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synced 2025-03-03 14:14:39 +01:00
Paging Dr. Instancer
- Goal: avoid needing to re-upload everything when instance count for one instancer changes - Solution: store instances in pages of 32 - Allocate pages in a GPU arena - Store one uint per page to indicate which model the instances in the page belong to, and how many instances are actually stored in the page - Instancers eagerly allocate and free pages as their instance count changes - Instancers will not necessarily store instances contiguously anymore, but that's okay because any given cull workgroup will only reference a single page - Culling threads *will* write instances contiguously however, and so we still need to keep track of a base instance per instancer, and the target buffer logic does not change
This commit is contained in:
11 changed files with 326 additions and 119 deletions
@ -1,23 +1,17 @@
package dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.lib.memory.MemoryBlock;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntList;
public class Arena {
private final long elementSizeBytes;
private MemoryBlock memoryBlock;
// Monotonic index, generally represents the size of the arena.
private int top = 0;
public abstract class AbstractArena {
protected final long elementSizeBytes;
// List of free indices.
private final IntList freeStack = new IntArrayList();
// Monotonic index, generally represents the size of the arena.
private int top = 0;
public Arena(long elementSizeBytes, int initialCapacity) {
public AbstractArena(long elementSizeBytes) {
this.elementSizeBytes = elementSizeBytes;
memoryBlock = MemoryBlock.malloc(elementSizeBytes * initialCapacity);
public int alloc() {
@ -27,8 +21,8 @@ public class Arena {
// Make sure there's room to increment top.
if (top * elementSizeBytes >= memoryBlock.size()) {
memoryBlock = memoryBlock.realloc(memoryBlock.size() * 2);
if (top * elementSizeBytes >= byteCapacity()) {
// Return the top index and increment.
@ -40,19 +34,15 @@ public class Arena {
public long indexToPointer(int i) {
return memoryBlock.ptr() + i * elementSizeBytes;
public void delete() {
public long byteOffsetOf(int i) {
return i * elementSizeBytes;
public int capacity() {
return top;
public long byteCapacity() {
return memoryBlock.size();
public abstract long byteCapacity();
protected abstract void resize();
@ -122,12 +122,12 @@ public abstract class AbstractInstancer<I extends Instance> implements Instancer
if (writePos < newSize) {
// Since we'll be shifting everything into this space we can consider it all changed.
changed.set(writePos, newSize);
setRangeChanged(writePos, newSize);
// We definitely shouldn't consider the deleted instances as changed though,
// else we might try some out of bounds accesses later.
changed.clear(newSize, oldSize);
clearChangedRange(newSize, oldSize);
// Punch out the deleted instances, shifting over surviving instances to fill their place.
for (int scanPos = writePos; (scanPos < oldSize) && (writePos < newSize); scanPos++, writePos++) {
@ -155,6 +155,14 @@ public abstract class AbstractInstancer<I extends Instance> implements Instancer
protected void clearChangedRange(int start, int end) {
changed.clear(start, end);
protected void setRangeChanged(int start, int end) {
changed.set(start, end);
* Clear all instances without freeing resources.
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
package dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.lib.memory.MemoryBlock;
public class CpuArena extends AbstractArena {
private MemoryBlock memoryBlock;
public CpuArena(long elementSizeBytes, int initialCapacity) {
memoryBlock = MemoryBlock.malloc(elementSizeBytes * initialCapacity);
public long indexToPointer(int i) {
return memoryBlock.ptr() + i * elementSizeBytes;
public void delete() {
public long byteCapacity() {
return memoryBlock.size();
protected void resize() {
memoryBlock = memoryBlock.realloc(memoryBlock.size() * 2);
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public class LightStorage {
private final LevelAccessor level;
private final Arena arena;
private final CpuArena arena;
private final Long2IntMap section2ArenaIndex = new Long2IntOpenHashMap();
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class LightStorage {
public LightStorage(LevelAccessor level) {
this.level = level;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
package dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.embed;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.Arena;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.CpuArena;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ReferenceLinkedOpenHashSet;
import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ReferenceSet;
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ public class EnvironmentStorage {
// Note than the arena starts indexing at zero, but we reserve zero for the identity matrix.
