- Refactor JEI category building
- Fix placard item requirement not checking NBT
- Use AddPackFindersEvent instead of ShippedResourcePacks
- Remove unused config values
- Provide separate resource and data formats in pack.mcmeta
- Compress all images
- Update to latest Flywheel
- Disable jarJar inclusion of Flywheel
- Use ${file.jarVersion} instead of ${version}
- Add workaround for SpongePowered/MixinGradle#38
- Port to 1.18
- ChunkUtil discontinued
- SmartTileEntities write to metadata
- Features generate from -64 up
- World Wrappers weren't convoluted enough
- Haunted bell considers >0 safe
- Missing GuiUtils methods continued in RemovedGuiUtils
- Refactor AllContainerTypes to use Registrate
- Replace RegistryEntry in AllEntityTypes and AllFluids with EntityEntry and FluidEntry, respectively
- Make AllEntityTypes use Registrate to register entity renderers instead of a separate method
- Refactor AllColorHandlers
- Fix error when a POI block is moved by a contraption
- Rename some static final fields to be upper snake case
- Make static fields in Create and CreateClient final
- Add I prefix to Coordinate interface
- Fix typo (BracketedTileEntityBehaviour#isBacketPresent)
- Make mixins go in alphabetical order
- Make pack.mcmeta use 2 spaces for indents