------------------------------------------------------ Create 6.0.0 ------------------------------------------------------ Additions - Example Changes - Bumped the default max rope length to 384 - Set vault capacity limit to 2048 slots to prevent people from OOM-ing themselves if they set the capacity too high Bug Fixes - Fix certain blocks messing up the order scheduled ticks (#7141) - Fix unbreakable superglue not being usable (#6253) - Fix update suppression (#7176) - Fix comparator output of depots ignoring the items max stack size (#7179) - Fix deployers retaining the damage attribute of their last held weapon (#4870) - Fix an exploit allowing people to create clipboards that execute commands (#7218) - Fix redstone links not updating their redstone output when they've been taken out of receiver mode (#7226) - Fix rare crash related to sliding doors (#6184) - Verify that schematics are gzip-encoded before trying to read from them (#6087) - Added workaround for create_tracks.dat getting corrupted during crashes, the mod will try to restore the old track data stored in the create_tracks.dat_old file if the current one is corrupted - Fix contraptions triggering pressure plates and tripwires (#7255) - Fix ConditionContext nbt in trains containing a large number of empty tags - Fix deployers not placing fish from fish buckets (#3705) - Fix gasses not being visible in basins and item drains (#7236) Art Changes - Example API Changes - Removed LangMerger and related classes - Implemented an api to allow mods to register schematic requirements, partial safe nbt and contraption transforms without implementing interfaces (#4702) - Add a method that developers can override to change the icon in goggle tooltips - Refactored Item Attributes types, Fan processing types and Arm interaction points, all 3 now use proper registries