- All palette variants now have auto-generated stairs, slabs and walls for certain patterns
- Layered variant types have connected textures again
- Centralized all SpriteShifts
- CT behaviour is no longer tied to blocks implementing interfaces
- Custom models and connected textures can now be assigned in a custom blockbuider
- Ported framed glass to Palette Registrate
- Fixed uv issues with connected textures
- Fixed chromatic scope not showing on blockzappers
- Refactored game element rendering in user interfaces, such as JEI screens
- Ore features no longer spawn in the "void" or "hell" biome
- Fixed Minecart contraptions killing their own mount using saws/drills
- Pistons, Bearings and Pulleys can now be moved unless they are moving something themselves
- Fixed cart assemblers blocking in the powered rail kickstart logic
- Piston poles can now be moved
- Crushing wheels no longer spawn missing texture particles when sprinting on the central block
- Deployers' hand items can now be directly inserted/extracted using hoppers, extractors, funnels, etc
- Fixed Deployers not dropping held items when destroyed
- Millstones now empty their input inventory when clicked on while their output buffer is empty
- Millstones no longer accept items they cannot process
- Fixed hoppers not being able to pull items from belts in certain cases
- Fixed adjustable crates corrupting chunks
- Fixed UV shifts not working consistently with high-res resource packs
- Fixed window panes not connecting their textures with windowlogged blocks
- Fixed buttons and pressure plates not resetting after being moved
- Fixed missing tooltips on custom swords
- Redstone links now move when the block they are attached to is moved
- Revisited every unchecked TileEntity cast
- Redstone Links can now be toggled with a wrench
- Redstong Links are now portable on contraptions
- Schematicannon no longer inserts held schematics automatically
- Saws no longer accept items when their speed is zero
- Connected texture contexts are no longer queried for invisible faces
- Shafts and cogs now place inpendent of the preffered orientation when sneaking
- Moving block breakers no longer apply damage to itementities
- Fixed inconsistent block collision prediction for pistons when assembling
- Sequenced Gearshift no longer resets when UI closed without changes
- Minor Improvements to Seq. Gearshift UI usablilty
- Fixed encoding issues with degree symbol
- Fertilized Trees no longer replace semi-solid/collideable blocks with their leaves
- Fixed server crash on startup
- Fixed crash when entities get killed by anything other than players
- Pulleys no longer force push blocks below them
- Drill and Saw now applies damage to entities while moved in a contraption
- Made tooltip formatting a tad more lenient
- Added contraption collision to Pistons and Pulleys - applied by stationary blocks, other contraptions and entities. (needs polish)
- Moved all block partials used only for rendering out of the registry
- Refactored model registry hooks and custom block model handling
- Added a safety layer for all tile entity renderers, addresses #76
- Overstressed indicator no longer shows when the kinetic source changes
- Fixed framed glass rendering glass textures inbetween blocks
- Fixed blockzapper adding itself twice to the item group
- Fixed basing not spawning particles properly
- Updated Forge
- Reworked Schematicannon model
- Item holders are now initialized with suppliers
- Reduced redundancies with defining and registering custom item rendering
- Removed the Gardens module
- Fixed some colors in the existing custom item models
- Added vertically connected glass blocks for all wood variants
- Added horizontal and vertical connected windows in a neutral style
- Fixed Oxidizing blocks not progressing when next to enclosed blocks
- Added a few new sprites for crafting ingredients
- Reworked the Connected Texture system
- Added Limestone Layers to test custom CT spriteshifts
- Migrated existing CT blocks to use the new system
- Crushing wheel controllers no longer crash when in a schematic
- Added a TileEntity behaviour Interface
- Added SmartTileEntities, able to execute behaviours via delegation, replacing old Interface-based approaches
- Re-Implemented Filterable tiles/blocks as a TEBehaviour
- Re-Implemented Redstone-Linkable tiles/blocks as a TEBehaviour
- Added a base block for directional logistical attachments
- Belt Funnels are now Funnels
- Funnels can now face any direction
- Added Transposer blocks and Linked Transposer blocks (missing extraction behaviour)
- Unified in-world itemslot rendering used by filters and links
- Re-designed funnel, belt funnel and belt observer to match the extractor
- Started work on improved logistical casings
- Linear Chassis (formerly translation chassis) now connect textures
- Added Engineer's Goggles
- Added Custom Particle for Speed level indications
- Added Volcanic Rock and the ability to give blocks smooth colors based on their position
- Refactored the smart bytebuffers to use one centralized system.
