- Refactored JEI plugin to use a builder for categories
- The mixer can now process vanilla potion recipes
- JEI support for fluid potion mixing
- Refined some categories to not show obsolete information
- Compacting and automatic vanilla packing are now in separate tabs
- Fluids can now be manually picked up from a basin
- Basins and Spouts can now extract from and fill vanilla potion items
- Improved the filtering for fluid tests, such as the basin recipe and smart pipes
- Fixed CombinedTankWrapper losing nbt data of transferred fluidstacks
- Fluids in JEI now display the exact amount required
- Fixed short background of custom compacting JEI
- Fixed localization of sawing recipe category
- Fixed blocks waterlogged by a pump not scheduling a fluid update
- Arms can no longer feed random junk to a jukebox
- Arms are no longer oblivious to hot-swapped blocks in its target areas
- Arms can now directly extract from and insert to Deployers and Crafters
- Arms can now feed blaze burners
- Fixed brass funnels deleting items inserted into a full or stalled inventory
- Fixed brass funnels in hopper mode not showing amounts on filters when transferring between server-only inventories
- Arms & Deployers can now be paused using a redstone signal; stopping them after their next completed cycle
- Fixed zapper tools not applying changes when the screen is closed using the confirm button
- Reorganized valve handle registration
- Added more preliminary recipes
- Rows of nixie tubes will now display text from a name tag used on them
- Nixie tubes will dynamically update score/selector/nbt components in the displayed text
- The collision response now (semi)-supports yaw-pitch combined rotations of contraptions
- Attempted collision and rendering of contraption couplings moving up and downhill
- Fixed sychronization issues of a mounted contraptions' initial orientation
- Contraption couplings no longer render the virtual coupling connection
- Entities can no longer mount the cart connected by another carts' contraption
- Contraption coupligs no longer rotate backwards when opposite couplings are added onto it
- Minecarts no longer deadlock each other when one of them had stalled due to an unloaded coupling end
- Cart assemblers only disassemble coupling contraptions if both carts are within an inactive cart assembler
- Fixed interactions between coupling contraptions and furnace/chest minecart invs
- Fixed concurrency / race condition issues with contraptions loading in during a collision cycle
- Reworked implementation model of minecart tracking and couplings
- Coupling items now get consumed when used in survival mode
- Added some player feedback when couplings cannot be created
- Fixed couplings disappearing on the client due to sync issues
- Wrenches can now remove minecarts in one hit
- Wrenches can now be used to remove couplings from minecarts
- Cart assemblers now attach themselves to the block above, no longer requiring active "sticky-ness" of the contraption towards it
- Minecarts can no longer be moved while a contraption is stalling them
- Fixed players flailing their limbs around while standing still on a moving contraption
- Attempted to reduce drag of remote player positions while on a contraption
- Contraptions no longer log out with the player riding them
- Attribute filters are now made of brass
- Added the ability to disable auto-compat with vanilla recipe types in the configs
- Added a recipe type for custom basin/press compacting
- Basins can now process items and liquids in recipes
- Input items/fluids of a basin can now be extracted or reused in further processing
- A basin diagonally below another basin with collect outputs of recipes processed in the top basin for ease of automation
- (Temporary debug recipes)
- Visual rework of all active UIs
- Fixed large scale renderers such as belts, cannons, pulleys to disappear when partially out of frame
- Schematic and Quill now has the ability to convert a selection to a readied schematic instantly
- Moved option input of cart assemblers to side faces
- Fixed crash when attempting to smelt items on belts/depots
- Stockpile switches can now be inverted
- Fixed stockpile switches not dynamically updating gui indicators frequently enough
- Tanks can no longer be directly interacted with in survival mode
- Sequenced gearshifts now emit a comparator signal based on their current instruction index
- The Piston instruction for sequencers can now accept distances up to 128m
- Fixed some rendering inconsistencies with symmetry mirrors
- Reworked symmetry mirror models to match the tool better
- Attribute filters can now add inverted conditions to the list
- Added the attribute "can be crushed"
- Made the schematicannon interface a little less confusing
- Fixed launched items of the schematicannon rendering warped
- Added a straight pipe variant to cut flows using rotational input
- Added a slower more precise variant of the hand crank
- Basins now render their contained fluids
- Implemented new PSI models by Kryppers
- PSIs are now used in pairs like contacts
- PSIs now act as an inventory proxy of the attached contraption
- Comparators can detect when two PSIs are interfacing
- Contraptions will continue moving after a second of inactivity