- Only publish api/lib and full jars for platforms
- Do not eagerly create outgoing configurations for JarTaskSet
- Add method to create outgoing configuration
- Clean up JarTaskSet creation and move some string constants to statics
- Set @CompileStatic
- Remove ${name} classifier prefix from JarTaskSet jars
- Put JarTaskSet jars into subdirectories in the output folders
- Add configure and configureEach methods to JarTaskSet
- Rename OutgoingConfigurationPlugin -> JarSetPlugin and move extension
to root module so idea offers completions in gradle files
- Standardize artifact naming flywheel-$platform(-api)?-$mcversion
- Upgrade platform script plugin to pre-compiled groovy plugin
- It was getting really difficult to manage all the logic/plugins/types
from the basic script, and implementing a real plugin gives us much
better type safety and IDE access to upstream plugins
- Separate api/lib/backend/impl in platform projects
- Add platform module output to main runtime classpath so the fabric
loader recognizes our additional modules
- Use convention plugins for common build logic
- Convention plugins get to be applied in the plugins block and can load
other plugins
- Move GeneratePackageInfosTask to its own file in buildSrc
- Apply GeneratePackageInfosTask to every sourceSet
- Separate common project into 4 source sets
- Declare outgoing configurations for forge/fabric to depend on
- Re-compile source from each source set in each platform's compileJava
- Move common build script stuff to buildSrc
- Set ideaSyncTask finalizedBy generatePackageInfos directly in
- Enable loom multiproject optimization, though not sure if it makes a
difference for us yet