mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 14:14:39 +01:00
The hardest problem
- Rename most InstancePager terminology - Rename MODEL_INDEX buffer stuffs
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 121 additions and 103 deletions
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ package dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.indirect;
public final class BufferBindings {
public static final int INSTANCE = 0;
public static final int TARGET = 1;
public static final int MODEL_INDEX = 2;
public static final int PAGE_FRAME_DESCRIPTOR = 2;
public static final int MODEL = 3;
public static final int DRAW = 4;
public static final int LIGHT_LUT = 5;
@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ public class IndirectBuffers {
// Offsets to the vbos
private static final long INSTANCE_HANDLE_OFFSET = HANDLE_OFFSET;
private static final long TARGET_HANDLE_OFFSET = INT_SIZE;
private static final long MODEL_INDEX_HANDLE_OFFSET = INT_SIZE * 2;
private static final long PAGE_FRAME_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE_OFFSET = INT_SIZE * 2;
private static final long MODEL_HANDLE_OFFSET = INT_SIZE * 3;
private static final long DRAW_HANDLE_OFFSET = INT_SIZE * 4;
// Offsets to the sizes
private static final long INSTANCE_SIZE_OFFSET = SIZE_OFFSET;
private static final long TARGET_SIZE_OFFSET = SIZE_OFFSET + PTR_SIZE;
private static final long MODEL_INDEX_SIZE_OFFSET = SIZE_OFFSET + PTR_SIZE * 2;
private static final long MODEL_SIZE_OFFSET = SIZE_OFFSET + PTR_SIZE * 3;
private static final long DRAW_SIZE_OFFSET = SIZE_OFFSET + PTR_SIZE * 4;
@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ public class IndirectBuffers {
private final MemoryBlock multiBindBlock;
private final long instanceStride;
public final InstancePager pageFile;
public final ObjectStorage objectStorage;
public final ResizableStorageArray target;
public final ResizableStorageArray model;
public final ResizableStorageArray draw;
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ public class IndirectBuffers {
this.instanceStride = instanceStride;
this.multiBindBlock = MemoryBlock.calloc(BUFFERS_SIZE_BYTES, 1);
pageFile = new InstancePager(instanceStride);
objectStorage = new ObjectStorage(instanceStride);
target = new ResizableStorageArray(INT_SIZE, INSTANCE_GROWTH_FACTOR);
model = new ResizableStorageArray(MODEL_STRIDE, MODEL_GROWTH_FACTOR);
draw = new ResizableStorageArray(DRAW_COMMAND_STRIDE, DRAW_GROWTH_FACTOR);
@ -83,15 +83,15 @@ public class IndirectBuffers {
final long ptr = multiBindBlock.ptr();
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + INSTANCE_HANDLE_OFFSET, pageFile.objects.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + INSTANCE_HANDLE_OFFSET, objectStorage.objectBuffer.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + TARGET_HANDLE_OFFSET, target.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + MODEL_INDEX_HANDLE_OFFSET, pageFile.pageTable.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + PAGE_FRAME_DESCRIPTOR_HANDLE_OFFSET, objectStorage.frameDescriptorBuffer.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + MODEL_HANDLE_OFFSET, model.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptr + DRAW_HANDLE_OFFSET, draw.handle());
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + INSTANCE_SIZE_OFFSET, pageFile.objects.capacity());
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + INSTANCE_SIZE_OFFSET, objectStorage.objectBuffer.capacity());
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + TARGET_SIZE_OFFSET, INT_SIZE * instanceCount);
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + MODEL_INDEX_SIZE_OFFSET, pageFile.pageTable.capacity());
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + PAGE_FRAME_DESCRIPTOR_SIZE_OFFSET, objectStorage.frameDescriptorBuffer.capacity());
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + MODEL_SIZE_OFFSET, MODEL_STRIDE * modelCount);
MemoryUtil.memPutAddress(ptr + DRAW_SIZE_OFFSET, DRAW_COMMAND_STRIDE * drawCount);
@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ public class IndirectBuffers {
public void delete() {
@ -95,7 +95,7 @@ public class IndirectCullingGroup<I extends Instance> {
// Upload only instances that have changed.