// Any time an ID from the arena is written we want to add one to it.
public final Arena arena = new Arena(MATRIX_SIZE_BYTES, 32);
public final CpuArena arena = new CpuArena(MATRIX_SIZE_BYTES, 32);
// Reserve the identity matrix. Burns a few bytes but oh well.
@ -61,9 +61,9 @@ public class IndirectBuffers {
private final MemoryBlock multiBindBlock;
private final long instanceStride;
public final ResizableStorageArray instance;
public final InstancePager pageFile;
public final ResizableStorageArray target;
public final ResizableStorageArray modelIndex;
public final ResizableStorageArray model;
public final ResizableStorageArray draw;
@ -71,30 +71,27 @@ public class IndirectBuffers {
this.instanceStride = instanceStride;
this.multiBindBlock = MemoryBlock.calloc(BUFFERS_SIZE_BYTES, 1);
instance = new ResizableStorageArray(instanceStride, INSTANCE_GROWTH_FACTOR);
pageFile = new InstancePager(instanceStride);
target = new ResizableStorageArray(INT_SIZE, INSTANCE_GROWTH_FACTOR);
modelIndex = new ResizableStorageArray(INT_SIZE, INSTANCE_GROWTH_FACTOR);
model = new ResizableStorageArray(MODEL_STRIDE, MODEL_GROWTH_FACTOR);
draw = new ResizableStorageArray(DRAW_COMMAND_STRIDE, DRAW_GROWTH_FACTOR);
void updateCounts(int instanceCount, int modelCount, int drawCount) {
final long ptr = multiBindBlock.ptr();
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + INSTANCE_HANDLE_OFFSET, instance.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + INSTANCE_HANDLE_OFFSET, pageFile.storage.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + TARGET_HANDLE_OFFSET, target.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + MODEL_INDEX_HANDLE_OFFSET, modelIndex.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + MODEL_INDEX_HANDLE_OFFSET, pageFile.pageTable.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + MODEL_HANDLE_OFFSET, model.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + DRAW_HANDLE_OFFSET, draw.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + INSTANCE_SIZE_OFFSET, instanceStride * instanceCount);
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + INSTANCE_SIZE_OFFSET, pageFile.storage.byteCapacity());
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + TARGET_SIZE_OFFSET, INT_SIZE * instanceCount);
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + MODEL_INDEX_SIZE_OFFSET, INT_SIZE * instanceCount);
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + MODEL_INDEX_SIZE_OFFSET, pageFile.pageTable.byteCapacity());
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + MODEL_SIZE_OFFSET, MODEL_STRIDE * modelCount);
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + DRAW_SIZE_OFFSET, DRAW_COMMAND_STRIDE * drawCount);
@ -124,9 +121,8 @@ public class IndirectBuffers {
public void delete() {
@ -74,8 +74,8 @@ public class IndirectCullingGroup<I extends Instance> {
instancer.modelIndex = modelIndex;
instancer.baseInstance = instanceCountThisFrame;
instanceCountThisFrame += instanceCount;
@ -96,6 +96,8 @@ public class IndirectCullingGroup<I extends Instance> {
// Upload only instances that have changed.
// We need to upload the models every frame to reset the instance count.
