package com.simibubi.create.config; public class CLogistics extends ConfigBase { public ConfigInt extractorDelay = i(20, 10, "extractorDelay", Comments.extractorDelay); public ConfigInt extractorInventoryScanDelay = i(40, 10, "extractorInventoryScanDelay", Comments.extractorInventoryScanDelay); public ConfigInt extractorAmount = i(16, 1, 64, "extractorAmount", Comments.extractorAmount); public ConfigInt linkRange = i(128, 1, "linkRange", Comments.linkRange); @Override public String getName() { return "logistics"; } private static class Comments { static String extractorDelay = "The amount of game ticks an Extractor waits after pulling an item successfully."; static String extractorInventoryScanDelay = "The amount of game ticks an Extractor waits before checking again if the attached inventory contains items to extract."; static String extractorAmount = "The amount of items an extractor pulls at a time without an applied filter."; static String linkRange = "Maximum possible range in blocks of redstone link connections."; } }