- Only one task engine for everything now
- Fixes crash on LightUpdater init when Flywheel is off
- Attempt to wrangle InstanceWorld init code
- Misc. cleanup/renaming
- Remove BooleanConfig, BooleanConfigCommand, and BooleanDirective
- Make Flywheel.VERSION private so it cannot be changed
- Move createUpdateLimiter from FlwConfig to InstanceManager
- Extract update limiting behavior to interface
- Move original impl to BandedPrimeLimiter
- Add dummy NonLimiter impl
- Add command/config to toggle update limiting
- Refactor InstanceManager to be more consistent between frame updates and tick updates
- Bump version - 0.6.1
- GlCompat now a singleton, doesn't need to be re-created
- Fix crash with F3 open and backend off
- Clear program spec map before loading
- Merge FlywheelClient and Flywheel classes
- Combine InstanceFactories and FlywheelRendered into
- Store these controllers directly in the BlockEntity/Entity type
instead of a map for efficiency
- Redo InstancedRenderRegistry to fit these changes
- Rename all tile to block entity
- Remove all interface I prefixes
- Organize imports
- Bump version to 0.5.1
- Use Flywheel.rl and Flywheel.ID where ever possible
- Rename Flywheel.log to LOGGER
- Don't add namespace to network channel version
- Use counter for packet IDs
- Fix matrix mixins being applied on dedicated server
- Expand PartialModel functionality: add location getter and model
- Remove Loader.getResourceType since selective reloading is deprecated
- Organize imports and mixin order
- Other formatting
- Update Gradle and Forge
- Rename Client to FlywheelClient
- Remove Shadow plugin
- Remove generated source set
- Remove unused properties in gradle.properties
- Organize all imports
- Thanks for the list pepper!
- Added /flywheel backend command to replace /create experimentalRendering
- Added /flywheel normalOverlay command
- Need to think more about a good way to do this in a client only way
- Added basic config
- Logo in README.md (thanks, dani!)