@ -118,7 +120,7 @@ public class IndirectCullingGroup<I extends Instance> {
glDispatchCompute(GlCompat.getComputeGroupCount(instanceCountThisFrame), 1, 1);
glDispatchCompute(buffers.pageFile.capacity(), 1, 1);
public void dispatchApply() {
@ -171,7 +173,9 @@ public class IndirectCullingGroup<I extends Instance> {
public void add(IndirectInstancer<I> instancer, InstancerKey<I> key, MeshPool meshPool) {
instancer.modelIndex = instancers.size();
instancer.pageFile = buffers.pageFile.createPage();
List<Model.ConfiguredMesh> meshes = key.model()
@ -242,12 +246,7 @@ public class IndirectCullingGroup<I extends Instance> {
private void uploadInstances(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer) {
for (var instancer : instancers) {
instancer.uploadInstances(stagingBuffer, buffers.instance.handle());
for (var instancer : instancers) {
instancer.uploadModelIndices(stagingBuffer, buffers.modelIndex.handle());
instancer.uploadInstances(stagingBuffer, buffers.pageFile.storage.handle());
@ -72,9 +72,9 @@ public class IndirectDraw {
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 4, 0); // instanceCount - to be set by the apply shader
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 8, mesh.firstIndex()); // firstIndex
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 12, mesh.baseVertex()); // baseVertex
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 16, instancer.baseInstance); // baseInstance
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 16, instancer.baseInstance()); // baseInstance
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 20, instancer.modelIndex); // modelIndex
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 20, instancer.modelIndex()); // modelIndex
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 24, instancer.environment.matrixIndex()); // matrixIndex
@ -89,9 +89,9 @@ public class IndirectDraw {
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 4, 1); // instanceCount - only drawing one instance
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 8, mesh.firstIndex()); // firstIndex
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 12, mesh.baseVertex()); // baseVertex
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 16, instancer.baseInstance + instanceIndex); // baseInstance
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 16, instancer.baseInstance() + instanceIndex); // baseInstance
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 20, instancer.modelIndex); // modelIndex
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 20, instancer.modelIndex()); // modelIndex
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + 24, instancer.environment.matrixIndex()); // matrixIndex
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import dev.engine_room.flywheel.api.instance.InstanceWriter;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.api.model.Model;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.AbstractInstancer;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.embed.Environment;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.util.AtomicBitSet;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.lib.math.MoreMath;
public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I> {
@ -20,11 +21,12 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
private final List<IndirectDraw> associatedDraws = new ArrayList<>();
private final Vector4fc boundingSphere;
public int modelIndex = -1;
public int baseInstance = -1;
private int lastModelIndex = -1;
private int lastBaseInstance = -1;
private int lastInstanceCount = -1;
private final AtomicBitSet changedPages = new AtomicBitSet();
public InstancePager.Allocation pageFile;
private int modelIndex = -1;
private int baseInstance = -1;
public IndirectInstancer(InstanceType<I> type, Environment environment, Model model) {
super(type, environment);
@ -34,6 +36,29 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
boundingSphere = model.boundingSphere();
public void notifyDirty(int index) {
if (index < 0 || index >= instanceCount()) {
protected void setRangeChanged(int start, int end) {
super.setRangeChanged(start, end);
changedPages.set(pageFile.object2Page(start), pageFile.object2Page(end));
protected void clearChangedRange(int start, int end) {