- Unified caches to a single instance
- SuperByteBuffers collect transformations in a matrix rather than performing individual vertex manipulations in subclasses
- Encased fans now work on the "fake items" moving on the belt
- Chunk no longer redraws when TEs send data. (May break stuff)
- Regular fan particles are less noisy
- Items no longer spazz out when the belt is stopped
- Fixed extractors waiting indefinitely if belt is occupied
- Added the Mechanical Mixer for automated shapeless recipes
- Added the Basin holding multiple items for processing
- Added a Wrench for manipulating Scrollvalues, picking up and rotating kinetic blocks
- Extractors and Funnels now require a block to attach to
- Fixed Animation ticks being synced with the server world time
- Fixed "Magical Soaryn Gears"
- Gearboxes can now connect to each other directly
- Fixed Belt items not stacking even after finishing a link
- Fixed id downcasing not working properly in non-english environments #25
- Removed event subscriber annotations for mod & registry events
- Added more displayable slots in the Washing JEI view
- Fixed Windowed blocks referencing IBakedModel on the server
- Changed stairs to use blockstate supplier
- Fixed Symmetry Wand crashing when configured in the off-hand
- Fixed "Hold Shift" in tooltips not being translated
- Chassis now drop applied slime balls
- Slime Balls are now craftable
- Mechanical Belts now lock living entities in place
- Blockzapper recipes can now be viewed from the uses of their ingredient materials
- Configured FlexPeaters now synchronize with other players
- Fixed client crash when rendering lava in a deployed schematic #15
- Made encased fans a little less expensive
- Added other coral types to tree fertilizer recipe
- Added Logistical Controllers
- Added Logistical Casings
- Added the Logistical Index
- Added a Logistical Dial
- Started laying out logic for Logistical Networks
- Added ability to put glass panes inside partial blocks such as Fences, Stairs and Slabs.
- Added Tiled Glass and Tiled Glass Panes
- Fixed Translation Chassis pulling blocks even without being sticky
- Added Palette Blocks to corresponding tag groups
- Added translation to zh_cn (Thanks to Thirace446)
- Split gearboxes into two interchangeable Items
- Removed WIP Items from Creative Tab
- Added option to disable tooltips
- Moved common config values to synced serverconfig
- Numbers on Scrollable Blocks are centered
- Motors can be configured to rotate with negative speed
- Fixed Processing Recipes Serializer (severe)
- Fixed Moving constructs not rendering at a reasonable distance
- Mechanical Bearing always solidifies when empty
- Fixed some movement incosistencies with translation constructs
- Fixed Crushing Wheel Controller not stopping when Wheels do
- Fixed Crushing Wheels ejecting entities on world reload
- Fixed Movement inconsistencies with Mechanical Belts
- Added rotation propagation through large cogwheels connected at a 90 degree angle
- Fixed Client code being called server side
- Fixed Abstract Method errors regarding Extractors and FrequencyHolders
- Added a unit character to Flexpeater display
- Fixed additional washing outputs from flying all over the place
- Schematicannon now ignores Structure Void blocks
- Fixed Schematic hologram not displaying
- Added little indicators to the Mechanical Bearing to visualize curent angle
- Bumped version
- Washing recipes can now have stochastic outputs
- Splashing fans no longer spam the extinguish sound
- Mechanical Press now properly registers as a belt attachment
- Improved animations for Mechanical Press
- Fixed Pulse Repeaters staying powered under certain conditions
- Fixed Belt observer state sync issues
- Stopped Filters on tileentities from disappearing
- Fixed Item count not showing on filtered Extractors
- Fixed Filters not being properly handled by Extractors
- Fixed Extractors no longer being redstone locked on world reload
- Fixed Redstone Links being powered inconsistently
- Added a few more processing recipes
- Mechanical Belts can now be dyed with any color
- Added the Mechanical Press with a new Pressing recipe type
- Added the belt support, purely decorational
- Added the FlexpeaterTM
- Added some unspectacular ingredients and recipes
- Removed old chassis blocks
- Added new chasses with configurable range of effect
- Added the mechanical bearing and rotation chassis
- Motor speed can now be configured
- Added the Pulse Repeater, a simple Pulse former circuit.
- Added a Belt Funnel, along with a generic belt attachment interface.
- Fans now push or pull entities based on their rotation speed.
- Added little symbols to extractor and funnel item models