- Fixed diving helmet activating when wielder is only partially submerged in water
- Fixed diving helmet activating for players in creative mode
- Added sounds for the Mechanical Saw
- Added clicking sounds for the Linked Controller
- Gantry contraptions now make contraption noises
- Soundscapes now lower their volume based on the distance between listener and center of noise
- Added the Deploying recipe type
- Deployers can now polish items on belts or depots
- Deployers now make a little polishing sound when using sandpaper
- Diving helmets now display a timer near the hotbar when underwater
- Copper backtanks now play an effect when accumulated air is maxed
- Copper backtank blocks can now be waterlogged
- Copper backtank cogs now animate
- Fixed subtitle of equip sounds
- Removed the Blockzapper
- Removed the Deforester
- Handheld Worldshaper -> Creative Worldshaper
- Worldshapers now have a "surface" and "cluster" brush type
- Worldshapers now follow the creative colour palette
- Some UI touch-ups for tools
- Increased minimum sound threshold for ambient noise
- Sounds for contraption (dis-)assembly
- Sounds for more wrench interactions
- Hand crank clicks less furiously
- Block breakers now make block breaking noises
- Crafting noises
- Contraptions with exceeding spawn packet sizes no longer get sent to the client
- Minecart Contraptions with exceeding nbt packet sizes can no longer be picked up
- Renamed "Metal Blocks" to "Blocks of Metal"
- Fixed a couple overlooked ponder lang issues
- Fixed weighted ejector not accepting arbitrary gold plates in its recipe
- Fix crash opening ponder from screens with an opened recipe book
- Ejectors now occasionally track launched items, scanning for any obstacles in their trajectory
- Fixed rendered items passing an Ejectors' target on clients ticking faster than their server
- Removed outdated warnings for 'transposer funnels'
- Fixed Schematicannon clearing blocks outside of a Schematics' bounding box
- Safety check for onBlockPlacedBy with null player
- Deployers with a positioned Schematic as their filter will place blocks accordingly, taking items from the contraption inventory
- Ponder scenes for depot, chute and smart chute
- Fixed saws and drains ejecting items when mounted funnel is backstuffed
- Fixed extracting funnels allowing items to be inserted by arms and belt input
- Vanilla items in ponder tags are marked purple instead of red
- Vertical funnels now block chutes
- Large cogs can no longer be placed right next to crafters or millstones
- Mechanical Arms now stall targeted belt items
- Fix funnels not rendering filter slot items
- Ponder scenes for the Deployer, Harvester and Plough
- Fixed uvs on Deployer model
- Ploughs can now harvest snow layers
- 'Backstepping' is now a button
- Added little labels for hovered buttons at the bottom
- Moved ponder/transition-specific logic out of the generic screen class
- Fixed TEs not ticking properly when wrap-around-skipping to a keyframe
- Added a block restoration instruction
- Scenes for the Saw
- runData catching up
- Added and assigned more ponder tags
- Ponder Scenes for cog, large cog, gearbox, clutch, gearshift, and casings
- Fixed TE model data not queried on schematics and ponder scenes
- Removed code duplicates
- Made fluid information more generic and concise
- Made fluid information easier to port
- Fixed potion fluid not overriding its translation key
- (I'm sorry, Steven)
- Added Ponder entries for gantry shafts and carriages
- Added ability to mark lang key prefixes as ignored, leaving out 'dev-only' lang entries from the localization templates
- Gantry Pinion -> Gantry Carriage
- Scenes can now be "re-assembled" by their storyboard while Ponder is opened using shift+refresh
- removed the requirement of editor provided lang keys for text windows
- couple fixes, changes to instructions