- Fixed containers dropping items when moved while also holding on to them
- Fixed filters dropping when a filterable tile entity gets moved
- Fixed actors rotating in the central axis of a bearing contraption not activating as no new positions are visited
- Shulker boxes can now be moved in a contraption
- Fixed general tile entities not rendering on moving contraptions
- Chests and Flexcrates can now be used as portable storage in a moving contraption
- Fixed mechanical pistons not moving on the first activation
- Fixed occasional crash when moving deployers
- Made some more blocks piston-safe
- Double flexcrates now split when at least one half gets picked up by a contraption
- Added the Rotation Speed Controller for achieving precise speed values in survival mode (like the motor in 0.1)
- Introduced a builder pattern for voxelshape(r) creation
- Chassis blocks now visualize their range blocks when selected with a wrench
- Fixed Bearings and other actors selecting moved blocks as if they were being pushed in a direction
- Fixed Radial chassis not connecting to each other consistently
- Added Powered Latch and Powered Toggle Latch (Redstone circuits)
- Window-logging now works with modded glass panes, that do not have the tag on their item, but the block only
- Chassis can now be edited in bulk by holding down Ctrl
- Chained block movement no longer marks blocks for movement if they are in front of a block breaker
- Making a chassis sticky no longer uses up slime balls
- Chassis can now be made sticky on all sides if a sticky side is clicked once again
- Fixed linear chassis picking up blocks attached to other chassis' lines, even if not sticky
- Fixed horizontal rotation and mirroring of chassis blocks and their sticky sides
- Structures rotated in a Contraption now try to rotate themselves and their blocks toward the nearest axis-alinged direction when disassembled
- Fans no longer shoot testing rays if the target block shape is completely filled or empty (trivial case)
- Fans can now blow through iron bars again
- Fixed crash when adjusting motors
- Fixed missing icons in blockzapper & schematicannon interface
- Reworked the drill model
- Added more tags to #windowable
- Leather horse armor no longer crushes into iron nuggets
- Pistons, Bearings and Pulleys now have a ScrollInput for selecting when to place moved structures back into the world
- Added copper blocks with oxidation effect
- Pistons and Pulleys no longer move inconsistently when disassembled and assembled at intermediate offsets
- Saws are now portable and chop trees while mounted
- Portable contraptions can now hold an inventory
- Saw, Drill and Harvester now fill a contraptions internal storage before dropping items
- Mounted blocks can now hold moving contraptions in place
- Saw and Drill now briefly stall contraptions while breaking blocks in front of themselves
- Refactored IHaveMovementBehaviour to IPortableBlock and MovementBehaviour
- Fixed Harvester blades rotating in the wrong direction sometimes
- Shadows on portable contraptions are now a little less aggressive
- Added a block for item exchange with storage on contraptions
- Fixed link range config registering with wrong id
- Added a utility for purposely slowing down animations on the client to match server tps
- Smart Tileentities now lazy tick on initialization
- Fixed crash when breaking active bearings
- Fixed crash when cart assembler fails to assemble a contraption
- Fixed goggles having missing textures
- Reworked Schematicannon Model
- Removed Schematicannon Creatifier from creative tab
- Created a new config foundation
- Moved all configurable values to the new system
- Worldgen can now be controlled by the config
- Worldgen reloads dynamically when the config file changes
- Tweaked Worldgen parameters and reworked feature registration
- Added Create's stone variants to World gen
- Moved all block partials used only for rendering out of the registry
- Refactored model registry hooks and custom block model handling
- Added a safety layer for all tile entity renderers, addresses #76
- Overstressed indicator no longer shows when the kinetic source changes
- Fixed framed glass rendering glass textures inbetween blocks
- Fixed blockzapper adding itself twice to the item group
- Fixed basing not spawning particles properly
- Updated Forge
- Reworked Schematicannon model
- Deployers can now use buckets properly
- Deployers can interact with entities
- Deployers can use items to hurt entities and break blocks
- Deployers can left-click blocks
- Deployers automatically pick up items gathered from interacting with or killing entities
- Deployers eject collected items when no Inventory is adjacent
- Fixed Deployers throwing projectiles from the wrong height
- Fixed blocks not dropping applied filter items
- Fixed adjustable crates not invalidating their inventory
- Fixed shift-clicking in crate guis
- Fixed vertical funnels not dropping when destroyed
- Added NBT utility for writing and reading lists
- Torque generators no longer show stress impact levels
- Added Filters for matching outputs against a group of items / nested filters
- Added Attribute Filters for matching outputs against a collection of item properties
- Extraction count on Extractors and Transposers can now be adjusted through scrolling on the value box
- Crafters now apply crafting recipes to held items and play an animation
- Connected textures now also apply to the sides
- Fixed inventory manipulating behaviours not initializing in time
- Extractors and Transposers now work when attached on belt casing
- Removed extraction delay for extractors putting items on belts
- Funnels and transposers now insert onto belts with their corresponding input direction
- Chained belts no longer space items out to 1.5m
- Belts now merge items properly
- Extractors, funnels and Transposers now take turns when inserting to/extracting from belts
- Inserting items on a segment no longer skips belt attachment processing
- Fixed belt tunnels not flapping properly when items are exactly 1m apart
- Overlapping items on merging belts should now have less z-fighting issues
- Fixed Transposers pulling more items than it can insert
- Fixed a few items in value boxes not displaying properly
- Added behaviours to the Transposer tileentity
- Created new Inserting Behaviour for item management
- Fixed extractors syncing with extractors attached to other inventories
- Added a TileEntity behaviour Interface
- Added SmartTileEntities, able to execute behaviours via delegation, replacing old Interface-based approaches
- Re-Implemented Filterable tiles/blocks as a TEBehaviour
- Re-Implemented Redstone-Linkable tiles/blocks as a TEBehaviour
- Added a base block for directional logistical attachments
- Belt Funnels are now Funnels
- Funnels can now face any direction
- Added Transposer blocks and Linked Transposer blocks (missing extraction behaviour)
- Unified in-world itemslot rendering used by filters and links
- Re-designed funnel, belt funnel and belt observer to match the extractor
- Started work on improved logistical casings