PepperBell 1fdf1ff7e9 Destroyed and deprecated
- Fix rotation indicator particles
- Fix sail dyeing
- Turn BreakProgressHook into DestroyProgressRenderingHandler interface
- Refactor overlay rendering to properly use API
- Change SpriteShiftEntry to use StitchedSprites
- Use OnDatapackSyncEvent instead of mixin
- Organize foundation.ponder package
- Remove usage of deprecated:
-   Durability bar methods
-   Constants class
2021-11-27 14:49:43 -08:00

11 lines
267 B

package com.simibubi.create;
import com.jozufozu.flywheel.core.StitchedSprite;
public class AllStitchedTextures {
public static final StitchedSprite SUPER_GLUE = new StitchedSprite(Create.asResource("entity/super_glue/slime"));
public static void init() {