- Ponder scenes for depot, chute and smart chute
- Fixed saws and drains ejecting items when mounted funnel is backstuffed
- Fixed extracting funnels allowing items to be inserted by arms and belt input
- Vanilla items in ponder tags are marked purple instead of red
- Vertical funnels now block chutes
- Large cogs can no longer be placed right next to crafters or millstones
- Mechanical Arms now stall targeted belt items
- Fix funnels not rendering filter slot items
- Ponder scenes for the Deployer, Harvester and Plough
- Fixed uvs on Deployer model
- Ploughs can now harvest snow layers
- Fixed TEs not ticking properly when wrap-around-skipping to a keyframe
- Added a block restoration instruction
- Scenes for the Saw
- runData catching up
- Added and assigned more ponder tags
- Ponder Scenes for cog, large cog, gearbox, clutch, gearshift, and casings
- Fixed TE model data not queried on schematics and ponder scenes
- Removed code duplicates
- Made fluid information more generic and concise
- Made fluid information easier to port
- Fixed potion fluid not overriding its translation key
- (I'm sorry, Steven)
- Added Ponder entries for gantry shafts and carriages
- Added ability to mark lang key prefixes as ignored, leaving out 'dev-only' lang entries from the localization templates
- Gantry Pinion -> Gantry Carriage
- Scenes can now be "re-assembled" by their storyboard while Ponder is opened using shift+refresh
- removed the requirement of editor provided lang keys for text windows
- couple fixes, changes to instructions
- Finished ponder entries about funnels
- Smart TEs can now enter "virtual mode" to run both client and server code (support for it needs individual adjustment)
- Removed obsolete quads from the andesite funnels' model
- Not enough ponder instructions
- Fixed upright belt items in ponder UI
- Organized util and scene builder methods into nested classes
- Selection rework, allows for addition and substraction
- World sections now merge into a global world section after fading in
- Support for managing reference to elements created by previous instructions
- more util
- Support for animating world sections to roughly simulate a contraption
- Less paperwork for making new scenes
- Support for outliner chaseAABB
- Support for outlining selections
- Added Gantry shafts and Gantry pinions
- Further attempts at stabilizing kinetic propagation
- Contraption types can now be added from external code
- Kinetic tile entities now have more control over kinetic propagation rules
- Added backend for loading schematic configurations globally for any component to see
- Encased chain drives are less likely to create a kinetic source loop when wrenched
- Piston and Pulley contraptions are less likely to overshoot targets at high speeds
- Added smart chutes
- Reworked non-mounted funnels to be consistent will all other funnel configurations
- Non-mounted funnels no longer occupy a full block length
- Non-mounted funnels can now insert and extract ground items
- Vertical funnels can no longer transfer between inventories
- Redstone links can now be placed onto any non-empty space
- Mechanical arms no longer arbitrarily wait between operations unless targets are overflowing
- Gave indicators on funnels better visibility
- Chutes now display contents in their goggle overlay
- Mechanical Arms and Wrenches can no longer be assigned to filter slots directly
- Mixers can no longer process single-item recipes
- Added processing recipes for items in AE2
- Fixed pams harvestcraft recipe catalysts not recycling properly
- Windmill bearings no longer assemble when the attached kinetics update
- Hose pulleys now display additional goggle info when their target fluid body is considered infinite
- Protected the natural scoria model from vertex-format changes made by optifine
- Andesite tunnels now split off single items to side outputs
- Fixed non-interpolated item animation on the Mechanical Saw
- Attempted fix to oriented contraption causing serialization issues
- Fixed mounted contraptions not updating yaw interpolation when stalled
- Fixed "shifting gears" advancement not triggering when using the cogwheel placement assist
- Schematicannons no longer cause pasted kinetic networks to be virtually interconnected
- Added sandstone -> sand; milling/crushing recipe
- Fixed Spouts duplicating container items in some configurations
- Fixed block cutting recipe outputs piling up beyond the gui boundaries
- Added chocolate and tea fluid tag #580
- Fixed item drain accepting stacks of items to empty
- Fixed basins mistakingly ignoring recipes with 4 or 9 equal ingredients
- Fixed schematicannon not able to place glass pipes, encased pipes, belt funnels and encased shafts
- Fixed race condition with other mods registering spawn eggs
- Belts no longer consume dye
- Tweaked placement constraints and control of cogwheels
- Chocolate and honey buckets can no longer stack
- Minecarts can now collide with non-mounted contraptions
- Attempted some optimizations to contraption lighting
- Encased shafts and gearboxes can now join textures with respective casing blocks
- Added back encased shaft items for creative mode
- Fixed encased shafts able to be created with casing and cogs
- Controller rails can now control furnace minecarts
- Controller rails now snap to adjacent rails with the correct facing
- Controller rails no longer get reversed when transitioning to or from a slope in certain orientations
- Controller rails are now craftable
- Fun refactors
- Updated texture
- Recipe adjustments
- Fixed flapfunnels not taking secondary items off depots
- Funnels can now sit horizontally on saws and drains
- Added a recipe from natural to regular scoria