- buffering SeatMovementBehaviour
- changed visibility of AllMovementBehaviours.addMovementBehaviour(ResourceLocation, MovementBehaviour) to public for easier mod compat
- added console warn message when something tries to register more than one movement behaviour per block
- Seats now pick up non-player entities when touching them while being moved
- Seats now drop off entities when being moved into a solid block
- Previously colliding entities now get moved to match their position on the placed structure on disassembly
- Contraption motion no longer gets fed into the collision response for non-minecart contraptions
- The server now gets frequent updates about client players riding a contraption, fixes instabilities with projectiles, damage and anti-fly detection
- Players can now take fall damage when colliding with contraptions
- Any living entity can now use seats
- Fix client sync issues with seats
- Fixed contraptions double-reversing roll and pitch values when communicating to the collision engine
- Seats now transfer their passengers to a contraption when moved and back when disassembled
- Attempted further refinements to the collision response of horizontally rotated contraptions
- Set up a hook to inject custom interaction between players and contraption mounted blocks on right-click
- Seats can now by mounted by players while assembled to a contraption
- Minor refactors to the contraption class
- Collision separation now supports motion sweeping in order to avoid tunnelling when entities drop onto contraptions from a greater height
- Further improved the collision response
- Entities can no longer be clipped into solid walls by the collision response
- moved fan transparent blocks to block tag
- added blaze heater as transparent
- blaze heater on lowest level is now a valid bulk smokig block
- blaze heater on heat 2 and higher is now a valid bulk smelting block (that requires fuel but does not spill lava or set your house on fire)
- added empty blaze heater
- catching blazes (rclick blazes or a blaze spawner)
- only blaze heaters with blaze can heat basins or power fans
- updated item tooltip to fit the discussed fueling system
- Heated Mixing: Mixing can now require the player to heat the basin (with either the usual fan heaters for a heat level of 1 or the blaze heater for higher heat levels)
- Made mixing brass ingots from copper and zinc ingots require heating (as example)
- added the blaze heater to valid fan heaters
- added TE renderer for fan heater to display a blaze head always facing the player
- added fueling of blaze heater with furnace fuel (onUse event, not with inventory to challenge the automation. To be discussed.)
- add heat requirement display to JEI
- better item model for blaze heater
- new special fuel for higher heat levels
- fan stoking