mirror of
synced 2025-02-10 12:25:00 +01:00
- Comment out some stuff to get it to compile. - Pull in ModelUtil virtual stuffs from old flywheel. - Update build.gradle to always download sources/javadoc in IDEA.
350 lines
11 KiB
350 lines
11 KiB
plugins {
id 'eclipse'
id 'idea'
id 'maven-publish'
id 'net.minecraftforge.gradle' version "${forgegradle_version}"
id 'org.parchmentmc.librarian.forgegradle' version "${librarian_version}"
id 'org.spongepowered.mixin' version "${mixingradle_version}"
id 'com.matthewprenger.cursegradle' version "${cursegradle_version}"
boolean dev = System.getenv('RELEASE') == null || System.getenv('RELEASE').equals('false');
// jozu: I use a gradle workspace with both projects.
// The project is named Flywheel-Forge, but sub-projects are named by folder.
Project flywheelProject = findProject(':Flywheel')
boolean flywheelInWorkspace = flywheelProject != null
if (flywheelInWorkspace) {
println('Workspace detected, using Flywheel sibling project')
ext.buildNumber = System.getenv('BUILD_NUMBER')
group = 'com.simibubi.create'
archivesBaseName = "create-${artifact_minecraft_version}"
version = mod_version + (dev && buildNumber != null ? "-${buildNumber}" : '')
java.toolchain.languageVersion = JavaLanguageVersion.of(17)
println('Java: ' + System.getProperty('java.version') + ' JVM: ' + System.getProperty('java.vm.version') + ' (' + System.getProperty('java.vendor') + ') Arch: ' + System.getProperty('os.arch'))
mixin {
add sourceSets.main, 'create.refmap.json'
config 'flywheel.mixins.json'
config 'flywheel.sodium.mixins.json'
config 'create.mixins.json'
debug.verbose = true
debug.export = true
idea {
module {
downloadJavadoc = true
downloadSources = true
minecraft {
if (Boolean.parseBoolean(use_parchment)) {
mappings channel: 'parchment', version: "${parchment_version}-${minecraft_version}"
} else {
mappings channel: 'official', version: "${minecraft_version}"
accessTransformer = file('src/main/resources/META-INF/accesstransformer.cfg')
runs {
configureEach {
property 'forge.logging.markers', ''
property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'info'
property 'mixin.env.remapRefMap', 'true'
property 'mixin.env.refMapRemappingFile', "${projectDir}/build/createSrgToMcp/output.srg"
mods {
create {
source sourceSets.main
client {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
mods {
if (flywheelInWorkspace) {
flywheel {
source flywheelProject.sourceSets.main
server {
workingDirectory project.file('run/server')
data {
workingDirectory project.file('run')
property 'forge.logging.markers', 'REGISTRIES,REGISTRYDUMP'
property 'forge.logging.console.level', 'debug'
args '--mod', 'create', '--all', '--output', file('src/generated/resources/'), '--existing', file('src/main/resources')
mods {
if (flywheelInWorkspace) {
flywheel {
source flywheelProject.sourceSets.main
gameTestServer {
workingDirectory project.file('run/gametest')
// setForceExit false <- FIXME 1.20
repositories {
maven {
// location of the maven for Registrate and Flywheel
name = 'tterrag maven'
url = 'https://maven.tterrag.com'
maven {
// location of the maven that hosts JEI files since January 2023
// location of the maven for Vazkii's mods
name = "Jared's maven"
url = "https://maven.blamejared.com/"
/*maven {
// location of a maven mirror for JEI files, as a fallback
name = "ModMaven"
url = "https://modmaven.dev"
maven {
// location of the maven for Dynamic Trees
url = 'https://harleyoconnor.com/maven'
maven {
// location of the maven for Curios API
url = "https://maven.theillusivec4.top/"
maven {
// location of maven for CC: Tweaked
name = "squiddev"
url = "https://squiddev.cc/maven/"
maven {
url = 'https://www.cursemaven.com'
content {
includeGroup "curse.maven"
maven {
name = "Modrinth"
url = "https://api.modrinth.com/maven"
content {
includeGroup "maven.modrinth"
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
minecraft "net.minecraftforge:forge:${minecraft_version}-${forge_version}"
jarJar("com.tterrag.registrate:Registrate:${registrate_version}") {
jarJar.ranged(it, '[MC1.19.3-1.1.10,)')
jarJar("com.jozufozu.flywheel:flywheel-forge-${flywheel_minecraft_version}:${flywheel_version}") {
jarJar.ranged(it, '[0.6.10,0.6.11)')
implementation fg.deobf("com.tterrag.registrate:Registrate:${registrate_version}")
if (flywheelInWorkspace) {
implementation flywheelProject
} else {
implementation fg.deobf("com.jozufozu.flywheel:flywheel-forge-${flywheel_minecraft_version}:${flywheel_version}")
compileOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-${jei_minecraft_version}-common-api:${jei_version}")
compileOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-${jei_minecraft_version}-forge-api:${jei_version}")
