# This workflow will run Crowdin Action that will upload new texts to Crowdin, download the newest translations and create a PR
# For more information see: https://github.com/crowdin/github-action

name: Crowdin Action

# Controls when the action will run.
on: workflow_dispatch
    # Only run when started manually

    #    inputs:
    #        uploadTranslations:
    #            description: "Set to true to upload (changed) translations to Crowdin"
    #            type: boolean
    #            required: true
    #            default: false

        #- cron: '0 */6 * * *' # Every 6 hours - https://crontab.guru/#0_*/6_*_*_*

        runs-on: ubuntu-latest

            - name: Checkout
              uses: actions/checkout@v2

            - name: crowdin action
              uses: crowdin/github-action@1.4.9
                  # Upload sources to Crowdin
                  upload_sources: true
                  # Upload translations to Crowdin, only use true at initial run
                  upload_translations: false
                  # Make pull request of Crowdin translations
                  download_translations: true
                  # To download translations to the specified version branch
                  localization_branch_name: l10n_crowdin_translations
                  # Create pull request after pushing to branch
                  create_pull_request: true
                  pull_request_title: 'New Crowdin translations'
                  pull_request_body: 'New Crowdin pull request with translations'
                  pull_request_base_branch_name: 'mc1.20.1/dev'
                  GITHUB_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GH_TOKEN }}
                  CROWDIN_PROJECT_ID: ${{ secrets.CROWDIN_PROJECT_ID }}