super.clearChangedRange(start, end);
// changedPages.clear(pageFile.object2Page(start), pageFile);
public void addDraw(IndirectDraw draw) {
@ -44,6 +69,8 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
public void update() {
public void writeModel(long ptr) {
@ -57,71 +84,38 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
public void uploadInstances(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer, int instanceVbo) {
long baseByte = baseInstance * instanceStride;
int numPages = pageFile.pageCount();
if (baseInstance != lastBaseInstance) {
uploadAllInstances(stagingBuffer, baseByte, instanceVbo);
} else {
uploadChangedInstances(stagingBuffer, baseByte, instanceVbo);
var instanceCount = instances.size();
public void uploadModelIndices(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer, int modelIndexVbo) {
long modelIndexBaseByte = baseInstance * IndirectBuffers.INT_SIZE;
for (int page = 0; page < numPages; page++) {
page = changedPages.nextSetBit(0);
if (baseInstance != lastBaseInstance || modelIndex != lastModelIndex || instances.size() > lastInstanceCount) {
uploadAllModelIndices(stagingBuffer, modelIndexBaseByte, modelIndexVbo);
public void resetChanged() {
lastModelIndex = modelIndex;
lastBaseInstance = baseInstance;
lastInstanceCount = instances.size();
private void uploadChangedInstances(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer, long baseByte, int instanceVbo) {
changed.forEachSetSpan((startInclusive, endInclusive) -> {
// Generally we're good about ensuring we don't have changed bits set out of bounds, but check just in case
if (startInclusive >= instances.size()) {
if (page == -1) {
int actualEnd = Math.min(endInclusive, instances.size() - 1);
int instanceCount = actualEnd - startInclusive + 1;
long totalSize = instanceCount * instanceStride;
int startObject = pageFile.page2Object(page);
stagingBuffer.enqueueCopy(totalSize, instanceVbo, baseByte + startInclusive * instanceStride, ptr -> {
for (int i = startInclusive; i <= actualEnd; i++) {
var instance = instances.get(i);
writer.write(ptr, instance);
if (startObject >= instanceCount) {
int endObject = Math.min(instanceCount, pageFile.page2Object(page + 1) - 1);
long baseByte = pageFile.page2ByteOffset(page);
long size = (endObject - startObject) * instanceStride;
stagingBuffer.enqueueCopy(size, instanceVbo, baseByte, ptr -> {
for (int i = startObject; i < endObject; i++) {
writer.write(ptr, instances.get(i));
ptr += instanceStride;
private void uploadAllInstances(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer, long baseByte, int instanceVbo) {
long totalSize = instances.size() * instanceStride;
stagingBuffer.enqueueCopy(totalSize, instanceVbo, baseByte, ptr -> {
for (I instance : instances) {
writer.write(ptr, instance);
ptr += instanceStride;
private void uploadAllModelIndices(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer, long modelIndexBaseByte, int modelIndexVbo) {
long modelIndexTotalSize = instances.size() * IndirectBuffers.INT_SIZE;
stagingBuffer.enqueueCopy(modelIndexTotalSize, modelIndexVbo, modelIndexBaseByte, ptr -> {
for (int i = 0; i < instances.size(); i++) {
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr, modelIndex);
ptr += IndirectBuffers.INT_SIZE;
@ -130,4 +124,21 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
public void modelIndex(int modelIndex) {
this.modelIndex = modelIndex;
public int modelIndex() {
return modelIndex;
public void baseInstance(int baseInstance) {
this.baseInstance = baseInstance;
public int baseInstance() {
return baseInstance;
@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
package dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.indirect;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.UnknownNullability;
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.AbstractArena;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.lib.memory.MemoryBlock;
public class InstancePager extends AbstractArena {
// 32 objects per page. Allows for convenient bitsets on the gpu.
public static final int DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE_OBJECTS = 5;
public static final int INITIAL_PAGES_ALLOCATED = 4;
private final int log2PageSize;
* The number of objects in a page.