// We need to upload the models every frame to reset the instance count.
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ public class IndirectCullingGroup<I extends Instance> {
glDispatchCompute(buffers.pageFile.capacity(), 1, 1);
glDispatchCompute(buffers.objectStorage.capacity(), 1, 1);
public void dispatchApply() {
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ public class IndirectCullingGroup<I extends Instance> {
public void add(IndirectInstancer<I> instancer, InstancerKey<I> key, MeshPool meshPool) {
instancer.pageFile = buffers.pageFile.createAllocation();
instancer.mapping = buffers.objectStorage.createMapping();
instancer.postUpdate(instancers.size(), -1);
@ -245,7 +245,7 @@ public class IndirectCullingGroup<I extends Instance> {
private void uploadInstances(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer) {
for (var instancer : instancers) {
instancer.uploadInstances(stagingBuffer, buffers.pageFile.objects.handle());
instancer.uploadInstances(stagingBuffer, buffers.objectStorage.objectBuffer.handle());
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.indirect;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import org.jetbrains.annotations.UnknownNullability;
import org.joml.Vector4fc;
import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil;
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
private final AtomicBitSet changedPages = new AtomicBitSet();
public InstancePager.Allocation pageFile;
public ObjectStorage.@UnknownNullability Mapping mapping;
private int modelIndex = -1;
private int baseInstance = -1;
@ -42,14 +43,14 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
protected void setRangeChanged(int start, int end) {
super.setRangeChanged(start, end);
changedPages.set(InstancePager.object2Page(start), InstancePager.object2Page(end) + 1);
changedPages.set(ObjectStorage.objectIndex2PageIndex(start), ObjectStorage.objectIndex2PageIndex(end) + 1);
public void addDraw(IndirectDraw draw) {
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
public void postUpdate(int modelIndex, int baseInstance) {
this.modelIndex = modelIndex;
this.baseInstance = baseInstance;
pageFile.update(modelIndex, instanceCount());
mapping.update(modelIndex, instanceCount());
public void writeModel(long ptr) {
@ -81,20 +82,20 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
public void uploadInstances(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer, int instanceVbo) {
int numPages = pageFile.pageCount();
int numPages = mapping.pageCount();
var instanceCount = instances.size();
for (int page = changedPages.nextSetBit(0); page >= 0 && page < numPages; page = changedPages.nextSetBit(page + 1)) {
int startObject = InstancePager.page2Object(page);
int startObject = ObjectStorage.pageIndex2ObjectIndex(page);
if (startObject >= instanceCount) {
int endObject = Math.min(instanceCount, InstancePager.page2Object(page + 1));
int endObject = Math.min(instanceCount, ObjectStorage.pageIndex2ObjectIndex(page + 1));
long baseByte = pageFile.page2ByteOffset(page);
long baseByte = mapping.page2ByteOffset(page);
long size = (endObject - startObject) * instanceStride;
stagingBuffer.enqueueCopy(size, instanceVbo, baseByte, ptr -> {
@ -115,7 +116,7 @@ public class IndirectInstancer<I extends Instance> extends AbstractInstancer<I>
public int modelIndex() {
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import org.lwjgl.system.MemoryUtil;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.backend.engine.AbstractArena;
import dev.engine_room.flywheel.lib.memory.MemoryBlock;
public class InstancePager extends AbstractArena {
public class ObjectStorage extends AbstractArena {
// 32 objects per page. Allows for convenient bitsets on the gpu.
public static final int LOG_2_PAGE_SIZE = 5;
public static final int PAGE_SIZE = 1 << LOG_2_PAGE_SIZE;
@ -15,38 +15,39 @@ public class InstancePager extends AbstractArena {
public static final int INITIAL_PAGES_ALLOCATED = 4;
private MemoryBlock pageTableData;
public final ResizableStorageBuffer objects;
public final ResizableStorageBuffer pageTable;
* The GPU side buffer containing all the objects, logically divided into page frames.
public final ResizableStorageBuffer objectBuffer;
* The GPU side buffer containing 32 bit descriptors for each page frame.
public final ResizableStorageBuffer frameDescriptorBuffer;
* The CPU side memory block containing the page descriptors.