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("mezz.jei:jei-${jei_minecraft_version}-forge:${jei_version}")
compileOnly fg.deobf("top.theillusivec4.curios:curios-forge:${curios_version}+${curios_minecraft_version}:api")
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("top.theillusivec4.curios:curios-forge:${curios_version}+${curios_minecraft_version}")
if (cc_tweaked_enable.toBoolean()) {
compileOnly fg.deobf("cc.tweaked:cc-tweaked-${cc_tweaked_minecraft_version}-forge-api:${cc_tweaked_version}")
runtimeOnly fg.deobf("cc.tweaked:cc-tweaked-${cc_tweaked_minecraft_version}-forge:${cc_tweaked_version}")
// implementation fg.deobf("curse.maven:druidcraft-340991:3101903")
// implementation fg.deobf("com.ferreusveritas.dynamictrees:DynamicTrees-1.16.5:0.10.0-Beta25")
// runtimeOnly fg.deobf("vazkii.arl:AutoRegLib:1.4-35.69")
// runtimeOnly fg.deobf("vazkii.quark:Quark:r2.0-212.984")
// runtimeOnly fg.deobf("slimeknights.mantle:Mantle:1.16.5-1.6.115")
// runtimeOnly fg.deobf("slimeknights.tconstruct:TConstruct:1.16.5-")
// runtimeOnly fg.deobf("maven.modrinth:rubidium:0.5.3")
// implementation fg.deobf("com.railwayteam.railways:railways-1.18.2-1.1.1:all") { transitive = false }
// runtimeOnly fg.deobf("maven.modrinth:aether:1.19.2-1.0.0-beta.1.1-forge")
// runtimeOnly fg.deobf("maven.modrinth:spark:1.10.38-forge")
// https://discord.com/channels/313125603924639766/725850371834118214/910619168821354497
// Prevent Mixin annotation processor from getting into IntelliJ's annotation processor settings
// This allows 'Settings > Build, Execution, and Deployment > Build Tools > Gradle > Build and run using' set to IntelliJ to work correctly
if (!Boolean.getBoolean('idea.sync.active')) {
annotationProcessor "org.spongepowered:mixin:${mixin_version}:processor"
sourceSets.main.java {
if (!cc_tweaked_enable.toBoolean()) {
exclude 'com/simibubi/create/compat/computercraft/implementation/**'
sourceSets.main.resources {
srcDir 'src/generated/resources'
exclude '.cache/'
// Workaround for SpongePowered/MixinGradle#38
afterEvaluate {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile).configureEach {
options.encoding = 'UTF-8' // Use the UTF-8 charset for Java compilation
compileJava {
options.compilerArgs = ['-Xdiags:verbose']
jar {
archiveClassifier = 'slim'
manifest {
'Specification-Title': 'create',
'Specification-Vendor': 'simibubi',
'Specification-Version': '1',
'Implementation-Title': project.jar.archiveBaseName,
'Implementation-Version': project.jar.archiveVersion,
'Implementation-Vendor': 'simibubi',
'Implementation-Timestamp': new Date().format("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"),
'MixinConfigs': 'create.mixins.json'
task jarJarRelease {
group = 'jarjar'
doLast {
tasks.jarJar {
archiveClassifier = ''
finalizedBy tasks.jarJar
java {
void addLicense(jarTask) {
jarTask.from('LICENSE') {
rename { "${it}_${project.archivesBaseName}" }
publishing {
publications {
mavenJava(MavenPublication) {
artifactId = archivesBaseName
from components.java
repositories {
if (project.hasProperty('mavendir')) {
maven { url mavendir }
String getChangelogText() {
def changelogFile = file('changelog.txt')
String str = ''
int lineCount = 0
boolean done = false
changelogFile.eachLine {
if (done || it == null) {
if (it.size() > 1) {
def temp = it
if (lineCount == 0) {
temp = "Create ${version}"
temp = "<span style=\"font-size: 18px; color: #333399;\">Create v${mod_version}</span> <em>for Minecraft ${minecraft_version}</em><br/>"
} else if (it.startsWith('-')) {
temp = " $temp<br/>"
temp = temp.replaceAll("(\\S+\\/\\S+)#([0-9]+)\\b", "<a href=\"https://github.com/\$1/issues/\$2\">\$0</a>");
temp = temp.replaceAll("#([0-9]+)\\b(?!<\\/a>)", "<a href=\"https://github.com/$github_project/issues/\$1\">\$0</a>");
} else {
temp = "<h4>$temp</h4>"
str += temp
} else {
str += "<p>Please submit any Issues you come across on the <a href=\"https://github.com/${github_project}/issues\" rel=\"nofollow\">Issue Tracker</a>.</p>"
done = true
return str
// changelog debugging
// new File("changelog.html").write getChangelogText()
// tasks.curseforge.enabled = !dev && project.hasProperty('simi_curseforge_key')
// curseforge {
// if (project.hasProperty('simi_curseforge_key')) {
// apiKey = project.simi_curseforge_key
// }
// project {
// id = project.projectId
// changelog = System.getenv('CHANGELOG') == null || System.getenv('CHANGELOG').equals('none') ? getChangelogText() : System.getenv('CHANGELOG')
// changelogType = 'html'
// releaseType = project.curse_type
// mainArtifact(shadowJar) {
// displayName = "Create - ${version}"
// }
// relations {
// optionalDependency 'jei'
// }
// }
// }