- Minor tweaks to blaze burner animation and timings
- Increased Steam engines render distance
- Fixed reversed tooltip for stress capacity
- Modified stress capacity tooltips to show max achievable su
- Fixed fluid tanks no longer able to support blocks like levers
- Fixed fluid tanks no longer conducting redstone power
- Fixed Players riding a mount standing on a contraption getting kicked for 'flying'
- Simplified the Stressometer display source and added a Progress Bar option
- Fixed PSIs not updating comparator state when disengaging
- Fixed engaged PSIs flickering when another is placed nearby and within a contraption boundary
- Fixed shaft placement assist not working on nor through an engine-powered shaft
- Steam engines can now be reversed and will adjust the direction automatically when starting on a shaft which is already moving
- Created "Data-source" behaviour for Boilers, Seats, Kinetic Gauges, Enchantment Table and Fluid-Content Observers
- Minor refactors at some locations
- Fixed NPE with train sounds
- Belts launched by a schematicannon can no longer replace bedrock
- Placards now unpower one game tick sooner
- Fixed station display link not assigning default values correctly
- Fixed Train doors able to be destroyed in a single punch
- Contraptions now send block changes to other clients when doors are opened
- Train doors now have special behaviour on contraptions
- Train doors no longer require solid ground
- fixed a minor oversight in ProperWaterloggedBlock
- changed tracks material color to metal
- added the ability to add station markers to maps, working similar to banners
- Fixed incomplete track graph network packets at >1000 nodes
- Fixed Metal girders having incorrect block properties
- Trains getting abnormally high coupling stress now derail and stop moving
- Fixed trains not always migrating graphs properly when track connections are severed
- Motion applied to players run over by trains now caps at 60m/s
- Fixed train relocation able to cause run-over damage
- Fixed minecart contraption relocation sending nearby players to the moon
- Fixed non-player entities not getting run over by trains
- Trains can now reverse out of being stalled
- Fixed train relocation not deactivating mounted actors
- Fixed drill trains occasionally getting stuck breaking blocks at very low speeds
- Train Tracks, Station, Controls and Seats are now waterproof and waterloggable
- Fixed Schedules not stacking with newly crafted ones after entries are cleared
- Fluid tanks are now a little bit better at keeping campfire particles below them
- Mounted Drills no longer attach track blocks
- Train stalling for actors no longer requires it to re-accelerate
- Fixed serverside portal cutoff not properly cleared when exiting a portal slowly
- Fixed mounted fluid tanks not showing contents when on a train
- Non-colliding blocks can no longer be used for auto track pavement
- Changed redstone link range to 256, display link range to 64
- Fixed bearings rotating their top even on contraptions that do not support stabilisation
- Train station crafting recipe now yields 2 blocks instead of 1
- Fixed some train related blocks not being breakable or wrenchable
- Lowered top speed of manually controlled trains by 25%
- Manually controlled trains now slow down to turn top speed when traversing a bezier
- Increased character limit on train names
- Fixed inconsistent deployer facing for oriented contraptions
- Fixed constant updates firing from stockpile switches
- Fixed navigation not factoring in red signals leading to occupied blocks
- Fixed navigation not updating when waiting for a red chain signal near a station
- Fixed train carriages with passengers not spawning in correctly
- Railway Casing -> Train Casing
- Fixed disconnecting fluid tank blocks not updating their window placement correctly
- Fixed Fluid tanks not updating fluid capabilities correctly
- Fixed Fluid pipes not reacting to modified fluid tanks in specific arrangements
- Fixed Fluid pipes not reacting to boiler shape updates
- Fixed Shafts turning into powered shafts when not directly targeted by any engine
- Fixed lighting and uv incosistency on windowed fluid pipes
- Fixed z-fighting on fluid pipe models
- Fixed placement of rims and nozzles on different pipe types
- Adjusted some of the copper related models to work better with modular rim attachments
- Hose pulley now scans adjacent fluid columns for sources
- Andesite alloy is now tagged #forge:ingots
- Re-adjusted a bunch of recipes for survival mode
- Fixed diagonal slope tracks allowing a very glitchy bezier connection
- Adjusted power output of passive steam engines
- Encased fans can no longer provide stress capacity as generators
- Removed the Furnace Engine
- Added Kryppers' new Flywheel model
- Fixed inverted stress capacity labels in tooltips
- Removed speed requirements from tooltips
- Fixed belt tickers not properly being removed when parts of the belts are destroyed
- Track curves now drop items when destroyed
- Track curves now spawn particles when destroyed
- Fixed tamed wolves not accepting schedules when driving a train
- Fixed girders not being consumed when placing girder tracks
- Fixed break-overlay of connected tracks not going away after track is destroyed
- Signals and Stations can no longer share a location on a track
- Multiple stations can no longer share a location on a track
- Signals and Stations now render their overlay during the track selection process
- Bezier turn segments between tracks can now be hovered as if they were blocks
- Bezier turns can now be destroyed by breaking any of their segments
- Signals and Stations can now be pointed to anywhere on a track, not only to physical blocks
- Added a basic collision shape for straight tracks
- Added the Display Board
- Added the Data Gatherer
- Nixie Tubes no longer animate text from "dynamic" vanilla text components
