- Update and scale icons
- Fixed Display Boards updating instantly only at 256rpm Clockwise, not CCW
- Fixed Pulley ropes able to break unbreakable blocks
- Fixed encasing belts not playing a place sound
- Remove CutoutPartial
- Set render_type in models than need cutout
- Fix TrackVisual going invisible when renderers reload
- Fix TrackVisual not getting re-lit in some cases
- Bump flywheel version
- Actually use light volume api stuffs
- Bit of a pain to try to iterate over sections based on an AABB
- Still need to handle when contraptions move
- Bump flywheel version
- Fix SBB model buffering passing empty instead of virtual model data,
resulting in blocks like shafts appearing invisible with Flywheel off
- Fix endAndCombine not null checking unshadedData before transferring
- Remove VirtualEmptyBlockGetter which already exists in Flywheel
- Use VisualEmbedding in ContraptionVisual
- Remove context shaders
- Directly use the model from the blockstate in VirtualRenderHelper
- Fixes many bes trying to use empty meshes because they correctly
- Fix valves being unlit
- Fix bearing contraptions spinning way too fast
- Do not implement SimpleDynamicVisual in CarriageContraptionVisual,
that's taken care of by the base ContraptionVisual now
- Update to SimpleDynamicVisuals
- Translate old context stuff to new api
- Add contraption visual, doesn't fully work yet
- Strip out more FlwContraption stuff
- Bump flywheel build.
- Fix all(?) places where radians methods were passed degrees
- Add DiffuseLightCalculator.
- Add overlay to belt and rotating types.
- Use joml quaternions in instance types.
- Use our own model cache that's aware of virtual data.
- Fix memory write issues with instance types.
- Indirect works too, though the cull shaders are still incorrect.
- Down to 50 compile errors.
- Port over to new instance type builders.
- Move shaders and delete program specs.
- Switch #use to #include.
- Move content.kinetics.base.flwdata.* up a level.
- Move BeltInstance to the belt package.
- Make all instance fields public.
- All visuals have their compile errors sorted out*
- I realize that flywheel flipped the semantics of rotate so that it now
takes radians instead of degrees. I fixed everything I noticed but
this will need follow up.
- Implement collectCrumblingInstances for every visual.
* Flywheel needs to re-implement stealInstance