- Mechanical Belts can now be dyed with any color
- Added the Mechanical Press with a new Pressing recipe type
- Added the belt support, purely decorational
- Added the FlexpeaterTM
- Added some unspectacular ingredients and recipes
- Fixed Mechanical Piston & Bearing not disassembling when broken
- Mechanical Bearing can now generate rotation with tagged blocks
- Encased Fan can now generate rotation above fire
- Added Splashing recipe type
- Encased Fans with water now extinguish entities
- Drills now hurt entities in front of them depending on their speed
- Fixed some culling issues on rendered constructs
- Added config values to toggle the modules of create.
- Added config options to disable unstable features in case of a crashloop.
- Cleaned up the Encased Fan TileEntity
- Changed in-world processing from static lists to item nbt.
- Added the Detector, along with item filtering interfaces
- Added filtering to Extractors
- Fixed some items jittering on belts
- Added text to Frequency and Filter slot highlighting
- Added the Pulse Repeater, a simple Pulse former circuit.
- Added a Belt Funnel, along with a generic belt attachment interface.
- Fans now push or pull entities based on their rotation speed.
- Added little symbols to extractor and funnel item models
- Added extractors for dropping items from an inventory
- Further generalized Wireless Redstone actors
- Made the crushing wheel more dramatic
- Stationary Drills will drop items more carefully
- Added Screens for Flexcrate and Stockswitch
- Added Models for Flexcrate and Stockswitch
- Added Container and Inventory to Flexcrate
- Redstone bridges are now divided into senders and receivers
- Fixed some GUI inconsistencies and repetitive code
- Added an option to register stairs, slabs and other together with the main Block
- Added Skeleton for FlexCrate
- Added Skeleton for Redstone Bridge
- Added Skeleton for Stockpile Switch
- Generalized tooltips between blocks and items
- Added more tooltips to existing blocks