- Trains now keep travel time statistics for prediction purposes
- Created "Data-target" behaviour for Signs, Display Boards, Lecterns and Nixie Tubes
- Created "Data-source" behaviour for Train Stations, Clocks, Nixie Tubes, Content Observers, Stockpile Switches, Respawn Anchors, Depots, Belts, Belt Tunnels and Command Blocks
- Fix ColorAttribute not showing color name
- Refactor some code related to SpeedLevel
- Improve goggles predicate API
- Make ToolboxInventory use Item#canFitInsideContainerItems
- Prevent toolbox items from being placed inside of shulker boxes
- Fix shadow steel always converting below y=0 instead of the min build
- Added a new signal mode for easier junction & platform management
- Fixed crash during trains' tick after a collision
- Fixed Trains trying to avoid their own carriages in navigation
- Fixed Trains trying to avoid their own station in navigation
- Fixed Trains triggering signals behind their targeted station
- Fixed Trains reversing mid-travel when path cost behind them is lower
- Wait time at signals now affects the tick order of Trains
- Trains no longer change destination when they are close to arriving at their initial choice
- Fixed crashed trains no longer keeping signal blocks occupied
- Fixed crash when a trains' path update is unable to find the original destination
- Improved precision of trains arriving at signals/stations
- Optimize CreateJEI recipe list construction
- Optimize PotionMixingRecipes
- Add basic modded brewing recipe compatibility
- Fix dyed sails not being placed when printing schematics
- Fix sideways belts not being placed correctly when printing schematics
- Fix MechanicalCraftingCategory not applying the model matrix
- Add Upgrade Aquatic compatible fertilizer recipes; Resolve#658
- Replace almost all reflection with access transformers or accessor
- Remove duplicate sails tag
- Improve metal compatibility
- Switch to a linked set in StringSerializableTrigger to prevent
inconsistent generation of aesthetics.json
- Other minor changes
- Movement of client-side trains is now controlled via network packets (Manual controls and Relocation not yet adjusted for sidedness)
- Modified train settings now get broadcasted to other players
- Cleaned up redundant delegation between classes involved in controlling the carriages
- Add new config and tags for better control over infinite draining
- Pipes spilling water will now extinguish entities and fires; pipes
spilling lava will now set entities on fire
- Fix some bugs and inconvenient behavior with the config menus
- Fix fluids destroying crushing wheel controllers
- Fix crushing wheel controller using output direction instead of input
direction at times
- Rename blaze burner fuel tags
- Improve GhostBlockRenderer
- Organize imports
- Update Forge
- Added Signals
- Nixie tubes no longer have a base plate
- Nixie tubes can now mount to walls
- Nixie tubes display signal info when mounted to a signal box
- Train speeds are now configurable
- More Jank patrol
- Track debug now on 'H' & 'J'
- Added track junctions
- Girder block pillars now connect textures
- Girders now render a panel towards connected solid blocks and chutes
- Shafts can now be encased with girders
- Added placement assist for girders
- Reverse steering is no longer inverted
- Fixed previous passengers not being removed from seat when player uses it
- Trains with two mounted controls/conductors can now pathfind backwards out of a station
- Fixed auto-approach not working properly while reversing or controlling a dual powered train the opposite direction
- Fixed icon display order and disassembly location of reversed trains in a station
- Fixed inaccurate train length()
- Blaze burners can now drive a train
- Non player train drivers are now required to sit in front of a controls block
- Schedule now interrupts when no conductors are found
- Fixed reversing trains not iterating carriages in the correct direction
- address some bezier track z fighting
- portable storage interfaces now stay connected until a contraption departs
- seats can now collect entities when collided with on a contraption
- clicking on seats now tries to mount any leashed mobs first
- fixed seated entities not staying on seats on disassembly. this probably also fixed issues with sub-contraptions (oops)
- fixed portable storage interface not working on train contraptions
- Cannot send train off while still in assembly mode
- Missing shafts in bogey render
- Moving to Lang keys
- Fix diagonal bends using weird constraints
- Cannot assemble tracks and stations on contraptions
- Track placement now helpful with 45° slope tracks
- Stations on Diagonal tracks can now be navigated to
- Stations no longer crash when target track missing
- Reduced Trackpropagator network traffic
- Stations now migrate to newly created trackgraphs/edges when network changes
- Stations now distribute properly to trackgraph segments that got split apart
- Client thread no longer creates stations
- Wrap ConnectedTextureBehaviour and AllSpriteShifts instances in
Suppliers where necessary
- Use client connection's instead of level's RecipeManager when finding
recipes for JEI
- Add missing override annotations in SymmetryEffectPacket
- Organize imports
- Port to 1.18
- ChunkUtil discontinued
- SmartTileEntities write to metadata
- Features generate from -64 up
- World Wrappers weren't convoluted enough
- Haunted bell considers >0 safe
- Missing GuiUtils methods continued in RemovedGuiUtils
- Double chests no longer split when moved on a contraption
- Changed the way contraption storage interacts with known multi-block item storage (band-aid solution)
- Changed a few blocks' sound types
- Fixed in-world icons not rendering
- Added Ponder Scenes for the Item Vault
- Added crafting recipe for Item Vaults
- Changed crafting recipe for Fluid Tanks
- Fixed ponder tracking items in inactive inventory screens
- Removed unreachable Advancements