private MemoryBlock frameDescriptors;
private boolean needsUpload = false;
public InstancePager(long objectSizeBytes) {
public ObjectStorage(long objectSizeBytes) {
super(PAGE_SIZE * objectSizeBytes);
this.objects = new ResizableStorageBuffer();
this.pageTable = new ResizableStorageBuffer();
this.objectBuffer = new ResizableStorageBuffer();
this.frameDescriptorBuffer = new ResizableStorageBuffer();
pageTableData = MemoryBlock.malloc(INITIAL_PAGES_ALLOCATED * Integer.BYTES);
objects.ensureCapacity(INITIAL_PAGES_ALLOCATED * elementSizeBytes);
pageTable.ensureCapacity(INITIAL_PAGES_ALLOCATED * Integer.BYTES);
objectBuffer.ensureCapacity(INITIAL_PAGES_ALLOCATED * elementSizeBytes);
frameDescriptorBuffer.ensureCapacity(INITIAL_PAGES_ALLOCATED * Integer.BYTES);
frameDescriptors = MemoryBlock.malloc(INITIAL_PAGES_ALLOCATED * Integer.BYTES);
public static int object2Page(int objectIndex) {
return objectIndex >> LOG_2_PAGE_SIZE;
public static int page2Object(int pageIndex) {
return pageIndex << LOG_2_PAGE_SIZE;
public Allocation createAllocation() {
return new Allocation();
public Mapping createMapping() {
return new Mapping();
public long byteCapacity() {
return objects.capacity();
return objectBuffer.capacity();
@ -57,56 +58,57 @@ public class InstancePager extends AbstractArena {
protected void grow() {
pageTableData = pageTableData.realloc(pageTableData.size() * 2);
objects.ensureCapacity(objects.capacity() * 2);
pageTable.ensureCapacity(pageTable.capacity() * 2);
objectBuffer.ensureCapacity(objectBuffer.capacity() * 2);
frameDescriptorBuffer.ensureCapacity(frameDescriptorBuffer.capacity() * 2);
frameDescriptors = frameDescriptors.realloc(frameDescriptors.size() * 2);
public void uploadTable(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer) {
public void uploadDescriptors(StagingBuffer stagingBuffer) {
if (!needsUpload) {
// We could be smarter about which spans are uploaded but this thing is so small it's probably not worth it.
stagingBuffer.enqueueCopy(pageTableData.ptr(), pageTableData.size(), pageTable.handle(), 0);
stagingBuffer.enqueueCopy(frameDescriptors.ptr(), frameDescriptors.size(), frameDescriptorBuffer.handle(), 0);
needsUpload = false;
public void delete() {
private long ptrForPage(int page) {
return pageTableData.ptr() + (long) page * Integer.BYTES;
return frameDescriptors.ptr() + (long) page * Integer.BYTES;
public class Allocation {
public static final int[] EMPTY_ALLOCATION = new int[0];
public int[] pages = EMPTY_ALLOCATION;
public static int objectIndex2PageIndex(int objectIndex) {
return objectIndex >> LOG_2_PAGE_SIZE;
public static int pageIndex2ObjectIndex(int pageIndex) {
return pageIndex << LOG_2_PAGE_SIZE;
* Maps serial object indices to pages, and manages the allocation of pages.
public class Mapping {
private static final int[] EMPTY_ALLOCATION = new int[0];
private int[] pages = EMPTY_ALLOCATION;
private int modelIndex = -1;
private int objectCount = 0;
* Calculates the page descriptor for the given page index.
* Runs under the assumption than all pages are full except maybe the last one.
* Adjust this allocation to the given model index and object count.
* <p>This method triggers eager resizing of the allocation to fit the new object count.
* If the model index is different from the current one, all frame descriptors will be updated.
* @param modelIndex The model index the objects in this allocation are associated with.
