- Brass tunnels once again have the ability to synchronize inputs among a chain
- Mechanical arms now have a range limitation
- Mechanical arms now wait with initialization until their area is fully loaded
- Chutes no longer ignore the direction of an attached fans air flow
- Chutes now render particles indicating their movement direction
- Chutes can now pull items up from belts or off the ground
- Fixed item model of shadow casing
- Fixed invisible quads under funnels when no casing is applied to the belt
- Belt mounted funnels can now be perpendicular to the belt theyre on
- Funnels can now transpose items like a hopper when facing down
- add a dev utility that allows us to force-unload chunks
- move mechanical arm scrollbox
- fix oxidizing blocks trying to access a blockstate from unloaded chunks when on the border
- Expanded the RecipeProvider infrastructure
- Migrated mechanical crafting recipes to generated
- Migrated cooking recipes to generated
- Fixed missing particles on vertical motor model
- Adjusted a few recipes
- Reworked and cleaned up Create's ProcessingRecipes
- Prepared ProcessingRecipes for fluid ingredients and outputs
- Added datagen infrastructure to ProcessingRecipes
- Migrated all hand-written ProcessingRecipes to generated
- Removed scrollinput on mixers
- Fixed recipe lookup cache not invalidating on datapack reload
- Removed "catalyst" ingredients
- Added blockstates, models and TE rendering for mechanical pumps
- Removed unused pipe textures
- Removed hasStaticPart in IWrenchable as it became obsolete in 1.15
- Bumped version
- Serverconfig now registers together with the others
- Added missing stress config entries for components without a default stress impact greater than zero
- bumped version
- Tagged stone variants from Create palettes to generate in a terraforged world type
- Schematic previews can now render TEs
- Schematic renderer no longer relies on negative scale and noCull for mirrored previews (fixes a few inconsistencies)
- Avoided blending issues with the outliner system when using multiple textures throughout a batch
- Introduced SuperRenderTypeBuffer as an attempt to give options for render order in the RWLE context (does not fix the early flushing in the fallback buffer)
- All Items are now using registrate
- Blockzapper now renders an outline around its affected area
- Ported rainbow debug ™️
- Reworked the custom item model/renderer system
- Schematics now preview their structure again
- SuperByteBuffers now support being rendered into non-BufferBuilders
- CT behaviour is no longer tied to blocks implementing interfaces
- Custom models and connected textures can now be assigned in a custom blockbuider
- Ported framed glass to Palette Registrate
- Clutch, Gearshift and Gearbox joined the registrate
- Fixed belt and gearbox items not being assigned creative tabs properly
- Cleaned up and extended the blockstate generator helpers
- Removed advancements from static assets
- Added datagen .cache to gitignore
- Split the palettes section into its own Creative tab
- Fixed Clutch and Gearshift rendering their casing in the TER
- Added Zinc and Brass Block
- Added compat for mechanical Saw with BoP's logs
- Fixed Crafters and Mixers not handling container items properly
- Fixed Shafts not dropping when breaking a belt segment with pulley
- Added missing loot table for copper blocks and shingles
- Features now get registered on init, addresses #102
- Fixed motors starting with a scrollvalue of 0
- Fixed deployers not initializing properly
- Saws can now break leaves when moved
- Kinetic networks now actually incorporate pre-config-update capacity/impact of a component
- Clockwork Bearing no longer rotates counter-clockwise when facing certain directions
- Nether Quartz can no longer be obtained from crushing Granite, Diorite or Andesite
- Reorganized and Tweaked the current advancement chain
- Removed unused values in recipe files
- Caught up on Item Descriptions
added a few soundevents for custom subtitles
sounds.json can be generated by launching the main in foundation/utility/data/Generator.java (this should be done before starting the client when new sound events were added)
- Saws are now portable and chop trees while mounted
- Portable contraptions can now hold an inventory
- Saw, Drill and Harvester now fill a contraptions internal storage before dropping items
- Mounted blocks can now hold moving contraptions in place
- Saw and Drill now briefly stall contraptions while breaking blocks in front of themselves
- Refactored IHaveMovementBehaviour to IPortableBlock and MovementBehaviour
- Fixed Harvester blades rotating in the wrong direction sometimes
- Shadows on portable contraptions are now a little less aggressive
- Added a block for item exchange with storage on contraptions
- Fixed link range config registering with wrong id
- Added a utility for purposely slowing down animations on the client to match server tps
- Smart Tileentities now lazy tick on initialization
- Fixed crash when breaking active bearings
- Fixed crash when cart assembler fails to assemble a contraption
- Fixed goggles having missing textures
- Reworked Schematicannon Model
- Removed Schematicannon Creatifier from creative tab
- Created a new config foundation
- Moved all configurable values to the new system
- Worldgen can now be controlled by the config
- Worldgen reloads dynamically when the config file changes
- Tweaked Worldgen parameters and reworked feature registration
- Added Create's stone variants to World gen
- Removed old Advancement managers
- Removed all unfinished logistical features from the registry
- Added new Crafting ingredients
- Added Sand Paper, for a polishing recipe type and repairing tools
- Changed Blockzapper materials
- Added the ability to include catalyst-ingredients in processing recipes
- Added some ingredient/output count validation for processing recipes
- Deployers now spawn particles when using certain items
- Players can now interact with the deployer to swap held items
- Belts now accept brass casing instead of logistical casing
- Introduced a new material chain
- Added a whole bunch of recipes
- Added a TileEntity behaviour Interface
- Added SmartTileEntities, able to execute behaviours via delegation, replacing old Interface-based approaches
- Re-Implemented Filterable tiles/blocks as a TEBehaviour
- Re-Implemented Redstone-Linkable tiles/blocks as a TEBehaviour
- Added a base block for directional logistical attachments
- Belt Funnels are now Funnels
- Funnels can now face any direction
- Added Transposer blocks and Linked Transposer blocks (missing extraction behaviour)
- Unified in-world itemslot rendering used by filters and links
- Re-designed funnel, belt funnel and belt observer to match the extractor
- Started work on improved logistical casings
- Linear Chassis (formerly translation chassis) now connect textures
- Added Engineer's Goggles
- Added Custom Particle for Speed level indications
- Added Volcanic Rock and the ability to give blocks smooth colors based on their position