Updated the card armour on the correct repository
tweaked conveyor bullwheel
updated ticker model
Updated panel model and textures
tweaks to stock keeper UI
- Fixed logistics hat not using cutout layer
- Stock ticker categories can be moved to top or bottom of list
- Packager block shows a redstone indicator
- Defragmenting Packager is now its own block
- Stock links no longer prevent packager activation by redstone
- Add missing shaft to saw actors
- Fix stabilized bearings rendering 2 sticky faces
- Remove axis field from KBEV
- Make most helper methods from KBEV available as public static
- Rewrite offset control logic to be easier to read and consolidate the
duplications I found
- Simplify per-frame logic in DeployerActorVisual by saving the base
transforms as fields
- Fix deployers and stabilized bearings not animating on contraptions
- Fix bogey block entities not initializing their animations in the ctor
- Fix shafts on actors not being aligned with other kinetic components
- Fix Visuals not respecting KBE#getRotationAngleOffset
- Remove BeltInstance
- Belt visuals now use ScrollInstance
- Improve ScrollInstance setters to work well with belts
- Simultaneously simplify belt visual and make it more complicated
- Deduplicate setup code
- Inline speed calculation and all random constants that were stored
in the visual. Those are cheap enough that we can just re-calculate
as necessary to save on the memory cost
- Move magic constants to statics
- Make instances final
- Using new debug tool, fix all visuals that initialize their instances
at the render origin
- Update ArmVisual and SteamEngineVisual to use instance hiding
- Update SchematicannonVisual, SteamEngineVisual, and ToolBoxVisual to
avoid re-calculating animations when nothing is happening
- Use RecyclingPoseStacks in ArmVisual and CarriageContraptionVisual
- Bump flywheel version
- Implement ElevatorPulleyVisual
- Makes good use of recycling and instance hiding
- Fixes issue where the elevator belt cannot be seen at the bottom of
very tall elevators
- Add offset field to scroll instance to support the elevator belt's CPU
driven animation
- Use shader light for the elevator belt to simplify tracking. Might be
better off copying what the other pulleys do, but this achieves the
effect quite well.
- Bump flywheel version
- Round the scroll delta away from zero when interacting with elevator
contraption controls
- Fixes issue where I wasn't able to scroll up to select a higher floor
- This may not be worth it, but it definitely looks better
- Switch to flat shader lighting for curved track segments
- Fixes dark track segments when clipped into hills
- Bump flywheel version
- Make flap visuals use TransformedInstance, as FlapInstance had similar
size but a much more complicated shader
- Remove flap instance and associated shaders
- Remove double negative in tunnel flap rendering
- Make negative flapness the inward direction
- Move common rendering code into FlapStuffs
- Add FlapStuffs.Visual to share visualization code between tunnels and
- Don't update block states when a pipe is removing a fluid that would
be an infinite source
- Add accessor mixin for FlowingFluid#getNewLiquid to test
- Fixed stock ticker returning payments client side
- Fixed package sneak right click voiding items
- Fixed factory gauge not using an item when added to a block space
- Halved cost of conveyor chain connections, added a chain recipe using zinc
- Made stock keeper screen more resistant to issues with low tps and latency
- Item hatch deposits held item before inventory
- Fixed funnels not able to extract when any entity is nearby, even glue
- Cardboard box no longer renders in first person mode
- Fixed stock keeper not telling item durability
- Pulp recipe is now more generous
- Fixed server startup issue with new bogey registration
- Fully emptied stacks in stock keeper view will show as empty slots