* @param objectCount The number of objects in this allocation.
private int calculatePageDescriptor(int pageIndex) {
int countInPage;
if (objectCount % PAGE_SIZE != 0 && pageIndex == pages.length - 1) {
// Last page && it isn't full -> use the remainder.
countInPage = objectCount & PAGE_MASK;
} else if (objectCount > 0) {
// Full page.
countInPage = PAGE_SIZE;
} else {
// Empty page, this shouldn't be reachable because we eagerly free empty pages.
countInPage = 0;
return (modelIndex & 0x3FFFFF) | (countInPage << 26);
public void update(int modelIndex, int objectCount) {
boolean incremental = this.modelIndex == modelIndex;
@ -115,13 +117,13 @@ public class InstancePager extends AbstractArena {
InstancePager.this.needsUpload = true;
ObjectStorage.this.needsUpload = true;
this.modelIndex = modelIndex;
this.objectCount = objectCount;
var oldLength = pages.length;
var newLength = object2Page((objectCount + PAGE_MASK));
var newLength = objectIndex2PageIndex((objectCount + PAGE_MASK));
if (oldLength > newLength) {
// Eagerly free the now unnecessary pages.
@ -153,6 +155,42 @@ public class InstancePager extends AbstractArena {
public int pageCount() {
return pages.length;
public long page2ByteOffset(int page) {
return ObjectStorage.this.byteOffsetOf(pages[page]);
public void delete() {
for (int page : pages) {
modelIndex = -1;
objectCount = 0;
* Calculates the page descriptor for the given page index.
* Runs under the assumption than all pages are full except maybe the last one.
private int calculatePageDescriptor(int pageIndex) {
int countInPage;
if (objectCount % PAGE_SIZE != 0 && pageIndex == pages.length - 1) {
// Last page && it isn't full -> use the remainder.
countInPage = objectCount & PAGE_MASK;
} else if (objectCount > 0) {
// Full page.
countInPage = PAGE_SIZE;
} else {
// Empty page, this shouldn't be reachable because we eagerly free empty pages.
countInPage = 0;
return (modelIndex & 0x3FFFFF) | (countInPage << 26);
private void updateRange(int start, int oldLength) {
for (int i = start; i < oldLength; i++) {
MemoryUtil.memPutInt(ptrForPage(pages[i]), calculatePageDescriptor(i));
@ -163,7 +201,7 @@ public class InstancePager extends AbstractArena {
pages = Arrays.copyOf(pages, neededPages);
for (int i = oldLength; i < neededPages; i++) {
var page = InstancePager.this.alloc();
var page = ObjectStorage.this.alloc();
pages[i] = page;
@ -171,31 +209,10 @@ public class InstancePager extends AbstractArena {
private void shrink(int oldLength, int neededPages) {
for (int i = oldLength - 1; i >= neededPages; i--) {
var page = pages[i];
pages = Arrays.copyOf(pages, neededPages);
public int capacity() {
return pages.length << LOG_2_PAGE_SIZE;
public int pageCount() {
return pages.length;
public long page2ByteOffset(int page) {
return InstancePager.this.byteOffsetOf(pages[page]);
public void delete() {
for (int page : pages) {
modelIndex = -1;
objectCount = 0;
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ const uint _FLW_PAGE_COUNT_OFFSET = 26u;
// Bottom 26 bits for the model index.
layout(std430, binding = _FLW_MODEL_INDEX_BUFFER_BINDING) restrict readonly buffer ModelIndexBuffer {
uint _flw_pageTable[];
layout(std430, binding = _FLW_PAGE_FRAME_DESCRIPTOR_BUFFER_BINDING) restrict readonly buffer PageFrameDescriptorBuffer {
uint _flw_pageFrameDescriptors[];
layout(std430, binding = _FLW_MODEL_BUFFER_BINDING) restrict buffer ModelBuffer {
@ -62,11 +62,11 @@ bool _flw_isVisible(uint instanceIndex, uint modelIndex) {
void main() {
uint pageIndex = gl_WorkGroupID.x;
if (pageIndex >= _flw_pageTable.length()) {
if (pageIndex >= _flw_pageFrameDescriptors.length()) {
uint packedModelIndexAndCount = _flw_pageTable[pageIndex];
uint packedModelIndexAndCount = _flw_pageFrameDescriptors[pageIndex];
uint pageInstanceCount = packedModelIndexAndCount >> _FLW_PAGE_COUNT_OFFSET;
Add table
Reference in a new issue