private final int pageSize;
private final long objectSizeBytes;
private MemoryBlock pageData;
private final int pageMask;
public final ResizableStorageArray storage;
public final ResizableStorageArray pageTable;
private final List<Allocation> allocations = new ArrayList<>();
public InstancePager(long objectSizeBytes) {
this(DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE_OBJECTS, objectSizeBytes);
public InstancePager(int log2PageSize, long objectSizeBytes) {
super((1L << log2PageSize) * objectSizeBytes);
this.log2PageSize = log2PageSize;
this.pageSize = 1 << log2PageSize;
this.pageMask = pageSize - 1;
this.objectSizeBytes = objectSizeBytes;
this.storage = new ResizableStorageArray(this.elementSizeBytes);
this.pageTable = new ResizableStorageArray(Integer.BYTES);
public Allocation createPage() {
var out = new Allocation();
return out;
public long byteCapacity() {
return storage.byteCapacity();
protected void resize() {
if (pageData == null) {
pageData = MemoryBlock.malloc(INITIAL_PAGES_ALLOCATED * Integer.BYTES);
} else {
pageData = pageData.realloc(pageData.size() * 2);
storage.ensureCapacity(storage.capacity() * 2);
pageTable.ensureCapacity(pageTable.capacity() * 2);
public void uploadTable(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer) {
for (Allocation allocation : allocations) {
stagingBuffer.enqueueCopy(pageData.ptr(), pageData.size(), pageTable.handle(), 0);
public void delete() {
public class Allocation {
public int[] pages = new int[0];
private int modelIndex = -1;
public void modelIndex(int modelIndex) {
if (this.modelIndex != modelIndex) {
this.modelIndex = modelIndex;
private void updatePageTable() {
var ptr = pageData.ptr();
int fullPage = (modelIndex & 0x3FFFFF) | 0x8000000;
for (int page : pages) {
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + page * Integer.BYTES, fullPage);
public void activeCount(int objectCount) {
var neededPages = object2Page((objectCount + pageMask));
var oldLength = pages.length;
if (oldLength > neededPages) {
shrink(oldLength, neededPages);
} else if (oldLength < neededPages) {
grow(neededPages, oldLength);
private void grow(int neededPages, int oldLength) {
pages = Arrays.copyOf(pages, neededPages);
for (int i = oldLength; i < neededPages; i++) {
pages[i] = InstancePager.this.alloc();
private void shrink(int oldLength, int neededPages) {
for (int i = oldLength - 1; i > neededPages; i--) {
var page = pages[i];
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(pageData.ptr() + page * Integer.BYTES, 0);
pages = Arrays.copyOf(pages, neededPages);
public int capacity() {
return pages.length << log2PageSize;
public int pageCount() {
return pages.length;
public int object2Page(int objectIndex) {
return objectIndex >> log2PageSize;
public int page2Object(int pageIndex) {
return pageIndex << log2PageSize;
public long page2ByteOffset(int page) {
return InstancePager.this.byteOffsetOf(pages[page]);
@ -4,14 +4,19 @@
#include "flywheel:util/matrix.glsl"
#include "flywheel:internal/indirect/matrices.glsl"
layout(local_size_x = _FLW_SUBGROUP_SIZE) in;
layout(local_size_x = 32) in;
layout(std430, binding = _FLW_TARGET_BUFFER_BINDING) restrict writeonly buffer TargetBuffer {
uint _flw_instanceIndices[];
// High 6 bits for the number of instances in the page.
const uint _FLW_PAGE_COUNT_OFFSET = 25u;
// Bottom 24 bits for the model index.
layout(std430, binding = _FLW_MODEL_INDEX_BUFFER_BINDING) restrict readonly buffer ModelIndexBuffer {
uint _flw_modelIndices[];
uint _flw_pageTable[];
layout(std430, binding = _FLW_MODEL_BUFFER_BINDING) restrict buffer ModelBuffer {
@ -55,13 +60,23 @@ bool _flw_isVisible(uint instanceIndex, uint modelIndex) {
void main() {
uint instanceIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
uint pageIndex = gl_WorkGroupID.x;
if (instanceIndex >= _flw_modelIndices.length()) {
if (pageIndex >= _flw_pageTable.length()) {
uint modelIndex = _flw_modelIndices[instanceIndex];
uint packedModelIndexAndCount = _flw_pageTable[pageIndex];
uint pageInstanceCount = packedModelIndexAndCount >> _FLW_PAGE_COUNT_OFFSET;
if (gl_LocalInvocationID.x >= pageInstanceCount) {
uint instanceIndex = gl_GlobalInvocationID.x;
uint modelIndex = packedModelIndexAndCount & _FLW_MODEL_INDEX_MASK;
if (_flw_isVisible(instanceIndex, modelIndex)) {
uint localIndex = atomicAdd(_flw_models[modelIndex].instanceCount, 1);
Add table
Reference in a new issue