- Fixed items processed by spout/press/deployer not able to be processed by fan afterwards #7012#6559#7013
- Fixed belt items resetting fan processing progress on reload
- Re-packagers can no longer unpack into another packager
- Added a message when trying to connect a packager to a PSI
- Fixed key presses triggering ui events when a text input is focused
- Added redstone dust to packager recipe
- Made category hiding in stock keeper UI less hacky
- Fixed schematic rendering offset by a tick
- Fixed item vaults not marking themselves as needed to be saved
- Fixed steam engines not rotating with their shaft when not animating
- More IE recipes
- Hose pulley now deletes lilypads and other surface foliage
- Factory gauges are now less strict about recipes they support
- Factory gauges no longer trigger a request immediately after promises are cleared
- Address edit boxes can now be cleared with right click
- Fixed copycats not rendering in ghost previews
- Cobblegen 'optimisation' now works with chutes above
- Fixed cobblegen optimisation blocking normal behaviour when no inventory is present
- Fixed restocker gauges not able to monitor 'input slots' of an inventory
- Fix scroll handler for schematics and schematic and quill swallowing
values close to zero
- Similar issue to the elevator controls from a few months ago, not sure
if it's just my mouse
- Fixed factory gauge place and break sounds not always playing
- Factory gauges can now be clicked like links to copy the logistics frequency
- Factory gauges now show an outline when the held item is on the same network
- Update changelog
- Fixed trains not properly pathfinding to stations with an opposing
signal just behind the destination
- Chain Drives can now be crafted from zinc nuggets
- Fixed address suggestions not reacting to scroll wheel in some HL screens
- Fixed stations voiding schedules when disassembling the train
- Fixed lighting on signal block indicators
- Import models from Kryppers
- Add scrolling animation to belts on large bogeys
- Duplicate scrolling instance to extend TransformedInstance so it can
actually be used in a bogey
- Fixed incorrect shared ponder lang entry
- Fixed trains in unloaded chunks not able to fetch packages from loaded chunks
- The player hitbox used in contraption collision is now slightly shorter
- Added Spout recipe for IE treated wood
- Clicking the packager now always consumes the action
- Fixed not able to right click clear the keeper search bar when its already focused
- Fixed frogport block particles
- Train stations now remember the train marker color of previously diassembled trains
- Fixed valve handle instances always rendering as the copper variant
- Bump flywheel build
- Fix drills not spinning when breaking blocks
- Fix bogey shafts not being correctly rotated
- Use chunk cardinal lighting on contraption models
- Updated item hatch tooltip
- Fixed vaults and tanks rotated in place not updating their multiblock correctly
- Fixed stock keeper screen showing [+1] overflow tip when ordering 9 items
- Update filter screens to remove indicators
- Framed and tiled glass panes can now be obtained via stonecutting
- Fixed factory gauge making a sound at the old position when moved