- Added the Experience Nugget
- Item Vaults are now Immune to regular explosion damage
- Encased Shafts and Cogwheels no longer appear on creative tabs
- Fixed gantry carriage model uvs
- Fixed Palette blocks & Item Vault not easily mineable using a pickaxe
- Fixed ponder crash when a non-ticking tile is shown
- Fixed cube particle interpolation and quads
- Fixed sawblades rendering with wrong rotations
- Items shown on JEI's Washing tab are now centred
- Introduced a new set of Ore Processing recipes
- Moved Portable Storage Interface to andesite tier
- Removed the Adjustable Crate
- Creative Crates can no longer span multiple blocks
- "Chromatic" items no longer appear on creative tabs
- Ejectors now emit comparator signals relative to their max accepted stack size
- Fixed combined slots in the toolbox menu not acting correctly
- Fixed background of the advancement tab
- Removed Gabbro, Dolomite, Weathered Limestone
- Added Crimsite, Asurine, Veridium, Ochrum
- Added and Removed palette blocks for Andesite, Diorite, Granite, Tuff, Deepslate, Dripstone, Calcite, Limestone, Scoria and Dark Scoria
- Custom stone types now generate as layers instead of ores
(Work in Progress)
- Removed the pulse repeater
- Removed the adjustable repeater
- Adjustable Pulse Repeater -> Pulse Repeater
- Added the Pulse Extender
- Latches now play a sound when flipped manually
- ponder todo
- Added item description for the toolbox
- Fixed Smart Pipes not able to be picked up with Wrench
- Fluid Pipes no longer have to be straight in order to be 'wrenched' into a strictly straight windowed pipe
- Remove NbtPacket and add safe packets for configuring symmetry wand
and worldshaper separately
- Expand internal functionality of AllTags and use optional tags in most
- Datagen tags forge:stone, forge:wg_stone, and forge:buckets/honey
- Fix attribute filter screen being shifted by one pixel
- Add translations for "fluid_container" and "renamed" item attributes
- Add full support for custom namespaces in ponder
- Make ponder files use Minecraft's resource system
- Allow easily registering and generating ponder lang for any namespace
- Copper backtanks can no longer accumulate air pressure when waterlogged
- Copper backtanks now emit a comparator output
- Removed id prefix requirement for ponder and seq. assembly tooltips #1931
- Improved the odds to succeed of existing sequenced assembly recipes
- "junk" -> "salvage"
- Fixed large amounts of output in crushing wheels getting voided due to its buffer capacity
- Fixed basin processing running constant recipe lookups while backed up #1911
- Fixed mixer retracting after every operation when auto-output is active
- Clockwork Component -> Precision Mechanism
- Re-organized bell models
- Added a little warm-up timer for held haunted bells
- Tweaks to all Sequenced assembly recipes
- Fixed missing particle of incomplete cogwheels
- Sequenced Assembly mid-products are no longer stackable
- Added JEI integration to Sequenced Assembly
- Bit of Refactoring
- The amount of steps before the transformation occurs are no longer random
- Intermediate item now shows assembly progress in its tooltip
- Added the Clockwork Element
- Added the Sequenced Assembly recipe type (needs JEI)
- Added cascaded datagen for assembly sequence and each of its available processing types
- Temporary test recipe
- Added support for Sequenced Assembly to Press, Deployer, Spout and Saw
- Removed Integrated Circuits
- Removed Lapis sheets
- Added proper rendering, tooltips, sounds, and particle effects to the bells
- Added a crafting recipe for the Peculiar Bell
- Added a conversion method for obtaining Cursed Bells
- Fixed the soul indicators showing up in non-full blocks
- Cart Assemblers now have a specific direction
- Assembled cart contraptions assemble and disassemble according to the assemblers direction
- Cart contraptions no longer turn exponentially
- Cart contraption now turn more sluggishly the larger they are
- Some changes to the cart assembler model
- Added the Potato Cannon
- Extendogrips now have durability, which is not consumed while wearing a copper backtank (same applies for potato cannon)
- Added a few projectile types for testing
- Added tooltips for newly added tools and equipment
- Fixed depth issues in Ponder UI
- Fixed lack of backface culling in ponder
- Added placeholder storyboards for missing ponder scenes
- Fixed menu screen cogs rendering behind the background
- Fixed menu screen not pausing the game
- Changed blueprint entity and item rendering to be more Optifine friendly (?)
- Punching blueprints now clears the slot before breaking it
- Fix a dist issue with KTEs
- Added recipe for blueprint
- Make regular palette stone blocks drop their cobblestone variant instead of themselves (unless silk touch is used)
- Add smelting recipes for cobblestone palette blocks
- Rename PaletteBlockPatterns to PaletteBlockPattern
- Move PatternNameType to PaletteBlockPattern
- Rename some fields
- Recipes for the diving gear
- Idle Windmill Bearings now attach their structure when moved as part of another contraption
- Fixed pumps not updating transfer speed when directly between containers
- Fixed Multiblock Fluid tanks showing inconsistent information on their goggle overlay
- Creative Fluid tanks no longer show a goggle overlay
- Fixed Funnels and other interfaces not updating properly when affected chunks are unloaded and reloaded
- Fixed tooltips rendering behind item icon in the filter screens
- Added the Deploying recipe type
- Deployers can now polish items on belts or depots
- Deployers now make a little polishing sound when using sandpaper
- Diving helmets now display a timer near the hotbar when underwater
- Copper backtanks now play an effect when accumulated air is maxed
- Copper backtank blocks can now be waterlogged
- Copper backtank cogs now animate
- Fixed subtitle of equip sounds
- Removed the Blockzapper
- Removed the Deforester
- Handheld Worldshaper -> Creative Worldshaper
- Worldshapers now have a "surface" and "cluster" brush type
- Worldshapers now follow the creative colour palette
- Some UI touch-ups for tools