Jozufozu b2ddec57ef Thinking with portals
- Fix contraption visuals not actually being invalidated, motivated by
  getting carriage contraption visuals to go through portals correctly
- Fix bogey visuals initially appearing with incorrect transforms
- Fix contraption visuals initially appearing lerp'd between the origin
  and their actual pos
- Use max of mesh/instance light in instance shaders
- Bump flywheel version to fix contraption self lighting
2024-12-02 18:26:49 -08:00

55 lines
1.3 KiB

# Sets default memory used for gradle commands. Can be overridden by user or command line properties.
# This is required to provide enough memory for the Minecraft decompilation process.
org.gradle.jvmargs = -Xmx3G
org.gradle.daemon = false
# mod version info
mod_version = 0.5.2
artifact_minecraft_version = 1.20.1
minecraft_version = 1.20.1
forge_version = 47.2.6
# build dependency versions
forgegradle_version = [6.0.16,6.2)
mixingradle_version = 0.7.+
mixin_version = 0.8.5
librarian_version = 1.+
cursegradle_version = 1.4.0
parchment_version = 2023.09.03
use_parchment = true
# dependency versions
registrate_version = MC1.20-1.3.3
flywheel_minecraft_version = 1.20.1
flywheel_version = 1.0.0-beta-171
jei_minecraft_version = 1.20.1
jei_version =
curios_minecraft_version = 1.20.1
curios_version = 5.3.1
catnip_version = 0.8.20
ponder_version = 0.8.12
mixin_extras_version = 0.4.1
cc_tweaked_enable = true
cc_tweaked_minecraft_version = 1.20.1
cc_tweaked_version = 1.105.0
dynamic_trees_enable = true
dynamic_trees_minecraft_version = 1.20.1
dynamic_trees_version = 1.3.0-BETA13
# mod options
mod_id = create
mod_name = Create
mod_author = simibubi
mod_description = Technology that empowers the player.
mod_license = MIT
# curseforge information
projectId = 328085
curse_type = beta
# github information
github_project = Creators-of-Create/Create