scorchia
- Fixed tuff pillars texture size
- Modified recipe for the Wand of Symmetry
- Added the Experience Nugget
- Item Vaults are now Immune to regular explosion damage
- Encased Shafts and Cogwheels no longer appear on creative tabs
- Fixed gantry carriage model uvs
- Fixed Palette blocks & Item Vault not easily mineable using a pickaxe
- Fixed ponder crash when a non-ticking tile is shown
- Fixed cube particle interpolation and quads
- Fixed sawblades rendering with wrong rotations
- Items shown on JEI's Washing tab are now centred
- Introduced a new set of Ore Processing recipes
- Moved Portable Storage Interface to andesite tier
- Removed the Adjustable Crate
- Creative Crates can no longer span multiple blocks
- "Chromatic" items no longer appear on creative tabs
- Ejectors now emit comparator signals relative to their max accepted stack size
- Fixed combined slots in the toolbox menu not acting correctly
- Fixed background of the advancement tab
- Removed Gabbro, Dolomite, Weathered Limestone
- Added Crimsite, Asurine, Veridium, Ochrum
- Added and Removed palette blocks for Andesite, Diorite, Granite, Tuff, Deepslate, Dripstone, Calcite, Limestone, Scoria and Dark Scoria
- Custom stone types now generate as layers instead of ores
(Work in Progress)
- Better visibility for low/half amounts of fluids in basins
- Fixed Mechanical Press head getting stuck in extended position when off-screened or when its basin changes
- Added processingTime support to mixing recipes (defaults to 100)
- Fixed Basin recipes with fluid output not starting when targeted output inventory supports items only
- Fixed item extraction from create creating stacks of unstackable items when source inventory allows stacking them (Storage Drawers)
- Fixed Deployers not having a valid item capability when asked before their first tick
- Fixed Mechanical Crafting recipes able to be automated via packing
- Fixed piston/pulleys moving before their attached entity is loaded
- Recipes with an id suffixed "_manual_only" are now ignored in auto-shaped, auto-shapeless and auto-cutting processing features
- Fixed pipes spawning particles at connections between chunks
- Fixed pipes not initialising target fluid holders properly when the source is loaded in first
- Fixed encased fluid pipes not updating flows when neighbouring blocks change
- Fixed fluid pipes not updating flows when adjacent block changes from fluid to block
- Fixed Crafters voiding any inserted items after being moved on a contraption
- Fixed Crafters crashing the game after being placed by a Schematicannon
- A couple of two-ingredient recipes have been made shapeless
- Improved piston/pulley contraption collision with blocks in the world
- Fixed pistons/pulley contraptions merging into world blocks when disassembling shortly after loaded in
- Added jei support for toolbox colouring recipes
- Disabled item shadows on belts
- Toolbox radial can now be navigated using hotbar shortcuts
- Toolbox radial now steps back when right-clicked
- Toolbox radial now immediately opens the multi-toolbox view when right-clicking the central "unequip" button
- Fixed hidden slots visible in toolbox screen in some gui scales
- Toolbox sorting in the radial menu is now deterministic
- Fixed Toolboxes not always updating their inventory state to clients
- Shulker boxes can no longer be placed inside toolboxes
- Fixed potion fluids not displaying their full name in jei
- Fixed JEI showing all potion recipes when looking up a specific one
- Add sanding sounds
- Allow sandpaper to polish vanilla copper
- Spawn particles when polishing Create copper blocks
- Make Create copper blocks inherit properties from copper block instead
of iron block
- Fix empty blaze burner not lighting with flint and steel
- Removed the pulse repeater
- Removed the adjustable repeater
- Adjustable Pulse Repeater -> Pulse Repeater
- Added the Pulse Extender
- Latches now play a sound when flipped manually
- ponder todo
- Added item description for the toolbox
- Fixed Smart Pipes not able to be picked up with Wrench
- Fluid Pipes no longer have to be straight in order to be 'wrenched' into a strictly straight windowed pipe
- Stockpile Switches can now be used with Fluid Tanks
- Content Observers can now be used with Fluid Containers and Fluid Pipes
- Fixed Pumps not updating pressure when reversed
- Remove NbtPacket and add safe packets for configuring symmetry wand
and worldshaper separately
- Expand internal functionality of AllTags and use optional tags in most
- Datagen tags forge:stone, forge:wg_stone, and forge:buckets/honey
- Fix attribute filter screen being shifted by one pixel
- Add translations for "fluid_container" and "renamed" item attributes
- Remove Create namespace restriction in CTSpriteShifter
- Add method to register ponder chapter lang
- Clean up palette block code; Closes#386
- Clean up tag code
- Use Create.asResource in as many places as possible
- Organize imports
- Toolboxes keep nbt on pickup
- Toolbox radial menu supports mouse wheel
- Added Dispose-all buttons
- Synced slots detach when moving stacks back into the toolbox
- Fixed missing data on client on login
+ Added create:sandpaper to AllRecipeTypes and datagen.
~ Changed hardcoded list of sandpaper items to Tag.
This would enable me to include the Diamond Grit Sandpaper from CC&A in the deployer recipe. Node: There might be more applications for this tag.
- Add full support for custom namespaces in ponder
- Make ponder files use Minecraft's resource system
- Allow easily registering and generating ponder lang for any namespace
- Copper backtanks can no longer accumulate air pressure when waterlogged
- Copper backtanks now emit a comparator output
- Removed id prefix requirement for ponder and seq. assembly tooltips #1931
- Improved the odds to succeed of existing sequenced assembly recipes
- "junk" -> "salvage"
- Set recovery chance for unenchanted Potato Cannons to 0
- Power enchantment on Potato Cannons now scales the damage of the projectile type instead of adding to it
- Changed Potato Cannon crafting recipe to better fit the new model
- Brass tunnels now show a goggle tooltip of contained items within their group
- Right-clicking brass tunnels now retrieves all contained items from their group
- Fixed large amounts of output in crushing wheels getting voided due to its buffer capacity
- Fixed basin processing running constant recipe lookups while backed up #1911
- Fixed mixer retracting after every operation when auto-output is active